首先是加载USB磁盘的 auto_mount.sh 脚本,使用它可以自动提取与设置mount命令所需的参数,执行mount命令,检查是否挂载成功:
- 使用 whoami 和 id 命令获取当前登录用户的 uid 和 gid :
user_name=`whoami` user_id=`id -u $user_name` user_group_id=`id -g $user_name`
- 使用 udisks 命令获得磁盘分区的名称(volume label)与类型,如果指定分区没有volume label,则自动设为 disk :
vol_label=`udisks --show-info "$1" | gawk '/label:.*[[:alnum:]]+/ {print tolower($2); exit}'` vol_type=`udisks --show-info "$1" | gawk '/type:.*[[:alnum:]]+/ {print $2; exit}'`
- 调用 mount 命令,将指定的磁盘设备以上述参数挂载到 /media/$vol_label 目录。其中, umask 设为 002 ,即将挂载后的文件与文件夹权限设为 775 。所用的 mount 命令如下,其中参数 $1 为 auto_mount.sh 命令行参数所指定的磁盘设备节点,比如 /dev/sdb1 :
sudo mount -t $vol_type "$1" "/media/$vol_label" -o uid=$user_id,gid=$user_group_id,umask=002
- 最后,查看 /etc/mtab 文件中是否已包含目录 /media/$vol_label ,从而验证是否挂载成功。
auto_mount.sh 源代码如下所示:
#!/bin/bash # Automount a usb disk script_name="auto_mount.sh" script_usage=$(cat <<EOF auto_mount.sh [OPTIONS] [DEVICE FOR DISK] EOF ) script_function=$(cat <<EOF Automatically mount a disk to a folder beneath /media whose name is the volume label of the disk. EOF ) script_doc=$(cat <<EOF -h Display this help. EOF ) script_examples=$(cat <<EOF auto_mount.sh /dev/sdd1 EOF ) state_prefix="===" warning_prefix="***" error_prefix="!!!" function display_help() { if [ -n "$script_usage" ]; then echo -e "Usage: $script_usage" fi if [ -n "$script_function" ]; then echo -e "$script_function" fi if [ -n "$script_doc" ] ; then echo -e " $script_doc" fi if [ -n "$script_examples" ]; then echo -e " Examples" echo -e "$script_examples" fi } # Process command options while getopts ":h" opt; do case $opt in h ) display_help exit 0 ;; ? ) display_help exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ $OSTYPE = 'linux-gnu' ]; then # Default volume label if the mounted disk does not have one. vol_label_default=disk if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [ -e "$1" ]; then user_name=`whoami` user_id=`id -u $user_name` user_group_id=`id -g $user_name` vol_label=`udisks --show-info "$1" | gawk '/label:.*[[:alnum:]]+/ {print tolower($2); exit}'` vol_type=`udisks --show-info "$1" | gawk '/type:.*[[:alnum:]]+/ {print $2; exit}'` # Create a directory in /media and chown it into the current user and group if [ -d "/media/$vol_label" ]; then echo "$warning_prefix /media/$vol_label already exists!" if [ -n "`cat /etc/mtab | grep /media/$vol_label`" ]; then echo "$warning_prefix A device has already been mounted to the path /media/$vol_label!" exit 0 fi else if [ -n "$vol_label" ]; then echo "$state_prefix Create /media/$vol_label..." else echo "$warning_prefix The device $1 has no volume label, a default path /media/$vol_label_default will be used!" vol_label=$vol_label_default fi sudo mkdir "/media/$vol_label" fi # Mount the disk sudo mount -t $vol_type "$1" "/media/$vol_label" -o uid=$user_id,gid=$user_group_id,umask=002 if [ -n "`cat /etc/mtab | grep /media/$vol_label`" ]; then echo "$state_prefix The disk $1 has been successfully mounted to /media/$vol_label!" else echo "$error_prefix Failed to mount the disk $1 to /media/$vol_label!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Please provide a valid device name!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Please provide a device name!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Operating system or host name is not supported!" fi
然后,按如下方式运行 auto_mount.sh 即可自动挂载USB磁盘:
auto_mount.sh /dev/sdb1
接下来要介绍的 auto_umount.sh 脚本就很简单了。只要用户指定磁盘所挂载的文件夹,该脚本会检查该文件夹是否存在于 /etc/mtab 文件。若存在,则调用 umount 命令,然后删除上述文件夹。其源码如下:
#!/bin/bash # Auto unmount a disk script_name="auto_umount.sh" script_usage=$(cat <<EOF auto_umount.sh [OPTIONS] [MOUNTED PATH OF DISK] EOF ) script_function=$(cat <<EOF Automatically umount a disk which has been mounted on the specified path. EOF ) script_doc=$(cat <<EOF -h Display this help. EOF ) script_examples=$(cat <<EOF auto_umount.sh /media/data EOF ) state_prefix="===" warning_prefix="***" error_prefix="!!!" function display_help() { if [ -n "$script_usage" ]; then echo -e "Usage: $script_usage" fi if [ -n "$script_function" ]; then echo -e "$script_function" fi if [ -n "$script_doc" ] ; then echo -e " $script_doc" fi if [ -n "$script_examples" ]; then echo -e " Examples" echo -e "$script_examples" fi } # Process command options while getopts ":h" opt; do case $opt in h ) display_help exit 0 ;; ? ) display_help exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ $OSTYPE = 'linux-gnu' ]; then if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [ -e "$1" ]; then if [ -n "`cat /etc/mtab | grep ${1%/}`" ]; then sudo umount "$1" sudo rmdir "$1" if [ -n "`cat /etc/mtab | grep ${1%/}`" ]; then echo "$error_prefix Failed to unmount the device from the path $1!" else echo "$state_prefix Device has been successfully umounted from the path $1!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix No device has been mounted to $1!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Please provide a valid mounted path name!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Please provide a mounted path name!" fi else echo "$warning_prefix Operating system or host name is not supported!" fi