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  • Solution -「JOISC 2021」「LOJ #3495」聚会 2



      给定一棵含 (n) 个结点的树。称点集 (S) 到结点 (u) 的会合距离为 (sum_{vin S}operatorname{dist}(u,v))。对于 (|S|=1,2,dots,n),求使得满足 (S) 一定且 (S)(u) 的会合距离最小时,可能选取的 (u) 的个数的最大值。

      (nle2 imes10^5)


      可以发现,(u)(S) 在树上的带权重心。不难得到以下结论:

    • (2 otmid|S|),答案为 (1)
    • 若存在多个合法的 (u),这些 (u) 构成一条树链,且树链上任意一条边满足:断开这条边,两个联通块中属于 (S) 的结点个数相等(这也印证了上个结论)。

      考虑“枚举”树链更新答案。设一条树链两端结点构成的联通块大小为 (s_x,s_y),则满足 (|S|le2min{s_x,s_y})(|S|) 的答案都能用这条链的长度更新。注意到需要维护全局联通块大小这一信息,尝试钦定全局根后在有向树上做点分治。每层分治更新答案时,可以钦定当前得到的联通块的小为某条树链较小的一端,正反分别做一遍,用树状数组就能维护。

      复杂度 (mathcal O(nlog^2n))

      UPD:注意到点分治取重心的性质,跨过上层分治中心的路径一定不优,所以也可以直接统计以分治中心为根的子树大小。写的时候需要注意点分的实现,分治中心必须是严格的当前树上重心。Tiw 太强力!


    /* Clearink */
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #define rep( i, l, r ) for ( int i = l, rep##i = r; i <= rep##i; ++i )
    #define per( i, r, l ) for ( int i = r, per##i = l; i >= per##i; --i )
    inline int rint() {
        int x = 0, f = 1, s = getchar();
        for ( ; s < '0' || '9' < s; s = getchar() ) f = s == '-' ? -f : f;
        for ( ; '0' <= s && s <= '9'; s = getchar() ) x = x * 10 + ( s ^ '0' );
        return x * f;
    template<typename Tp>
    inline void wint( Tp x ) {
        if ( x < 0 ) putchar( '-' ), x = -x;
        if ( 9 < x ) wint( x / 10 );
        putchar( x % 10 ^ '0' );
    inline void chkmax( int& a, const int b ) { a < b && ( a = b ); }
    const int MAXN = 2e5, IINF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    int n, ecnt, head[MAXN + 5], ans[MAXN + 5];
    int siz[MAXN + 5], par[MAXN + 5]; // for global root.
    struct Edge { int to, nxt; } graph[MAXN * 2 + 5];
    bool vis[MAXN + 5];
    inline void link( const int u, const int v ) {
        graph[++ecnt] = { v, head[u] }, head[u] = ecnt;
        graph[++ecnt] = { u, head[v] }, head[v] = ecnt;
    inline void findG( const int u, const int fa, int all, int& rt ) {
        static int tsiz[MAXN + 5], wgt[MAXN + 5];
        if ( !all ) all = tsiz[u];
        tsiz[u] = 1, wgt[u] = 0;
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] && v != fa ) {
                findG( v, u, all, rt ), tsiz[u] += tsiz[v];
                chkmax( wgt[u], tsiz[v] );
        chkmax( wgt[u], all - tsiz[u] );
        if ( !rt || wgt[u] < wgt[rt] ) rt = u;
    inline void init( const int u ) {
        siz[u] = 1;
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( ( v = graph[i].to ) != par[u] ) {
                par[v] = u, init( v );
                siz[u] += siz[v];
    struct BinaryIndexTree {
        int val[MAXN + 5];
        inline void upd( int x, const int v ) {
            for ( x = n - x + 1; x <= n; x += x & -x ) chkmax( val[x], v );
        inline int ask( int x ) {
            int ret = -IINF;
            for ( x = n - x + 1; x; x -= x & -x ) chkmax( ret, val[x] );
            return ret;
        inline void clear( int x ) {
            for ( x = n - x + 1; x <= n; x += x & -x ) val[x] = -IINF;
    } bit;
    inline void update( const int u, const int fa, const int d, const int sr ) {
        int su = u == par[fa] ? n - siz[u] : siz[u];
        chkmax( ans[su << 1], bit.ask( su ) + d );
        chkmax( ans[( su < sr ? su : sr ) << 1], d );
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] && v != fa ) {
                update( v, u, d + 1, sr );
    inline void collect( const int u, const int fa, const int d ) {
        int su = u == par[fa] ? n - siz[u] : siz[u];
        bit.upd( su, d );
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] && v != fa ) {
                collect( v, u, d + 1 );
    inline void clear( const int u, const int fa ) {
        int su = u == par[fa] ? n - siz[u] : siz[u];
        bit.clear( su );
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] && v != fa ) {
                clear( v, u );
    inline void solve( const int u ) {
        vis[u] = true;
        static std::vector<int> son;
        for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] ) {
                son.push_back( v );
        for ( int v: son ) {
            update( v, u, 1, par[v] == u ? siz[u] - siz[v] : siz[u] );
            collect( v, u, 1 );
        for ( int v: son ) clear( v, u );
        std::reverse( son.begin(), son.end() );
        for ( int v: son ) {
            update( v, u, 1, par[v] == u ? siz[u] - siz[v] : siz[u] );
            collect( v, u, 1 );
        for ( int v: son ) clear( v, u );
        for ( int i = head[u], v, rt; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
            if ( !vis[v = graph[i].to] ) {
                findG( v, u, 0, rt = 0 );
                solve( rt );
    int main() {
        n = rint();
        rep ( i, 2, n ) link( rint(), rint() );
        int rt = 0; findG( 1, 0, n, rt );
        init( rt ); // let rt be global root.
        rep ( i, 1, n ) bit.val[i] = -IINF;
        solve( rt );
        per ( i, n - 1, 1 ) chkmax( ans[i], ans[i + 1] );
        rep ( i, 1, n ) wint( i & 1 ? 1 : ans[i] + 1 ), putchar( '
    ' );
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rainybunny/p/14915243.html
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