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  • BZOJ1631 [Usaco2007 Feb]Cow Party



     1 /**************************************************************
     2     Problem: 1631
     3     User: rausen
     4     Language: C++
     5     Result: Accepted
     6     Time:196 ms
     7     Memory:2380 kb
     8 ****************************************************************/
    10 #include <cstdio>
    11 #include <cstring>
    12 #include <algorithm>
    14 using namespace std;
    15 const int N = 1005;
    16 struct edge{
    17     int next, to, v;
    18 }e[100005];
    19 int n, m, S, X, Y, Z, tot;
    20 int q[100005], dis[N], first[N], dis1[N], ANS;
    21 bool v[N];
    23 inline int read(){
    24     int x = 0, sgn = 1;
    25     char ch = getchar();
    26     while (ch < '0' || ch > '9'){
    27         if (ch == '-') sgn = -1;
    28         ch = getchar();
    29     }
    30     while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'){
    31         x = x * 10 + ch - '0';
    32         ch = getchar();
    33     }
    34     return sgn * x;
    35 }
    37 inline void add_edge(int x, int y, int z){
    38     e[++tot].next = first[x], first[x] = tot;
    39     e[tot].to = y, e[tot].v = z;
    40 }
    42 void spfa(int S){
    43     memset(dis, 127, sizeof(dis));
    44     q[0] = S, dis[S] = 0, v[S] = 1;
    45     int p, x, y;
    46     for (int l = 0, r = 0; l <= r; ++l){
    47         p = q[l];
    48         for (x = first[p]; x; x = e[x].next){
    49             y = e[x].to;
    50             if (dis[p] + e[x].v < dis[y]){
    51                 dis[y] = dis[p] + e[x].v;
    52                 if (!v[y])
    53                     v[y] = 1, q[++r] = y;
    54             }
    55         }
    56         v[p] = 0;
    57     }
    58 }
    60 int main(){
    61     n = read(), m = read(), S = read();
    62     for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i){
    63         X = read(), Y = read(), Z = read();
    64         add_edge(X, Y, Z);
    65     }
    66     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
    67         spfa(i);
    68         dis1[i] = dis[S];
    69     }
    70     spfa(S);
    71     for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
    72         ANS = max(ANS, dis[i] + dis1[i]);
    73     printf("%d
    ", ANS);
    74     return 0;
    75 }
    View Code

    (p.s.  感觉做法已经很快了啊。。。那些20ms的人心态呢。。。都是怎么做的。。。)

    By Xs酱~ 转载请说明 博客地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/rausen
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rausen/p/4039085.html
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