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  • csla框架__使用Factory方式实现Csla.BusinessBase对象数据处理






      1     [Serializable]
      2     [Csla.Server.ObjectFactory("HFunM.Business.Service.CustomDevelop.AssetManage.CategoriesService, HFunM.Business.Service", "CreateCategory", "FetchCategory", "UpdateCategory", "DeleteCategory")]
      3     public class Asset_CategoryER : Csla.BusinessBase<Asset_CategoryER>
      4     {
      5         #region Contructor
      7         public Asset_CategoryER()
      8         { /* Require use of factory methods */ }
     10         #endregion
     12         #region Properties
     14         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _actIdProperty
     15             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ActId, "主键ID");
     16         /// <summary>
     17         /// 主键ID
     18         /// </summary>
     19         [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectField(true, false)]
     20         public System.String ActId
     21         {
     22             get { return GetProperty(_actIdProperty); }
     23             set { SetProperty(_actIdProperty, value); }
     24         }
     26         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTParentIDProperty
     27             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTParentID, "上级分类ID", (System.String)null);
     28         /// <summary>
     29         /// 上级分类ID
     30         /// </summary>
     31         public System.String ACTParentID
     32         {
     33             get { return GetProperty(_aCTParentIDProperty); }
     34             set { SetProperty(_aCTParentIDProperty, value); }
     35         }
     37         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTSysCodeProperty
     38             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTSysCode, "系统分类编号", (System.String)null);
     39         /// <summary>
     40         /// 系统分类编号
     41         /// </summary>
     42         public System.String ACTSysCode
     43         {
     44             get { return GetProperty(_aCTSysCodeProperty); }
     45             set { SetProperty(_aCTSysCodeProperty, value); }
     46         }
     48         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTNameProperty
     49             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTName, "分类名称", (System.String)null);
     50         /// <summary>
     51         /// 分类名称
     52         /// </summary>
     53         public System.String ACTName
     54         {
     55             get { return GetProperty(_aCTNameProperty); }
     56             set { SetProperty(_aCTNameProperty, value); }
     57         }
     59         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTShortNameProperty
     60             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTShortName, "名称缩写", (System.String)null);
     61         /// <summary>
     62         /// 名称缩写
     63         /// </summary>
     64         public System.String ACTShortName
     65         {
     66             get { return GetProperty(_aCTShortNameProperty); }
     67             set { SetProperty(_aCTShortNameProperty, value); }
     68         }
     70         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTStateProperty
     71             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTState, "分类状态", (System.String)null);
     72         /// <summary>
     73         /// 分类状态
     74         /// </summary>
     75         public System.String ACTState
     76         {
     77             get { return GetProperty(_aCTStateProperty); }
     78             set { SetProperty(_aCTStateProperty, value); }
     79         }
     81         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.Int32?> _aCTServiceLifeProperty
     82             = RegisterProperty<System.Int32?>(p => p.ACTServiceLife, "使用年限", (System.Int32?)null);
     83         /// <summary>
     84         /// 使用年限
     85         /// </summary>
     86         public System.Int32? ACTServiceLife
     87         {
     88             get { return GetProperty(_aCTServiceLifeProperty); }
     89             set { SetProperty(_aCTServiceLifeProperty, value); }
     90         }
     92         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.Double?> _aCTSalvageRateProperty
     93             = RegisterProperty<System.Double?>(p => p.ACTSalvageRate, "残值率(%)", (System.Double?)null);
     94         /// <summary>
     95         /// 残值率(%)
     96         /// </summary>
     97         public System.Double? ACTSalvageRate
     98         {
     99             get { return GetProperty(_aCTSalvageRateProperty); }
    100             set { SetProperty(_aCTSalvageRateProperty, value); }
    101         }
    103         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTUnitProperty
    104             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTUnit, "计算单位", (System.String)null);
    105         /// <summary>
    106         /// 计算单位
    107         /// </summary>
    108         public System.String ACTUnit
    109         {
    110             get { return GetProperty(_aCTUnitProperty); }
    111             set { SetProperty(_aCTUnitProperty, value); }
    112         }
    114         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTRemarkProperty
    115             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTRemark, "备注", (System.String)null);
    116         /// <summary>
    117         /// 备注
    118         /// </summary>
    119         public System.String ACTRemark
    120         {
    121             get { return GetProperty(_aCTRemarkProperty); }
    122             set { SetProperty(_aCTRemarkProperty, value); }
    123         }
    125         public static readonly PropertyInfo<System.String> _aCTVoucherProperty
    126             = RegisterProperty<System.String>(p => p.ACTVoucher, "会计凭证号", (System.String)null);
    127         /// <summary>
    128         /// 会计凭证号
    129         /// </summary>
    130         public System.String ACTVoucher
    131         {
    132             get { return GetProperty(_aCTVoucherProperty); }
    133             set { SetProperty(_aCTVoucherProperty, value); }
    134         }
    136         #endregion
    138         #region Business Rules
    140         /// <summary>
    141         /// Contains the CodeSmith generated validation rules.
    142         /// </summary>
    143         protected override void AddBusinessRules()
    144         {
    145             // Call the base class, if this call isn't made than any declared System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations rules will not work.
    146             base.AddBusinessRules();
    148             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required(_actIdProperty));
    149             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required(_aCTNameProperty));
    150             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required(_aCTParentIDProperty));
    151             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required(_aCTSysCodeProperty));
    152             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_actIdProperty, 36));
    153             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTParentIDProperty, 36));
    154             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTSysCodeProperty, 50));
    155             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTNameProperty, 50));
    156             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTShortNameProperty, 50));
    157             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTStateProperty, 20));
    158             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTUnitProperty, 20));
    159             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTRemarkProperty, 200));
    160             BusinessRules.AddRule(new Csla.Rules.CommonRules.MaxLength(_aCTVoucherProperty, 50));
    161         }
    163         #endregion
    165         #region Factory
    167         public static Asset_CategoryER NewCategory(string parentID)
    168         {
    169             return DataPortal.Create<Asset_CategoryER>(parentID);
    170         }
    172         public static Asset_CategoryER GetCategory(string id)
    173         {
    174             return DataPortal.Fetch<Asset_CategoryER>(id);
    175         }
    177         public static void DeleteCategory(string id)
    178         {
    179             DataPortal.Delete<Asset_CategoryER>(id);
    180         }
    182         #endregion
    183     }
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     1 namespace Csla.Server
     2 {
     3     [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false)]
     4     public class ObjectFactoryAttribute : Attribute
     5     {
     6         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(string factoryType);
     7         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type factoryType);
     8         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(string factoryType, string fetchMethod);
     9         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type factoryType, string fetchMethod);
    10         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(string factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod);
    11         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod);
    12         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(string factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod, string updateMethod, string deleteMethod);
    13         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod, string updateMethod, string deleteMethod);
    14         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(string factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod, string updateMethod, string deleteMethod, string executeMethod);
    15         public ObjectFactoryAttribute(Type factoryType, string createMethod, string fetchMethod, string updateMethod, string deleteMethod, string executeMethod);
    17         public string FactoryTypeName { get; }
    18         public string CreateMethodName { get; }
    19         public string FetchMethodName { get; }
    20         public string UpdateMethodName { get; }
    21         public string DeleteMethodName { get; }
    22         public string ExecuteMethodName { get; }
    23     }
    24 }
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      1     public class CategoriesService : Data.Repository.RepositoryFactory<Entity.CustomDevelop.AssetEntity.Asset_CategoryEntity>
      2     {
      3         #region 列表
      5         /// <summary>
      6         /// 加载所有数据
      7         /// </summary>
      8         /// <returns></returns>
      9         public Asset_CategoryList FetchList()
     10         {
     11             var obj = (Asset_CategoryList)MethodCaller.CreateInstance(typeof(Asset_CategoryList));
     12             var rlce = obj.RaiseListChangedEvents;
     13             obj.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
     14             base.SetIsReadOnly(obj, false);
     16             var child = base.BaseRepository().IQueryable(p => p.ACT_State == "1");
     17             foreach (var item in child)
     18             {
     19                 obj.Add(CreateItem(item));
     20             }
     22             base.SetIsReadOnly(obj, true);
     23             obj.RaiseListChangedEvents = rlce;
     24             return obj;
     25         }
     27         /// <summary>
     28         /// 创建列表子对象
     29         /// </summary>
     30         /// <returns></returns>
     31         public Asset_CategoryInfo CreateItem()
     32         {
     33             var obj = (Asset_CategoryInfo)MethodCaller.CreateInstance(typeof(Asset_CategoryInfo));
     34             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._actIdProperty, Util.CommonHelper.GetGuid);
     35             MarkNew(obj);
     36             CheckRules(obj);
     37             return obj;
     38         }
     40         /// <summary>
     41         /// 
     42         /// </summary>
     43         /// <param name="et"></param>
     44         /// <returns></returns>
     45         public Asset_CategoryInfo CreateItem(Entity.CustomDevelop.AssetEntity.Asset_CategoryEntity et)
     46         {
     47             var obj = (Asset_CategoryInfo)MethodCaller.CreateInstance(typeof(Asset_CategoryInfo));
     48             MarkAsChild(obj);
     50             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._actIdProperty, et.ACT_ID);
     51             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTNameProperty, et.ACT_Name);
     52             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTParentIDProperty, et.ACT_ParentID);
     53             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTRemarkProperty, et.ACT_Remark);
     54             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTSalvageRateProperty, et.ACT_SalvageRate);
     55             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTServiceLifeProperty, et.ACT_ServiceLife);
     56             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTShortNameProperty, et.ACT_ShortName);
     57             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTStateProperty, et.ACT_State);
     58             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTSysCodeProperty, et.ACT_SysCode);
     59             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTUnitProperty, et.ACT_Unit);
     60             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryInfo._aCTVoucherProperty, et.ACT_Voucher);
     62             MarkOld(obj);
     63             return obj;
     64         }
     66         #endregion
     68         #region 主对象
     70         /// <summary>
     71         /// 创建类别
     72         /// </summary>
     73         /// <returns></returns>
     74         public Asset_CategoryER CreateCategory(string parentID)
     75         {
     76             var obj = (Asset_CategoryER)MethodCaller.CreateInstance(typeof(Asset_CategoryER));
     77             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._actIdProperty, Util.CommonHelper.GetGuid);
     78             LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTParentIDProperty, parentID);
     79             MarkNew(obj);
     80             CheckRules(obj);
     81             return obj;
     82         }
     84         /// <summary>
     85         /// 加载类别
     86         /// </summary>
     87         /// <param name="id">类别ID</param>
     88         /// <returns></returns>
     89         public Asset_CategoryER FetchCategory(string id)
     90         {
     91             var et = base.BaseRepository().FindEntity(id);
     92             if (et != null)
     93             {
     94                 var obj = (Asset_CategoryER)MethodCaller.CreateInstance(typeof(Asset_CategoryER));
     95                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._actIdProperty, et.ACT_ID);
     96                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTNameProperty, et.ACT_Name);
     97                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTParentIDProperty, et.ACT_ParentID);
     98                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTRemarkProperty, et.ACT_Remark);
     99                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTSalvageRateProperty, et.ACT_SalvageRate);
    100                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTServiceLifeProperty, et.ACT_ServiceLife);
    101                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTShortNameProperty, et.ACT_ShortName);
    102                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTStateProperty, et.ACT_State);
    103                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTSysCodeProperty, et.ACT_SysCode);
    104                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTUnitProperty, et.ACT_Unit);
    105                 LoadProperty(obj, Asset_CategoryER._aCTVoucherProperty, et.ACT_Voucher);
    107                 MarkOld(obj);
    108                 CheckRules(obj);
    109                 return obj;
    110             }
    111             else
    112             {
    113                 return null;
    114             }
    115         }
    117         /// <summary>
    118         /// 更新类别
    119         /// </summary>
    120         /// <param name="obj">更新对象</param>
    121         /// <returns></returns>
    122         public Asset_CategoryER UpdateCategory(Asset_CategoryER obj)
    123         {
    124             if (obj.IsDeleted)
    125             {
    126                 if (!obj.IsNew)
    127                 {
    128                     //旧对象,删除
    129                     DeleteCategory(obj.ActId);
    130                 }
    131                 //创建新的
    132                 MarkNew(obj);
    133             }
    134             else
    135             {
    136                 CheckRules(obj);
    137                 if (!obj.IsSavable)
    138                 {
    139                     throw new Csla.Rules.ValidationException(obj.BrokenRulesCollection.ToString());
    140                 }
    141                 if (obj.IsNew)
    142                 {
    143                     //创建
    144                     Entity.CustomDevelop.AssetEntity.Asset_CategoryEntity entity = new Entity.CustomDevelop.AssetEntity.Asset_CategoryEntity();
    145                     entity.ACT_ID = obj.ActId;
    146                     entity.ACT_Name = obj.ACTName;
    147                     entity.ACT_ParentID = obj.ACTParentID;
    148                     entity.ACT_Remark = obj.ACTRemark;
    149                     entity.ACT_SalvageRate = obj.ACTSalvageRate;
    150                     entity.ACT_ServiceLife = obj.ACTServiceLife;
    151                     entity.ACT_ShortName = obj.ACTShortName;
    152                     entity.ACT_State = obj.ACTState;
    153                     entity.ACT_SysCode = obj.ACTSysCode;
    154                     entity.ACT_Unit = obj.ACTUnit;
    155                     entity.ACT_Voucher = obj.ACTVoucher;
    157                     base.BaseRepository().Insert(entity);
    158                 }
    159                 else
    160                 {
    161                     //更新
    162                     var entity = base.BaseRepository().FindEntity(obj.ActId);
    163                     entity.ACT_Name = obj.ACTName;
    164                     entity.ACT_ParentID = obj.ACTParentID;
    165                     entity.ACT_Remark = obj.ACTRemark;
    166                     entity.ACT_SalvageRate = obj.ACTSalvageRate;
    167                     entity.ACT_ServiceLife = obj.ACTServiceLife;
    168                     entity.ACT_ShortName = obj.ACTShortName;
    169                     entity.ACT_State = obj.ACTState;
    170                     entity.ACT_SysCode = obj.ACTSysCode;
    171                     entity.ACT_Unit = obj.ACTUnit;
    172                     entity.ACT_Voucher = obj.ACTVoucher;
    174                     base.BaseRepository().Update(entity);
    175                 }
    176                 MarkOld(obj);
    177             }
    178             return obj;
    179         }
    181         public void DeleteCategory(string id)
    182         {
    183             base.BaseRepository().Delete(id);
    184         }
    186         #endregion
    187     }
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    1 public class RepositoryFactory<T> : Csla.Server.ObjectFactory
    2         where T : class, new()



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/quluqi/p/HFun_Csla_Factory.html
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