//添加用户 @Test public void insertUserTest() throws IOException { // 通过工厂得到SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = null; try { // mybatis配置文件 String resource = "SqlMapConfig.xml"; // 得到配置文件流 InputStream inputStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource); // 创建会话工厂,传入mybatis的配置文件信息 SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder() .build(inputStream); sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); User user=new User(); user.setUsername("王小明"); user.setAddress("福建福州"); user.setBirthday(new Date()); user.setSex("2"); sqlSession.insert("test.insertUser", user); sqlSession.commit(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (sqlSession != null) { // 释放资源 sqlSession.close(); } } }
<!-- 添加用户 parameterType:指定输入 参数类型是pojo(包括 用户信息) #{}中指定pojo的属性名,接收到pojo对象的属性值,mybatis通过OGNL获取对象的属性值 --> <insert id="insertUser" parameterType="ql.mybatis.pojo.User"> insert into user(username,birthday,sex,address) value(#{username},#{birthday},#{sex},#{address}) </insert>
DEBUG [main] - Logging initialized using 'class org.apache.ibatis.logging.slf4j.Slf4jImpl' adapter.
DEBUG [main] - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
DEBUG [main] - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
DEBUG [main] - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
DEBUG [main] - PooledDataSource forcefully closed/removed all connections.
DEBUG [main] - Opening JDBC Connection
DEBUG [main] - Created connection 67418210.
DEBUG [main] - Setting autocommit to false on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@404b862]
DEBUG [main] - ==> Preparing: insert into user(username,birthday,sex,address) value(?,?,?,?)
DEBUG [main] - ==> Parameters: 王小明(String), 2015-05-25 15:16:20.611(Timestamp), 2(String), 福建福州(String)
DEBUG [main] - <== Updates: 1
DEBUG [main] - Committing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@404b862]
DEBUG [main] - Resetting autocommit to true on JDBC Connection [com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@404b862]
DEBUG [main] - Closing JDBC Connection [com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@404b862]
DEBUG [main] - Returned connection 67418210 to pool.