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  • 使用Python批量下载Plus上的Podcast

    Plus是一个介绍数学之美与实际应用的网络杂志,其中包含了数学知识、轶闻趣事、历史典故等许多精彩的内容。该杂志恰好有一个Podcast栏目,提供了不少采访与讲座的mp3音频。于是, 我使用Python脚本将所有的Podcast文件都下载了下来,用于上下班路途上不适宜看书的时候听。


    • re用于正则表达式匹配,将Podcast标题转为音频文件名。这是由于Linux系统下的文件名应避免包含字符/><|:&。所以,如果Podcast标题包含了这些字符,就需要将它们替换掉。

    • shutil用于将从网络上下载的音频数据流转存为本地文件。

    • requests用于向网站服务器发出GET请求,以获取HTML页面。

    • html.parser用于解析得到的HTML页面内容,从中匹配并提取出感兴趣的内容,包括Podcast子页面的链接,mp3文件的url等。使用时,需要由该模块中的HTMLParser类派生出子类,重写其中的成员函数handle_starttaghandle_data,即可以实现对HTML标签及其属性与包含的内容进行提取与处理。


    import re
    import shutil
    import requests
    from html.parser import HTMLParser
    # Remove characters unsuitable to be used in a file name.
    def StringToFileName(s):
        s = s.replace('#', 'No.')
        s = re.sub('[?]', '', s)
        s = re.sub('[&+$*!@%^|<>/]', '_', s)
        s = re.sub(':s*', '-', s)
        return s
    # Class for parse podcast main page and localize the links to subpages.
    class PlusPodcastPageParser(HTMLParser):
        def __init__(self):
            self.root_url = 'https://plus.maths.org'
            self.subpage_url_list = list()
            self.subpage_title_list = list()
            self.is_subpage_div_found = False
            self.is_subpage_span_found = False
            self.is_subpage_link_found = False
        def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
            if (not self.is_subpage_link_found and not self.is_subpage_div_found and tag == 'div'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'class' and attr[1] == 'views-field views-field-title'):
                            self.is_subpage_div_found = True
            elif (not self.is_subpage_link_found and self.is_subpage_div_found and tag == 'span'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'class' and attr[1] == 'field-content'):
                            self.is_subpage_span_found = True
            elif (not self.is_subpage_link_found and self.is_subpage_span_found and tag == 'a'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'href'):
                            self.is_subpage_link_found = True
                            self.subpage_url_list.append(self.root_url + attr[1])
        def handle_data(self, data):
            if (self.is_subpage_link_found):
                podcast_file_name = StringToFileName(data)
                # Reset pattern searching flags and prepare for the next search.
                self.is_subpage_div_found = False
                self.is_subpage_span_found = False
                self.is_subpage_link_found = False
    # Class for parse podcast subpage which contains the mp3 file.
    class PlusPodcastSubpageParser(HTMLParser):
        def __init__(self):
            self.root_url = 'https://plus.maths.org'
            self.podcast_url = ''
            self.is_subpage_div_found = False
            self.is_subpage_span_found = False
            self.is_podcast_link_found = False
        def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
            if (not self.is_podcast_link_found and not self.is_subpage_div_found and tag == 'div'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'class' and attr[1] == 'field-item even'):
                            self.is_subpage_div_found = True
            elif (not self.is_podcast_link_found and self.is_subpage_div_found and tag == 'span'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'class' and attr[1] == 'file'):
                            self.is_subpage_span_found = True
            elif (not self.is_podcast_link_found and self.is_subpage_span_found and tag == 'a'):
                if (len(attrs) > 0):
                    for attr in attrs:
                        if (attr[0] == 'href'):
                            self.is_podcast_link_found = True
                            self.podcast_url = attr[1]
    number_of_podcast_pages = 16
    mp3_file_counter = 1
    for page_idx in range(0, number_of_podcast_pages):
        if (page_idx > 0):
            page_url = 'https://plus.maths.org/content/podcast?page=' + str(page_idx)
            page_url = 'https://plus.maths.org/content/podcast'
        response = requests.get(page_url)
        if (response.status_code == 200):
            current_page = response.text
            del response
            page_parser = PlusPodcastPageParser()
            if (len(page_parser.subpage_url_list) == len(page_parser.subpage_title_list)):
                # Iterative over each found subpage url.
                for subpage_idx in range(len(page_parser.subpage_url_list)):
                    response = requests.get(page_parser.subpage_url_list[subpage_idx])
                    if (response.status_code == 200):
                        current_subpage = response.text
                        del response
                        subpage_parser = PlusPodcastSubpageParser()
                        if (len(subpage_parser.podcast_url) > 0):
                            print ('*** Downloading ' + subpage_parser.podcast_url + ' ...')
                            response = requests.get(subpage_parser.podcast_url, stream = True)
                            with open(str(mp3_file_counter) + '-' + page_parser.subpage_title_list[subpage_idx] + '.mp3', 'wb') as mp3_file:
                                shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, mp3_file)
                                del response
                            mp3_file_counter = mp3_file_counter + 1
                        print ('Cannot get the podcast subpage: ' + page_parser.subpage)
                print ('The numbers of subpage urls and titles should be the same!')
            print ('Cannot get the podcast page: ' + page_url)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/quantumman/p/10702026.html
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