Chiaki has n intervals and the i-th of them is [li, ri]. She wants to delete some intervals so that there does not exist three intervals a, b and c such that aintersects with b, b intersects with c and c intersects with a.
Chiaki is interested in the minimum number of intervals which need to be deleted.
Note that interval a intersects with interval b if there exists a real number x such that la ≤ x ≤ ra and lb ≤ x ≤ rb.
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 50000) -- the number of intervals.
Each of the following n lines contains two integers li and ri (1 ≤ li < ri ≤ 109) denoting the i-th interval. Note that for every 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, li ≠ lj or ri ≠ rj.
It is guaranteed that the sum of all n does not exceed 500000.
<h4< dd="">Output
For each test case, output an integer m denoting the minimum number of deletions. Then in the next line, output m integers in increasing order denoting the index of the intervals to be deleted. If m equals to 0, you should output an empty line in the second line.
<h4< dd="">Sample Input
1 11 2 5 4 7 3 9 6 11 1 12 10 15 8 17 13 18 16 20 14 21 19 22
<h4< dd="">Sample Output
4 3 5 7 10
删除最少的区间使得不存在 3个区间两两重合
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <queue> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <vector> #define pi acos(-1.0) #define eps 1e-6 #define fi first #define se second #define lson l,m,rt<<1 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1 #define bug printf("****** ") #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) #define fuck(x) cout<<"["<<x<<"]"<<endl #define f(a) a*a #define sf(n) scanf("%d", &n) #define sff(a,b) scanf("%d %d", &a, &b) #define sfff(a,b,c) scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c) #define sffff(a,b,c,d) scanf("%d %d %d %d", &a, &b, &c, &d) #define pf printf #define FRE(i,a,b) for(i = a; i <= b; i++) #define FREE(i,a,b) for(i = a; i >= b; i--) #define FRL(i,a,b) for(i = a; i < b; i++) #define FRLL(i,a,b) for(i = a; i > b; i--) #define FIN freopen("DATA.txt","r",stdin) #define gcd(a,b) __gcd(a,b) #define lowbit(x) x&-x #pragma comment (linker,"/STACK:102400000,102400000") using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef unsigned long long ULL; const int INF = 0x7fffffff; const int mod = 1e9 + 7; const int maxn = 5e5 + 10; int t, n; struct node { int x, y, id; } p[maxn]; int cmp1(node a, node b) { if (a.x == b.x) return a.y < b.y; return a.x < b.x; } int cmp2(node a, node b) { if (a.y == b.y) return a.x < b.x; return a.y > b.y; } int check(node a, node b, node c) { int cnt1 = (b.x <= a.y); int cnt2 = (c.x <= b.y && c.x <= a.y); return (cnt1 && cnt2); } int ans[maxn]; int main() { sf(t); while(t--) { sf(n); for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++) { sff(p[i].x, p[i].y); p[i].id = i; } sort(p + 1, p + 1 + n, cmp1); node x[5]; x[0] = p[1], x[1] = p[2]; int num = 0; for (int i = 3 ; i <= n ; i++) { x[2] = p[i]; sort(x, x + 3, cmp1); int flag = check(x[0], x[1], x[2]); sort(x, x + 3, cmp2); if (flag) { ans[num++] = x[0].id; swap(x[0], x[2]); } } printf("%d ", num); if (!num) { printf(" "); continue; } sort(ans, ans + num); if (!num) { printf(" "); continue; } for (int i = 0 ; i < num ; i++) printf("%d ", ans[i]); printf(" "); } return 0; }