Books, Tutorials
- Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms and data structures by Julian M. Bucknall , Source http://www.boyet.com/Code/ToDADS_source.zip , Buy http://www.lulu.com/content/435417
- Delphi Wikia http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/Delphi_Wiki
- Delphi Videos http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/Delphi_Videos
- Delphi in a Nutshell by Ray Lischner http://www.tempest-sw.com/nutshell/
- Delphi in a Nutshell Errata http://www.tempest-sw.com/nutshell/errata.html
- BorCon/DevCon (2003-2005, 2008) http://conferences.codegear.com/
- Delphi Scripting: Python, Ruby, Lua
- Delphi Indy
- Components, Resources, Tools
- Delphi-Pascal Num
- OLE Structured Storage
- Delphi XML
- Delphi Tips
- Delphi Design Patterns
- Delphi Files
- Delphi Threads
- Win API (Memory map files, Mutexes, Semaphores, etc.)
- Socket Links
- Delphi DB
- efg's Reference Library
- CodeGear Conference Proceedings Home Page
- Delphi corner -Articles http://www.delphicorner.f9.co.uk/art_index.htm
- Swiss Delphi Center
- Delphi for fun. http://www.delphiforfun.org/
- Delphi at howtodothings.com
- Deborah's rudimentary home page http://www.djpate.freeserve.co.uk/Index.htm
- IE & Delphi - A small collection of samples and components. Created and maintained by Per Linds Larsen
- Die Philosophie-Seiten von Dieter Khler. Assistant for Philological Explorations (APE), Open XML Editor, Open XML, Open RDF
- Parry Advanced Technologies
- The Delphi Crt unit is your source for a nearly complete and compatible unit for porting older Turbo/Borland Pascal projects to Borland Delphi. The unit implements nearly every feature of Borland's original Crt unit included with their MS-DOS compilers. Download.
- M-Pas Project, Including the Delphi to Cach Binding project, and the Cach DataSnap/MIDAS project. Download.
- delphi3000.com - Delphi community for knowledge exchange http://www.delphi3000.com/
- Dev Articles http://www.devarticles.com/c/b/Delphi-Kylix/
- Some interesting Delphi stuff: http://www.explainth.at/en/menu/delphi.shtml
- Advanced Delphi Programming http://www.explainth.at/en/menu/delphi.shtml
- Primoz Gabrijelcic's Delphi Pages http://17slon.com/gp/gp/index.htm
- CodeXterity http://www.codexterity.com/
- All Things Seen and Unseen (Delphi) http://rmarsh.com/category/programming/delphi/
The Delphi Magazine Revisited
- Primoz Gabrijelcic: http://17slon.com/blogs/gabr/labels/The%20Delphi%20Magazine.html
- tdm-68 -Let's Cooperate, tdm-69 SvCom, tdm-86 Synchronisation Toolkit, tdm-88 My Data Is Your Data, tdm-91 Synchronization Toolkit Revisited, tdm-95 Shared pools,
- Hallvard Vassbotn: http://hallvards.blogspot.com/search/label/TDM
- G-framework http://g-framework.org/
- Building an Object Persistence Framework http://www.tabdee.ltd.uk/Software/Papers/BuildingAnOPF/BuildingAnOPF.html
- tiOPF - Free, Open Source Object Persistence Framework for Free Pascal & Delphi http://tiopf.sourceforge.net/
- Installing tiOPF2 in Delphi http://www.dumitrup.com/blog/archives/4-Installing-tiOPF2-in-Delphi.html
- FP Wiki: tiOPF http://wiki.freepascal.org/tiOPF
- An Introduction to OPFs http://www.coadletter.com/article/borcon/files/9022/paper/9022.html
- The Design of a Robust Persistence Framework for Relational Databases http://www.ambysoft.com/essays/persistenceLayer.html
- Instant objects http://www.instantobjects.org/
- Aditional Instant Objects Brokers http://www.zootec.ad/io/
- DeCAL - The Delphi Container and Algorithm Library (DeCAL) is a powerful library of reusable container classes, generic algorithms, and an easy to use persistence mechanism. It is similar to and based on Stepanov's STL.
- The Delphi Container Library - DCLX is a free library that provides ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, HashMap, HashSet, ArraySet, Queue and Stack structures to Delphi/Kylix. It also provides algorithms like in STL (Apply, Found, CountObject, Copy, Generate, Fill, Reverse, Sort...)
- Delphi collections. Download.
- Get Implementing Object http://hallvards.blogspot.com/
Multicast (see also Observer pattern)
- Simulating multicast events in Win32 Delphi http://delphi.about.com/b/2005/05/10/simulating-multicast-events-in-win32-delphi.htm
- A Delphi Multicaster Class http://www.thedelphimagazine.com/conts/conts53.php
- Simulating multicast events in Win32 Delphi http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/aa51005a.htm
- MultiCast Events for Win32: Introduction (pff), The Basics (pdf)
- Advanced events http://www.gekko-software.nl/Delphi/art11.htm
- Distributed multicast event manager - object and component wrapper. http://17slon.com/gp/gp/gpsharedevents.htm
- Component http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=15339 . Download: www.sokratez.de/downloads/skypecontrol.rar
- Kol Skype API beta http://delphi.blue-aura.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=135 . Download http://www.thaddy.com/kolskype.zip
- Sending Skype Chat Messages using Delphi by Bob Swart http://www.drbob42.com/examines/examin75.htm
Legacy stuff
- DsgnIntf download http://www.href.com/upgwhvcl or http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/48584/download.aspx
- Move components from Delphi 5 to Delphi 6 http://www.howtodothings.com/computers/a1252-move-components-from-delphi-5-to-delphi-6.html
- consts.pas http://www.delphipages.com/threads/thread.cfm?ID=80364&G=80291
- Base64
- MIME Base64 Encoding http://www.torry.net/quicksearchd.php?String=Base64&Title=Yes
- How to Base 64 (MIME) Encode and Decode a String http://www.delphifaq.net/how-to-base-64-mime-encode-and-decode-a-string/
- Base64 encoding and decoding http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=1223
- encode / decode Base64 string http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=1524
- -
Delphi Miscellany, Delphi Science Links http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/Delphi/Miscellany/index.html
Components, Libraries
- FastSharemem: A Fast, Lightweight Sharemem Replacement http://www.codexterity.com/fastsharemem.htm
- Delphi Collections http://www.warmachine.u-net.com/delphi_collections/
- Pascal Mock 1.1 http://sourceforge.net/projects/pascalmock/
- PDF viewer http://www.synactis.com/pdf-viewer.htm
- MemCheck http://v.mahon.free.fr/pro/freeware/memcheck/
- Torry:
- Components > Tools > Debug http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=265
- Components > Tools > Tools http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=268
- Components > System > CPU http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=235
- Components > System > Memory http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=228