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  • Python爬虫爬取1905电影网视频电影并存储到mysql数据库


      1 import time
      2 import traceback
      3 import requests
      4 from lxml import etree
      5 import re
      6 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
      7 from lxml.html.diff import end_tag
      8 import json
      9 import pymysql
     11 def get1905():
     12     url='https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p1.html'
     13     headers={
     14         'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36'
     15     }
     16     templist=[]
     17     dataRes=[]
     18     #最热
     19     #1905电影网一共有99页,每页24部电影 for1-100 输出1-99页
     20     for i in range(1,100):
     21         url_1='https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o3p'
     22         auto=str(i)
     23         url_2='.html'
     24         url=url_1+auto+url_2
     25         print(url)
     26         response = requests.get(url, headers)
     27         response.encoding = 'utf-8'
     28         page_text = response.text
     29         soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'lxml')
     30         # print(page_text)
     31         movie_all = soup.find_all('div', class_="grid-2x grid-3x-md grid-6x-sm")
     32         for single in movie_all:
     33             part_html=str(single)
     34             part_soup=BeautifulSoup(part_html,'lxml')
     35             #添加名字
     36             name=part_soup.find('a')['title']
     37             templist.append(name)
     38             # print(name)
     39             #添加评分
     40             try:
     41                 score=part_soup.find('i').text
     42             except:
     43                 if(len(score)==0):
     44                     score="1905暂无评分"
     45             templist.append(score)
     46             # print(score)
     47             #添加path
     48             path=part_soup.find('a',class_="pic-pack-outer")['href']
     49             templist.append(path)
     50             # print(path)
     51             #添加state
     52             state="免费"
     53             templist.append(state)
     54             print(templist)
     55             dataRes.append(templist)
     56             templist=[]
     57         print(len(dataRes))
     58     # print(movie_all)
     60     #---------------------------------------------
     61     #好评
     62     templist = []
     63     # 1905电影网一共有99页,每页24部电影 for1-100 输出1-99页
     64     for i in range(1, 100):
     65         url_1 = 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o4p'
     66         auto = str(i)
     67         url_2 = '.html'
     68         url = url_1 + auto + url_2
     69         print(url)
     70         response = requests.get(url, headers)
     71         response.encoding = 'utf-8'
     72         page_text = response.text
     73         soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'lxml')
     74         # print(page_text)
     75         movie_all = soup.find_all('div', class_="grid-2x grid-3x-md grid-6x-sm")
     76         for single in movie_all:
     77             part_html = str(single)
     78             part_soup = BeautifulSoup(part_html, 'lxml')
     79             # 添加名字
     80             name = part_soup.find('a')['title']
     81             templist.append(name)
     82             # print(name)
     83             # 添加评分
     84             try:
     85                 score = part_soup.find('i').text
     86             except:
     87                 if (len(score) == 0):
     88                     score = "1905暂无评分"
     89             templist.append(score)
     90             # print(score)
     91             # 添加path
     92             path = part_soup.find('a', class_="pic-pack-outer")['href']
     93             templist.append(path)
     94             # print(path)
     95             # 添加state
     96             state = "免费"
     97             templist.append(state)
     98             print(templist)
     99             dataRes.append(templist)
    100             templist = []
    101         print(len(dataRes))
    102         #---------------------------------------------
    103         # 最新
    104         templist = []
    105         # 1905电影网一共有99页,每页24部电影 for1-100 输出1-99页
    106     for i in range(1, 100):
    107         url_1 = 'https://www.1905.com/vod/list/n_1/o1p'
    108         auto = str(i)
    109         url_2 = '.html'
    110         url = url_1 + auto + url_2
    111         print(url)
    112         response = requests.get(url, headers)
    113         response.encoding = 'utf-8'
    114         page_text = response.text
    115         soup = BeautifulSoup(page_text, 'lxml')
    116         # print(page_text)
    117         movie_all = soup.find_all('div', class_="grid-2x grid-3x-md grid-6x-sm")
    118         for single in movie_all:
    119             part_html = str(single)
    120             part_soup = BeautifulSoup(part_html, 'lxml')
    121             # 添加名字
    122             name = part_soup.find('a')['title']
    123             templist.append(name)
    124             # print(name)
    125             # 添加评分
    126             try:
    127                 score = part_soup.find('i').text
    128             except:
    129                 if (len(score) == 0):
    130                     score = "1905暂无评分"
    131             templist.append(score)
    132             # print(score)
    133             # 添加path
    134             path = part_soup.find('a', class_="pic-pack-outer")['href']
    135             templist.append(path)
    136             # print(path)
    137             # 添加state
    138             state = "免费"
    139             templist.append(state)
    140             print(templist)
    141             dataRes.append(templist)
    142             templist = []
    143         print(len(dataRes))
    144     #去重
    145     old_list = dataRes
    146     new_list = []
    147     for i in old_list:
    148         if i not in new_list:
    149             new_list.append(i)
    150             print(len(new_list))
    151     print("总数:     "+str(len(new_list)))
    152     return new_list
    153 def insert_1905():
    154     cursor = None
    155     conn = None
    156     try:
    157         count = 0
    158         list = get1905()
    159         print(f"{time.asctime()}开始插入1905电影数据")
    160         conn, cursor = get_conn()
    161         sql = "insert into movie1905 (id,name,score,path,state) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    162         for item in list:
    163             print(item)
    164             # 异常捕获,防止数据库主键冲突
    165             try:
    166                 cursor.execute(sql, [0, item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3]])
    167             except pymysql.err.IntegrityError:
    168                 print("重复!跳过!")
    169         conn.commit()  # 提交事务 update delete insert操作
    170         print(f"{time.asctime()}插入1905电影数据完毕")
    171     except:
    172         traceback.print_exc()
    173     finally:
    174         close_conn(conn, cursor)
    175     return;
    177 #连接数据库  获取游标
    178 def get_conn():
    179     """
    180     :return: 连接,游标
    181     """
    182     # 创建连接
    183     conn = pymysql.connect(host="",
    184                     user="root",
    185                     password="000429",
    186                     db="movierankings",
    187                     charset="utf8")
    188     # 创建游标
    189     cursor = conn.cursor()  # 执行完毕返回的结果集默认以元组显示
    190     if ((conn != None) & (cursor != None)):
    191         print("数据库连接成功!游标创建成功!")
    192     else:
    193         print("数据库连接失败!")
    194     return conn, cursor
    195 #关闭数据库连接和游标
    196 def close_conn(conn, cursor):
    197     if cursor:
    198         cursor.close()
    199     if conn:
    200         conn.close()
    201     return 1
    203 if __name__ == '__main__':
    204     # get1905()
    205     insert_1905()



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rainbow-1/p/14772852.html
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