URL picUrl = new URL("http://www.abc.com/abc.jpg");
Bitmap pngBM = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(picUrl.openStream());
try catch后打印出异常信息,得到NetworkOnMainThreadException异常信息
The exception that is thrown when an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread.
This is only thrown for applications targeting the Honeycomb SDK or higher. Applications targeting earlier SDK versions are allowed to do networking on their main event loop threads, but it's heavily discouraged. See the document Designing for Responsiveness.
解释一下,从Honeycomb SDK(3.0)开始,google不再允许网络请求(HTTP、Socket)等相关操作直接在Main Thread类中,其实本来就不应该这样做,直接在UI线程进行网络操作,会阻塞UI、用户体验相当bad!即便google不禁止,一般情况下我们也不 会这么做吧~ 所以,也就是说,在Honeycomb SDK(3.0)以下的版本,你还可以继续在Main Thread里这样做,在3.0以上,就不行了
public class ImageLoaders extends AsyncTask<String,Void,Bitmap> {
String url = null;
ImageView img = null;
static LruCache<String , Bitmap> imageCache = new LruCache<String , Bitmap>( (int)Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/1024);
public ImageLoaders(String Url , ImageView imgView) {
this.url = Url;
this.img = imgView;
//imageCache = new LruCache<String , Bitmap>( (int)Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/1024);
* Override this method to perform a computation on a background thread. The
* specified parameters are the parameters passed to {@link #execute}
* by the caller of this task.
* <p/>
* This method can call {@link #publishProgress} to publish updates
* on the UI thread.
* @param params The parameters of the task.
* @return A result, defined by the subclass of this task.
* @see #onPreExecute()
* @see #onPostExecute
* @see #publishProgress
protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) {
Log.i("img param", params[0]);
Log.i("img cache" , ImageLoaders.imageCache.toString());
if (ImageLoaders.imageCache.get(params[0]) != null)
return ImageLoaders.imageCache.get(params[0]);
//Log.i("img cache" , ImageLoaders.imageCache.get(params[0]));
URL picUrl = new URL(params[0]);
InputStream is = picUrl.openStream();
Bitmap pngBM = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
Log.i("image data", is.toString());
ImageLoaders.imageCache.put(params[0], pngBM);
return pngBM;
}catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
* <p>Runs on the UI thread after {@link #doInBackground}. The
* specified result is the value returned by {@link #doInBackground}.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>This method won't be invoked if the task was cancelled.</p>
* @param head The result of the operation computed by {@link #doInBackground}.
* @see #onPreExecute
* @see #doInBackground
* @see #onCancelled(Object)
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap head) {