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  • 应付描述性弹性域 Description Flexfield

    (N) AP > Setup > Flexfield > Description > Segments

    To define your descriptive flexfield, you define the segments that make up your descriptive
    flexfield structures, and the descriptive information and validation information for each segment
    in a structure. You also determine the appearance of your descriptive flexfield window, including
    the size of the window, the number and order of the segments, and the segment descriptions
    and default values. The maximum number of segments you can have within a single structure

    depends on which descriptive flexfield you are defining.
    To take advantage of the flexibility and power of descriptive flexfields in your application, you
    must define your flexfield structure. If you do not define any descriptive flexfield segments, you
    cannot use descriptive flexfields within your windows, but there is no other loss of functionality.
    Once you define or change your flexfield, you must freeze your flexfield definition and save your
    changes. When you do, Oracle Applications automatically compiles your flexfield to improve
    online performance.
    Once you freeze your flexfield definition and save your changes, Oracle Applications submits a
    concurrent request to generate a database view of the table that contains your flexfield segment
    columns. You can use these views for custom reporting at your site. See: Overview of Flexfield
    You can see your flexfield changes immediately after you freeze and recompile your flexfield.
    However, your changes do not affect other users until they change responsibilities or exit the
    application they are using and sign back on.
    Suggestion: Plan your descriptive flexfield structures carefully, including all your segment
    information such as segment order and field lengths, before you set up your segments using this
    window. You can define your descriptive flexfields any way you want, but changing your
    structures once you acquire flexfield data may create data inconsistencies that could have a
    significant impact on the performance of your application or require a complex conversion
    Defining Descriptive Flexfield Structures
    Before defining your descriptive flexfield structures, use the Value Sets window to define any
    value sets you need. See: Value Sets.
    Application and Title
    Use View > Find to select the title and application name of the descriptive flexfield you want to
    define. You cannot create a new flexfield using this window. See: Identifying Descriptive Flexfields
    in Oracle Applications.
    You can change the flexfield title by typing in a new name over the old name. You see this name
    whenever you select a descriptive flexfield and as the window title whenever a user enters your
    descriptive flexfield.
    Freeze Flexfield Definition
    The default value for this field is unchecked (flexfield definition not frozen).
    Do not freeze your flexfield if you want to define new structures, set up or modify your flexfield
    segments, or change the appearance of your descriptive flexfield window. You cannot make most
    changes while the flexfield is frozen.
    Freeze your flexfield after you set it up. Then save your changes. When you do, this window
    automatically compiles your flexfield. You must freeze and compile your flexfield definition before
    you can use your flexfield. If you decide to make changes to your flexfield definition, make sure
    that you freeze and save your flexfield definition again once you have made your changes.
    Warning: Do not modify a frozen flexfield definition if existing data could be invalidated. An

    alteration of the flexfield structure can create data inconsistencies.
    Segment Separator
    Enter the character you want to use to separate your segments in a concatenated description
    You should choose your separator character carefully so that it does not conflict with your
    flexfield data. Do not use a character that is used in your segment values. For example, if your
    data frequently contains periods ( . ) in monetary or numeric values, do not use a period as your
    segment separator.
    Warning: Some Oracle Applications tables store the segment separator as part of your flexfield
    values. Changing your separator once you have data in such tables may invalidate that data and
    cause application errors.
    Context Field Region
    Enter information for your context field here.
    The context field automatically displays any existing context window prompt for this flexfield. You
    can change this prompt by typing a new prompt over the current prompt. Your flexfield displays
    this prompt in a flexfield window if you can choose the context-sensitive flexfield structure you
    want to see when you enter the flexfield (that is, if you have permitted Override).
    When you choose a prompt, you should keep in mind that the context field in the flexfield
    window appears as just a normal field or segment to a user. For example, if you have a Client
    Type descriptive flexfield with two different segment structures called Customer (for external
    clients) and Employee (for internal clients), you might define your prompt as "Client Type".
    Value Set
    If you have context field values contained in an existing table, you can create a value set that
    includes those values, and enter the name of that value set here. Using a value set for the context
    field allows you to have valid context field values without specifically defining context-sensitive
    segments for those context field values.
    For example, if you have a list of countries where you want all the countries to be valid context
    field values, but only a few of the countries have related context-sensitive segments, you would
    use a value set that includes your entire list of countries. You would then define context-sensitive
    segments for just those countries that need context-sensitive segments.
    Default Value
    Enter a default context field value for your flexfield to use to determine which descriptive
    flexfield structure to display. You must define the default context field value as a structure in the
    Context Field Values zone before you can compile your flexfield. Your flexfield automatically uses
    this default context field value if you do not define a reference field.
    If you do not have any context-sensitive segments, or you want the context field to remain blank
    unless filled in by a reference field, you should leave this field blank.
    Indicate whether a context field value is required. If a context field value is required, your
    flexfield does not allow you to leave the flexfield window without entering a valid value.
    Otherwise, you do not have to choose a value for your context field. In this case, you leave the

    flexfield window without seeing any context-dependent structures.
    Reference Field
    Enter the name of the reference field from which your flexfield can automatically derive the
    context field value. You can select from a list of potential reference fields that have been
    predefined. Some descriptive flexfields may not have any reference fields predefined. See:
    Reference Fields.
    If you have any context-sensitive segments for your flexfield, you should always check the
    Displayed check box if you do not specify either a default value or a reference field. Without the
    displayed context field, your flexfield must determine the context field value from the reference
    field or your default value.
    If you check the Displayed check box, a user can see and change the context field value that your
    flexfield derives from a reference field or obtains as a default value.
    Suggestion: You should leave the Displayed check box unchecked only if the context field value
    derives from a reference field or a default value that you specify using this region, or you have
    only global segments. If you do derive your context field value from a reference field, however,
    we recommend that you do not allow your user to see or change that value in the flexfield
    Note: In earlier versions of Oracle Applications, you allow users to see and modify the value in
    the context field by checking the "Override Allowed (Display Context)" check box. This check box
    is now called "Displayed" though its effect is unchanged.
    Synchronize with Reference Field
    Check this box if you want the context field value to be synchronized always with the reference
    field value for this descriptive flexfield.
    See: Synchronizing the Context Field Value with the Reference Field Value.
    Context Field Values
    Use this block to define valid context field values (that also serve as structure names) for this
    descriptive flexfield. You can set up a different descriptive flexfield segment structure for each
    value you define.
    A Global Data Elements value always appears in this block. You use Global Data Elements to set
    up global segments that you want to use in every segment structure. These segments appear
    before any context field or context-sensitive segments in the flexfield window.
    For example, suppose you have a Client Type flexfield. You have two context-sensitive structures,
    Employee (internal client), and Customer (external client), for which you want to have different
    segments to capture different information. However, you also want to capture certain
    information for both structures. You define global segments for the common information, using
    the Global Data Elements value. You also define context-sensitive segments for each of your two
    structures, Employee and Customer, to capture the two sets of different information. See:
    Planning Your Descriptive Flexfields.

    Enter a unique context field value (also known as the flexfield structure name) under the Code
    column. Your flexfield uses this value, either derived from a reference field or entered by your
    user in an initial descriptive flexfield window, to determine which flexfield structure to display.
    This value is written out to the structure column of the underlying table.
    This value must be thirty (30) characters or fewer.
    Once you save your context field value, you cannot delete or change your context field value
    because it is referenced elsewhere in the system. You can disable a value, however.
    Suggestion: Choose and type your context field values carefully, since once you save them you
    cannot change or delete them later.
    If you are using a reference field, the values you enter here must exactly match the values you
    expect your reference field to provide, including uppercase and lowercase letters. For example,
    your reference field may be a displayed field that provides the values "Item" and "Tax", so you
    would specify those. However, those would not be valid if you were using a corresponding hidden
    field as your reference field and that field provides the values "I" and "T".
    If you are using a value set for the context field, any values you enter here must exactly match the
    values you expect your context field value set to provide, including uppercase and lowercase
    letters. All the values you enter in this field must exist in the value set, or they will not be valid
    context field values, even if you define context-sensitive segments for them. You only need to
    enter those values that require context-sensitive segments. If the value set is a table-validated
    value set, the values in this Code field correspond to the values in the ID column of the value set.
    Enter a name for this descriptive flexfield context value.
    The context code will default in to this field. For a descriptive flexfield that is set up so that the
    context field is displayed, the context name would be entered in the displayed context field, and
    the context field value code will be stored in the hidden context field. The list of values on the
    context field will show the context name and description.
    If you use a value set for the context field, the displayed value in the value set overrides the
    corresponding value name you type in this field (for the same hidden ID value or context code).
    Enter a description for this descriptive flexfield context field value. You can use this description to
    provide a better explanation of the content or purpose of this descriptive flexfield structure. You
    see this description along with the context name whenever you pick a descriptive flexfield
    context from inside the flexfield window. When you navigate to the next zone, this window
    automatically saves your pending changes.
    Attention: The width of your descriptive flexfield window depends on the length of the longest
    description you enter in this field, if this description is longer than the longest description size
    you choose for any of your segments in a given structure.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/quanweiru/p/4627432.html
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