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  • Delphi文件操作


    Delphi file support
    Delphi provides a number of different file access mechanisms. The oldest is in support of consoles, where the Read, ReadLn, Write and WriteLn routines have a syntax that omits the file name. With no file name, IO (Input and Output) is routed to the console. 
    Of greater importance to modern applications, are disk file operations. Disks such as hard disks, floppy disks, CDs and DVDs (the latter are treated as read only). 
    Delphi confusingly provides two basic sets of routines for file handling. The most Delphi like are covered by this article and this web site. The other type are thin wrappers around Windows APIs - and as such are platform specific. They also support text files less intuitively. They are not covered here. 
    Additionally, hidden away, Delphi provides a very elegant way of reading and writing complete text files. The TStringList class has methods for loading the list of strings from a text file. And for saving the list likewise. See the final section of this article. 

    Accessing files
    There are a number of basic operations for handling both text and binary files. (The latter can hold non character data values). First, we must get a handle for a named file: 
       myFile : TextFile; 
       AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');

    Here we are getting a handle to a text file, designated by the TextFile type (binary files are of type File). We ask Delphi to assign a file handle for a file called 'Test.txt' which will be assumed to be in the current directory (as given by the GetCurrentDir routine).
    Next, we must open the file using this handle. This operation tells Delphi how we want to treat the file. There are 3 ways of opening the file:
     ReWrite Opens a file as new - discards existing contents if file exists
     Reset   Opens a file for read and write access
     Append  Opens a file for appending to the end (such as a log file)
    We'll cover the access mechanisms for text and binary files separately. Meanwhile, when we have finished, we must close the file:

    Reading and writing to text files
    Text files are great for simple uses, such as where we record a processing log. Text files fall short when reading and writing structured data. They do support number to string and string to number formatting, but you are often better off defining your own record structure and using a typed binary file instead.
    Here is a simple example of access to a text file:
       myFile : TextFile;
       text   : string; 
       // Try to open the Test.txt file for writing to
       AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
       // Write a couple of well known words to this file
       WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');
       WriteLn(myFile, 'World');
       // Close the file
       // Reopen the file for reading
       // Display the file contents
       while not Eof(myFile) do
         ReadLn(myFile, text);
       // Close the file for the last time

     The ShowMessage routine displays the following :

    If we replaced the ReWrite routine with Append, and rerun the code, the existing file would then contain:

    since append retains the existing file contents, appending after this anything new written to it.
    Notice that we have used WriteLn and ReadLn to write to and read from the file. This writes the given text plus a carriage return and line feed to the text. The read reads the whole line up to the carriage return. We have read from the file until Eof (End Of File) is true. See also Eoln.
    We can use Read and Write to read and write multiple strings to a file. More importantly, we can use these to write numbers as strings, with some useful formatting (see Write for further details):
       myFile : TextFile;
       text   : string;
       i      : Integer; 
       // Try to open the Test.txt file for writing to
       AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');
       // Write a couple of well known words to this file
       Write(myFile, 'Hello ');
       Write(myFile, 'World');
       // Terminate this line
       // Write some numbers to the file as a single line
       for i := 2 to 4 do
         Write(myFile, i/2, '  ');
       // Terminate this line
       // repeat the above, but with number formatting
       for i := 2 to 4 do
         Write(myFile, i/2:5:1);
       // Terminate this line
       // Close the file
       // Reopen the file for reading only
       // Display the file contents
       while not Eof(myFile) do
         ReadLn(myFile, text);
       // Close the file for the last time

     Hello World
     1.00000000000000E+0000  1.50000000000000E+0000  2.00000000000000E+0000
     1.0  1.5  2.0

    Reading and writing to typed binary files
    Typed binary files are files that have a data type as the basic unit of writing and reading. You write, say, an Integer, or a Record to a file, and read the same unit of data back. Records are particularly useful, allowing us to store any mix of data types in the one file unit of data.
    This is best illustrated with an example:
       TCustomer = Record
         name : string[20];
         age  : Integer;
         male : Boolean;
       myFile   : File of TCustomer;  // A file of customer records
       customer : TCustomer;          // A customer record variable 
       // Try to open the Test.cus binary file for writing to
       AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.cus');
       // Write a couple of customer records to the file
       customer.name := 'Fred Bloggs';
       customer.age  := 21;
       customer.male := true;
       Write(myFile, customer);
       customer.name := 'Jane Turner';
       customer.age  := 45;
       customer.male := false;
       Write(myFile, customer);
       // Close the file
       // Reopen the file in read only mode
       FileMode := fmOpenRead;
       // Display the file contents
       while not Eof(myFile) do
         Read(myFile, customer);
         if customer.male
         then ShowMessage('Man with name '+customer.name+
                          ' is '+IntToStr(customer.age))
         else ShowMessage('Lady with name '+customer.name+
                          ' is '+IntToStr(customer.age));
       // Close the file for the last time

     Man with name Fred Bloggs is 21
     Lady with name Jane Turner is 45

    The code is very similar to that used for text files, except that we define a file of a certain type (record), and pass/receive record data when writing/reading.

    Reading and writing to pure binary files
    Pure binary files are a bit peculiar. You must use BlockRead and BlockWrite instead of Read and Write. These have the added benefit of greater performance than the Read and Write, but are really geared at writing just blocks of binary data.
    Here is an example :
       myFile    : File;
       byteArray : array[1..8] of byte;
       oneByte   : byte;
       i, count  : Integer; 
       // Try to open the Test.byt file for writing to
       AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.byt');
       ReWrite(myFile, 4);   // Define a single 'record' as 4 bytes
       // Fill out the data array
       for i := 1 to 8 do
         byteArray[i] := i;
       // Write the data array to the file
       BlockWrite(myFile, byteArray, 2);   // Write 2 'records' of 4 bytes
       // Fill out the data array with different data
       for i := 1 to 4 do
         byteArray[i] := i*i;              // Value : 1, 4, 9, 16
       // Write only the first 4 items from the data array to the file
       BlockWrite(myFile, byteArray, 1);   // Write 1 record of 4 bytes
       // Close the file
       // Reopen the file for reading only
       FileMode := fmOpenRead;
       Reset(myFile, 1);   // Now we define one record as 1 byte
       // Display the file contents
       // Start with a read of the first 6 bytes. 'count' is set to the
       // actual number read
       ShowMessage('Reading first set of bytes :');
       BlockRead(myFile, byteArray, 6, count);
       // Display the byte values read
       for i := 1 to count do
       // Now read one byte at a time to the end of the file
       ShowMessage('Reading remaining bytes :');
       while not Eof(myFile) do
         BlockRead(myFile, oneByte, 1);   // Read and display one byte at a time
       // Close the file for the last time

     Reading first set of bytes :
     Reading remaining bytes :

    Other file processing mechanisms
    Typed binary files provide direct access methods in addition to sequential reads and writes. Click on a routine name to learn more:
     FilePos  Gives the file position in a binary or text file
     Seek     Moves to a new position in the file
     SeekEof  Skip to the end of the current line or file
     SeekEoln Skip to the end of the current line or file

    Getting information about files and directories
    We have only covered data access to files. There are a number of routines that allow you to do all sorts of things with files and directories that contain them:
     ChDir           Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive
     CreateDir       Create a directory
     DeleteFile      Delete a file specified by its file name
     Erase           Erase a file
     FileExists      Returns true if the given file exists
     FileSearch      Search for a file in one or more directories
     FileSetDate     Set the last modified date and time of a file
     Flush           Flushes buffered text file data to the file
     GetCurrentDir   Get the current directory (drive plus directory)
     MkDir           Make a directory
     RemoveDir       Remove a directory
     Rename          Rename a file
     RenameFile      Rename a file or directory
     RmDir           Remove a directory
     SelectDirectory Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory
     SetCurrentDir   Change the current directory
     Truncate        Truncates a file size

    Using TStringList to read and write text files
    The TStringList class is a very useful utility class that works on a lits of strings, each indexable like an array. The list can be sorted, and supports name/value pair strings, allowing selection by name or value.
    These lists can be furnished from text files in one fell swoop. Here we show a TStringList object being created, and loaded from a file:
       fileData : TStringList;                // Our TStringList variable
       fileData := TStringList.Create;        // Create the TSTringList object
       fileData.LoadFromFile('Testing.txt');  // Load from Testing.txt file

    We can display the whole file in a Memo box:
       memoBox.Text := fileData.Text;

    and we can display or process the file with direct access to any line at any time. In the example code below, we open a text file, reverse all lines in the file, and then save it back. Not terribly useful, but it shows the power of TStringList.
       fileData : TStringList;
       saveLine : String;
       lines, i : Integer;
       fileData := TStringList.Create;        // Create the TSTringList object
       fileData.LoadFromFile('Test.txt');     // Load from Testing.txt file
       // Reverse the sequence of lines in the file
       lines := fileData.Count;
       for i := lines-1 downto (lines div 2) do
         saveLine := fileData[lines-i-1];
         fileData[lines-i-1] := fileData[i];
         fileData[i] := saveLine;
       // Now display the file
       for i := 0 to lines-1 do
       fileData.SaveToFile('Test.txt');       // Save the reverse sequence file

    Take a look at TStringList to read more. If you are looking for exchange hosting, use the best.
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