//3.1 #include <iostream> const char c=10; int main31() { using namespace std; cout<<"please enter your level"<<c<<endl; int l; cin>>l; cout<<"your level is"<<l*c<<endl; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; }
//3.2 #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> const int CToC=12; //1英尺=12英寸 const double KToB=2.2;//1KG=2.2磅 const float CToM=0.0254;//1英尺=0.0254m int main() { cout<<"Enter your Level:(英尺)"; int yc; cin>>yc; cout<<"Enter your level:(英寸)"; int yci; cin>>yci; cout<<" Now Enter your Weight:"<<endl; double w; cin>>w; int l=yc*CToC+yci; float li=l*CToM; double wi=w*KToB; double bmi=wi/sqrt(li); cout<<"BMI="<<bmi; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; }
//3.3 #include <iostream.h> const int DToM=60; const int MToS=60; int main() { cout<<"Enter a latitude in degrees,Minute,an seconds:"<<endl; cout<<"First,enter the degreess:"; int d; cin>>d; cout<<" Next,enter the minutes of arc:"; int m; cin>>m; cout<<" Finally,enter the seconds of arc:"; int s; cin>>s; cout<<d<<" degreess ,"<<m<<" minutes, "<<s<<" seconds" <<"="<<float(m/DToM+s/MToS/DToM+d)<<"degress"<<endl; cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; }