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  • One Person Game(扩展欧几里得)

    One Person Game

    Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB

    There is an interesting and simple one person game. Suppose there is a number axis under your feet. You are at point A at first and your aim is point B. There are 6 kinds of operations you can perform in one step. That is to go left or right by a,b and c, here c always equals to a+b.

    You must arrive B as soon as possible. Please calculate the minimum number of steps.


    There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T(0 < T ≤ 1000) indicates the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. Each test case is represented by a line containing four integers 4 integers ABa and b, separated by spaces. (-231 ≤ AB < 231, 0 < ab < 231)


    For each test case, output the minimum number of steps. If it's impossible to reach point B, output "-1" instead.

    Sample Input

    0 1 1 2
    0 1 2 4

    Sample Output


    Author: CAO, Peng
    Contest: The 12th Zhejiang University Programming Contest

     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstring>
     3 #include <algorithm>
     4 using namespace std;
     6 typedef long long ll;
     7 ll t;
     8 ll d1,d2,d3,d4;
     9 ll X,Y,a,b,c;
    10 ll GDC;
    12 ll gdc(ll x,ll y){
    13     return y==0?x:gdc(y,x%y);
    14 }
    16 void extend_gdc(ll a,ll b,ll &X,ll &Y){
    17     if(b==0){
    18         X=1;
    19         Y=0;
    20         return;
    21     }
    22     extend_gdc(b,a%b,X,Y);
    23     ll temp=X;
    24     X=Y;
    25     Y=temp-a/b*Y;
    26 }
    28 int main(){
    29     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
    30     while(cin>>t){
    31         while(t--){
    32             cin>>d1>>d2>>d3>>d4;
    33             a=d3,b=d4,c=d2-d1;
    34             GDC=gdc(a,b);
    35             if(c%GDC!=0){
    36                 cout << "-1" << endl;
    37                 continue;
    38             }
    39             extend_gdc(a,b,X,Y);
    40             X=X*c/GDC;
    41             Y=Y*c/GDC;
    42             a=a/GDC;
    43             b=b/GDC;
    44             ll mid=(Y-X)/(a+b);
    45             ll res=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
    46             for(int i=mid-1;i<=mid+1;i++){
    47                 ll ans=0;
    48                 ll ee=X+b*i;
    49                 ll rr=Y-a*i;
    50                 if(ee*rr>=0) ans+=max(abs(ee),abs(rr));   //同号取最大值
    51                 else ans+=abs(ee)+abs(rr);   //异号模相加
    52 //                cout << ans << endl;
    53                 res=min(res,ans);
    54             }
    55             cout << res << endl;
    56         }
    57     }
    58     return 0;
    59 }
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