--How to use script to get all oracle EBS Form name and corresponding fmb file name . SELECT fff.function_name , ff.form_name , ffft.user_function_name , fff.function_id , ff.form_id , fff.application_id FROM fnd_form ff , fnd_form_functions fff , fnd_form_functions_tl ffft WHERE 1 = 1 AND ff.form_id = fff.form_id AND fff.function_id = ffft.function_id AND ffft.language = 'US' AND fff.application_id = 401 --Inventory Module ORDER BY ffft.user_function_name; --How to use script to get all Oracle EBS Concurrent Program/Report name and corresponding execution f . SELECT fcp.concurrent_program_name , fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name , fcp.execution_method_code , flv.meaning FROM fnd_concurrent_programs fcp , fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt , fnd_lookup_values flv WHERE 1 = 1 AND fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_id AND flv.lookup_type = 'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE' AND fcp.execution_method_code = flv.lookup_code AND fcpt.language = 'US' AND flv.language = 'US' AND fcp.application_id = 401 --Inventory Module ORDER BY fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name;