Mr. Wysuperfly uses a messenger tool called NKQQ to communicate with his friends on the net. The NKQQ accumulates 1 point score every hour automatically. When the score reach certain level, there will be a level-up. The relationship between the score and the level is listed as below:
Level 1 | 0 - 100 |
Level 2 | 101 - 500 |
Level 3 | 501 - 2000 |
Level 4 | 2001 - 10000 |
Level 5 | 10001 - 50000 |
Level 6 | 50001 - 200000 |
Level 7 | 200001 - infinity |
Mr. Wysuperfly finds that other ACM teammates also use NKQQ everyday like him. He wants to know that after several hours, how many teammates reach a certain level. Can you help him?
The first line is an integer N (N<=10^5) which represents the amount of the teammates to be considered. The second line includes N numbers which represent the scores of the teammates. The third line is a positive integer Q (Q<=10^5) which represents how many questions in the input data. In the following Q lines, each line which includes two integers D (0<=D<=10^9) and L (1<=L<=7) stands for a question: ‘After D hours, how many teammates will reach level L?
For every question, output one line to show the answer to the question (one nonnegative integer).
题目意思:一小时加一分 问几小时后 在某一等级里分数有多少个。
解题思路: 二分查找。 查找某一区间里面个数
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int N=1e5+5; 4 int t,D,L,L1,L2; 5 vector<int> vec; 6 int main() 7 { 8 ios::sync_with_stdio(false); 9 cin>>t; 10 for(int i=1,d;i<=t;i++) cin>>d,vec.push_back(d); 11 sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); 12 cin>>t; 13 while(t--){ 14 cin>>D>>L; 15 if(L==1) L1=0,L2=100; 16 if(L==2) L1=101,L2=500; 17 if(L==3) L1=501,L2=2000; 18 if(L==4) L1=2001,L2=10000; 19 if(L==5) L1=10001,L2=50000; 20 if(L==6) L1=50001,L2=200000; 21 if(L==7) L1=200001,L2=1e10+5; 22 L1=L1-D,L2=L2-D; 23 int w1=lower_bound(vec.begin(),vec.end(),L1)-vec.begin(); 24 int w2=upper_bound(vec.begin(),vec.end(),L2)-vec.begin(); 25 cout << w2-w1 << endl; 26 } 27 }