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  • LeetCode 2. add two numbers



    ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
            ListNode* result;
            ListNode* cur;
            ListNode* cur_1 = l1->next, *cur_2 = l2->next;
            int cur_value = l1->val + l2->val;
            int hasOne = cur_value/10;
    //      ListNode first();  因为用了cur=&first而不是new导致Runtime Error,个人认为具体原因是出了函数first就被当做临时变量释放
            cur = result = new ListNode(cur_value - hasOne*10);
            while (cur_1 != NULL && cur_2 != NULL) {
                cur_value = cur_1->val + cur_2->val + hasOne;
                hasOne = cur_value/10;
                cur->next = new ListNode(cur_value - hasOne*10);
                cur = cur->next;
                cur_1 = cur_1->next;
                cur_2 = cur_2->next;
            while(cur_1 != NULL) {
                int tmp = cur_1->val;
                tmp += hasOne;
                hasOne = tmp/10;
                cur_1 = cur_1->next;
                cur->next = new ListNode(tmp-hasOne*10);
                cur = cur->next;
            while(cur_2 != NULL){
                int tmp = cur_2->val;
                tmp += hasOne;
                hasOne = tmp/10;
                cur_2 = cur_2->next;
                cur->next = new ListNode(tmp-hasOne*10);
                cur = cur->next;
            if (hasOne > 0) {
                cur->next = new ListNode(hasOne);
            return result;


    ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
            int hasOne = 0;
            ListNode preheader(-1);
            ListNode* cur = &preheader;
            while (l1 || l2 || hasOne) {
                int cur_value = (l1?l1->val:0) + (l2?l2->val:0) + hasOne;
                l1 = l1?l1->next:NULL;
                l2 = l2?l2->next:NULL;
                hasOne = cur_value/10;
                cur->next = new ListNode(cur_value%10);
                cur = cur->next;
            return preheader.next;

    1. preheader解决了头结点特殊情况问题

    2. 利用 1220 + 12 = 1220 + 0012的办法将多个情况分支融合


    #from https://leetcode.com/discuss/36908/python-for-the-win
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2): 
    = l1, l2
      dummy = end = ListNode(0)
      carry = 0
      while addends or carry:
        carry += sum(a.val for a in addends)
        addends = [a.next for a in addends if a.next]
        end.next = end = ListNode(carry % 10)
      carry /= 10
      return dummy.next
    #version of transfer to int then transfer back
    def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2): 
        def toint(node): 
            return node.val + 10 * toint(node.next) if node else 0 
        def tolist(n): 
            node = ListNode(n % 10)
            if n > 9: 
                node.next = tolist(n / 10) 
            return node 
    return tolist(toint(l1) + toint(l2))                

    1. m = n = 1的情况下,n改变m不会跟着改变;m = n = My_Class的情况下,n改变m也会跟着变

    2. end.next = end = Class()等价于end.next = Class(); end = end.next;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rangozhang/p/4550576.html
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