strcpy(destination_string, source_string);
strcat(string_that_gets_appended, string_that_is_appended);51Testing软件测试网:J3~c:c[(wR%A2l
atoi(string_to_convert_to_int); //returns the integer value
itoa(integer_to_conver_to_string, destination_string, base); // base is 10
strcmp(string1, string2); // returns 0 if both strings are equal51Testing软件测试网q%USEK
strcpy( ):拷贝一个字符串到另一个字符串中.
strcat( ):添加一个字符串到另一个字符串的末尾。
strcmp( ):比较两个字符串,如果相等返回0。
Actions() { char MyString1[20] = ""; char MyString2[20] = ""; char MyString3[20] = "Mercury2"; char Cstring[10] = "12345"; int Cint; // MyString1 is empty // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // copy "Mercury1" into MyString1 // strcpy(MyString1,"Mercury1"); // Now MyString1 contains "Mercury1" // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // Copy MyString3 into MyString2 // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2); strcpy(MyString2,MyString3); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString2 = %s",MyString2); // Catenate MyString2 to MyString1 // strcat(MyString1,MyString2); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> MyString1 = %s",MyString1); // Cstring is converted to integer Cint // lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring); Cint = atoi(Cstring); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cint = %d",Cint); // Cint is converted to string Cint = 100; itoa(Cint,Cstring,10); lr_output_message(">>>>>>>>>> Cstring = %s",Cstring); return 0; }
LoadRunner字符串比较的常见错误 最近在论坛上看到有人提问LoadRunner如何对两个字符串进行比较,其脚本中两个字符串进行比较结果总是不一样的。我把问题整理了一下以便注意这个容易被忽略的错误。 脚本如下: ... lr_save_string( "Hello World!","string1" ); lr_save_string( "Hello World!","string2" ); result = strcmp("string1","string2"); if ( result == 0 ) { lr_output_message("the result is 0."); } else { lr_output_message("the result is not 0."); } 大家可以看出脚本那里错了吗? 问题错在result = strcmp("string1","string2");这个上,这样变成了对字符串"string1"和"string2"的比较,而不是对变量的值进行比较,因此比较结果肯定是不一样的。 正确的写法有两种: result = strcmp(&string1,&string2); result = strcmp(lr_eval_string("{string1}"),lr_eval_string("{string2}"));
1)strcat编辑本段回目录 char *strcat ( char *to, const char *from ); 功能:链接两个字符串。 例子: 这个例子是用strcat链接字符串:Cheers_Lee和 @hotmail.com 脚本如下: char test[1024], *a = "@hotmail.com"; strcpy(test, "Cheers_Lee"); strcat(test, a); lr_output_message("We can see %s",test); 运行后在executon log中看到如下语句: Starting action Action. Action.c(16): We can see Cheers_Lee@hotmail.com 2)strchr编辑本段回目录 char *strchr ( const char *string, int c ); 功能:返回字符串中指定字符后面的字符串。 例子: 这个例子是返回第一个出现e字符以后所有的字符,和最后一次出现e字符以后所有的字符。 脚本如下: char *string = "Cheers is a tester"; char *first_e, *last_e; first_e = (char *)strchr(string, 'e'); lr_output_message("We can see the first occurrence of e: %s",first_e); last_e = (char *)strrchr(string, 'e'); lr_output_message("We can see the last occurrence of e: %s", last_e); 运行后在executon log中看到如下语句: Starting action Action. Action.c(12): We can see the first occurrence of e: eers is a tester Action.c(14): We can see the last occurrence of e: er 3)Strcmp&stricmp编辑本段回目录 int strcmp ( const char *string1, const char *string2 );大小写敏感。 int stricmp ( const char *string1, const char *string2 );大小写不敏感。 功能:比较字符串。 例子: 按是否区分大小写对比两个字符串,并打印出它们的大小关系。 脚本如下: int result; char tmp[20]; char string1[] = "We can see the string:Cheers"; char string2[] = "We can see the string:cheers"; result = strcmp( string1, string2 ); if( result > 0 ) strcpy( tmp, "大于" ); else if( result < 0 ) strcpy( tmp, "小于" ); else strcpy( tmp, "等于" ); lr_output_message( "strcmp: String 1 %s string 2", tmp ); result = stricmp( string1, string2 ); if( result > 0 ) strcpy( tmp, "大于" ); else if( result < 0 ) strcpy( tmp, "小于" ); else strcpy( tmp, "等于" ); lr_output_message( "stricmp: String 1 %s string 2", tmp ); 运行后在executon log中看到如下语句: Starting action Action. Action.c(22): strcmp: String 1 小于 string 2 Action.c(33): stricmp: String 1 等于 string 2 4)strcpy编辑本段回目录 char *strcpy ( char *dest, const char *source ); 功能:复制一个字符串到另一个字符串中。 例子: 复制一个字符串到字符数组中,并打印出来。 脚本如下: char test[1024]; strcpy(test, "what can we see?"); lr_output_message("%s", test); 运行后在executon log中看到如下语句: Starting action Action. Action.c(10): what can we see? 5)Strdup& strlwr编辑本段回目录 char *strdup ( const char *string ); 功能:复制一个字符串。 char *strlwr ( char *string ); 功能:转换成小写字母。 例子: 在这个例子中,Vuser的组名被转换为小写字母。但是lr_whoami把组名作为静态buffer返回。这样的buffer不能被操作。如果有操作需要,就复制这个静态buffer。 脚本如下: int id; char *groupname_static, *groupname; lr_whoami(&id, &groupname_static, NULL); lr_output_message("groupname=%s", groupname_static); groupname = (char *)strdup(groupname_static); groupname = (char *)strlwr(groupname); lr_output_message("lower case groupname=%s", groupname); free(groupname); 上述脚本用vugen保存为:CHANGE 在controller中运行(设置为总是发送消息) 运行后在log中看到如下语句: Starting action Action. [MsgId: MMSG-15919] Action.c(11): groupname=CHANGE [MsgId: MMSG-17999] Action.c(16): lower case groupname=change [MsgId: MMSG-17999] 6)Strlen编辑本段回目录 size_t strlen ( const char *string ); 功能:返回字符串长度(bytes). 例子: 这个例子很简单,就是得到一个字符串中的字符的个数。然后打印出来。 脚本如下: Starting action Action. [MsgId: MMSG-15919] Action.c(11): groupname=CHANGE [MsgId: MMSG-17999] Action.c(16): lower case groupname=change [MsgId: MMSG-17999] 运行后在log中看到如下语句: Action.c(13): The sentence has 18 letters 7)Strncat编辑本段回目录 char *strncat ( char *to_string, const char *from_string, size_t n ); 功能:把一个字符串连接到另一个字符串后面。 例子: 在这里,我随便写了两个字符串,用此函数把他们连接起来,并打印出来。 脚本如下: char str1[]="Cheers is "; char str2[]="a tester."; lr_output_message("What can we see?"); lr_output_message("The str1 is %s.",str1); strncat(str1,str2,20); lr_output_message("The str1 is %s.",str1); 运行后在log中看到如下语句: Action.c(9): What can we see? Action.c(10): The str1 is Cheers is . Action.c(13): The str1 is Cheers is a tester.. 注:我们可以看到,没有连接前的str1是:Cheers is,连接后的字符串是:Zee is a tester。也可以看看strcat函数。 8)strncmp编辑本段回目录 int strncmp ( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t n ); 功能:对比两个字符串的前n位。 例子: 对比两个字符串,并把对比结果打印出来。这里我和上面的strcmp一起写。 脚本如下: char result; char str1[]="Cheers is a tester."; char str2[]="Cheers is a tester."; char str3[]="Cheers is a tester?"; result = strcmp(str1,str2); if(result > 0) lr_output_message("str1 is greater than str2."); else if(result < 0) lr_output_message("str1 is less than str2."); else lr_output_message("str1 is equal to str2."); result = strncmp( str1, str3 , 30); if(result > 0) lr_output_message("str1 is greater than str3."); else if(result < 0) lr_output_message("str1 is less than str3."); else lr_output_message("str1 is equal to str3."); 运行后在log中看到如下语句: Starting iteration 1. Starting action Action. Action.c(18): str1 is equal to str2. Action.c(28): str1 is less than str3.
loadrunner比较有用的字符串函数 strcat的串连两个字串。 strchr返回指向第一次出现的字符串中的字符。 STRCMP比较两个字符串来确定的字母顺序。 STRCPY一个字符串复制到另一个地方。 strdup重复一个字符串。 stricmp执行区分大小写的比较两个字符串。 strlen的返回一个字符串的长度。 strlwr将字符串转换为小写。 strncat函数串连?从一个字符串到另一个字符。 STRNCMP比较两个字符串的前n个字符。 strncpy一个字符串的前n个字符复制到另一个地方。 strnicmp执行区分大小写的比较n个字符串。 strrchr查找的字符串中的字符的最后一次出现。 strset一个特定的字符填充一个字符串。 strspn返回一个指定的字符串中包含的字符串中的前导字符的长度。 strstr返回一个字符串第一次出现在另一个
把字符看成ASII的值 , 和数字比较大小一般,
if( strcmp(A,B) > 0 ) 串A > 串B
if( strcmp(A,B) == 0 ) 相同的串
if(strcmp(A,B) < 0 ) 串A < 串B
int strcmp(char *str1, char *str2);
char a[]="abcd";
char *b="abcd";
char *d="abcde";
int d=strcmp(a,b); //那么d的值是0
d=strcmp(b,d); //d的值是-1 因为 '' 比'e' 小
d=strcmp(d,b); //d的值是1,因为 'e' 比''大
char test[1024], *a = "slo@hotmail.com";
strcpy(test, "zee");
strcat(test, a);
lr_output_message("We can see %s",test);
Starting action Action.
Action.c(16): We can see zeeslo@hotmail.com
char *string = "Zee is a tester";
char *first_e, *last_e;
first_e = (char *)strchr(string, 'e');
lr_output_message("We can see the first occurrence of e: %s",first_e);
last_e = (char *)strrchr(string, 'e');
lr_output_message("We can see the last occurrence of e: %s", last_e);
Starting action Action.
Action.c(12): We can see the first occurrence of e: ee is a tester
Action.c(14): We can see the last occurrence of e: er
int result;
char tmp[20];
char string1[] = "We can see the string:ZEE";
char string2[] = "We can see the string:zee";
result = strcmp( string1, string2 ); /*区分大小写,比较字符串 */
if( result > 0 )
strcpy( tmp, "大于" );
else if( result < 0 )
strcpy( tmp, "小于" );
strcpy( tmp, "等于" );
lr_output_message( "strcmp: String 1 %s string 2", tmp );
result = stricmp( string1, string2 ); /* 不区分大小写,比较字符串 */
if( result > 0 )
strcpy( tmp, "大于" );
else if( result < 0 )
strcpy( tmp, "小于" );
strcpy( tmp, "等于" );
lr_output_message( "stricmp: String 1 %s string 2", tmp );
Starting action Action.
Action.c(22): strcmp: String 1 小于 string 2
Action.c(33): stricmp: String 1 等于 string 2
char test[1024];
strcpy(test, "what can we see? ");
lr_output_message("%s", test);
Starting action Action.
Action.c(10): what can we see?
int id;
char *groupname_static, *groupname;
/* 从VuGen中得到组名 */
lr_whoami(&id, &groupname_static, NULL);
lr_output_message("groupname=%s", groupname_static);
/*复制这个静态组名以便我们可以操作它 */
groupname = (char *)strdup(groupname_static);
groupname = (char *)strlwr(groupname);
lr_output_message("lower case groupname=%s", groupname);
Starting action Action. [MsgId: MMSG-15919]
Action.c(11): groupname=CHANGE [MsgId: MMSG-17999]
Action.c(16): lower case groupname=change [MsgId: MMSG-17999]
char *str = "Zee is a tester";
unsigned int len;
len = strlen(str);
lr_output_message("The sentence has %d letters",len);
Action.c(13): The sentence has 15 letters
char str1[]="Zee is ";
char str2[]="a tester.";
lr_output_message("What can we see?");
lr_output_message("The str1 is %s.",str1);
lr_output_message("The str1 is %s.",str1);
Action.c(9): What can we see?
Action.c(10): The str1 is Zee is .
Action.c(13): The str1 is Zee is a tester..
char result;
char str1[]="Zee is a tester.";
char str2[]="Zee is a tester.";
char str3[]="zee is a tester?";
result = strcmp(str1,str2);
if(result > 0)
lr_output_message("str1 is greater than str2.");
else if(result < 0)
lr_output_message("str1 is less than str2.");
lr_output_message("str1 is equal to str2.");
result = strncmp( str1, str3 , 30);
if(result > 0)
lr_output_message("str1 is greater than str3.");
else if(result < 0)
lr_output_message("str1 is less than str3.");
lr_output_message("str1 is equal to str3.");
Starting iteration 1.
Starting action Action.
Action.c(18): str1 is equal to str2.
Action.c(28): str1 is less than str3.
char * mystr=" ";
char *str="";
int result;
lr_output_message("result is %d",result);
vuser_init() { //Allocates a block of memory. char * p = (char * )malloc(1000 * sizeof(char)); return 0; } ------------------------------------------ Action() { return 0; } ------------------------------------------ vuser_end() { //Frees a block of memory. free(p); return 0; } |
最初的思路是在 vuser_init中定义指针p,并为其malloc函数申请1000个字节的内存空间,为了避免内存泄露,用户试图在vuser_end中释放p指向的内存空间,但free(p),由于变量p是在vuser_init中定义的,其作用域仅局限于vuser_init,离开了vuser_init,在vuser_end编译是会报错“p变量未被定义”。
#ifndef _GLOBALS_H #define _GLOBALS_H //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include Files #include "lrun.h" #include "web_api.h" #include "lrw_custom_body.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variables 包含全局变量 char * p; #endif // _GLOBALS_H |
2.lr_whoami() 使用的一点说明;
Action() { int id, scid; char *vuser_group; lr_whoami(&id, &vuser_group, &scid); lr_message( "Group: %s, vuser id: %d, scenario id %d", vuser_group, id, scid); return 0; } |
Virtual User Script started Starting action vuser_init. Web Turbo Replay of LoadRunner 9.0.0 for WINXP; WebReplay82 build 5727 [MsgId: MMSG-27143] Run-Time Settings file: "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp oname3\default.cfg" [MsgId: MMSG-27141] Ending action vuser_init. Running Vuser... Starting iteration 1. Starting action Action. Group: None, vuser id: -1, scenario id 0 Ending action Action. Ending iteration 1. Ending Vuser... Starting action vuser_end. Ending action vuser_end. Vuser Terminated.
在VU菜单栏,Vuser - Run-Time Settings...- Run Logic中,通过 move up 、move down 改变action()执行的顺序。
web_reg_find("Text=ABC", "SaveCount=abc_count", LAST);
web_url("Step", "URL=...", LAST); if (strcmp(lr_eval_string("{abc_count}"), "0") == 0) Action A else Action B |
Action() { int a[]={1,2,3,4,5}; int i; int j; int temp; for (i=0;i<5;i++) for (j=i+1;j<5;j++) if (a[i]>a[j]) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp; } for (i=0;i<5;i++) { lr_message("%d",a[i]); } return 0; } |
int result;
char string1;
char string2;
lr_save_string( "We can see the string:zee","string1" );
lr_save_string( "We can see the string:zee","string2" );
lr_output_message("the string1 is %s.",lr_eval_string("{string1}"));
lr_output_message("the string2 is %s.",lr_eval_string("{string2}"));
result = strcmp(lr_eval_string("{string1}"),lr_eval_string("{string1}"));
if ( result == 0 )
lr_output_message("the result is 0.");
lr_output_message("the result is not 0.");
return 0;
Starting action vuser_init.
Web Turbo Replay of LoadRunner 8.1.0 for WINXP; Web build 4788 [MsgId: MMSG-27143]
Run-Time Settings file: "C:Documents and SettingseeLocal SettingsTemp
oname26\default.cfg" [MsgId: MMSG-27141]
vuser_init.c(10): the string1 is We can see the string:zee.
vuser_init.c(11): the string2 is We can see the string:zee.
vuser_init.c(16): the result is 0.
Ending action vuser_init.
Running Vuser...