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  • BZOJ3932 [CQOI2015]任务查询系统


      1 /**************************************************************
      2     Problem: 3932
      3     User: rausen
      4     Language: C++
      5     Result: Accepted
      6     Time:2868 ms
      7     Memory:98560 kb
      8 ****************************************************************/
     10 #include <cstdio>
     11 #include <algorithm>
     13 using namespace std;
     14 typedef long long ll;
     15 const int N = 1e5 + 5;
     16 const int P = 1e7;
     18 inline int read();
     20 struct chair_tree {
     21     chair_tree *ls, *rs;
     22     int sz;
     23     ll sum;
     25     #define Len (1 << 16)
     26     void* operator new(size_t, int x, ll y, chair_tree *L = NULL, chair_tree *R = NULL) {
     27         static chair_tree *mempool, *c;
     28         if (c == mempool)
     29             mempool = (c = new chair_tree[Len]) + Len;
     30         c -> ls = L, c -> rs = R, c -> sz = x, c -> sum = y;
     31         return c++;
     32     }
     33     void* operator new(size_t, chair_tree *p) {
     34         static chair_tree *mempool, *c;
     35         if (c == mempool)
     36             mempool = (c = new chair_tree[Len]) + Len;
     37         *c = *p;
     38         return c++;
     39     }
     40     #undef Len
     42     #define mid (l + r >> 1)
     43     void modify(int l, int r, int pos, int d_sz, ll d_sum) {
     44         this -> sz += d_sz, this -> sum += d_sum;
     45         if (l == r) return;
     46         if (pos <= mid) this -> ls = new(this -> ls)chair_tree, this -> ls -> modify(l, mid, pos, d_sz, d_sum);
     47         else this -> rs = new(this -> rs)chair_tree, this -> rs -> modify(mid + 1, r, pos, d_sz, d_sum);
     48     }
     50     ll kth(int l, int r, int k) {
     51         if (l == r) return 1ll * mid * min(k, this -> sz);
     52         if (k <= this -> ls -> sz) return this -> ls -> kth(l, mid, k);
     53         else return this -> rs -> kth(mid + 1, r, k - this -> ls -> sz) + this -> ls -> sum;
     54     }
     55     #undef mid
     56 } *chair[N];
     58 struct data {
     59     int t, v, del;
     60     data(int _t = 0, int _v = 0, int _d = 0) : t(_t), v(_v), del(_d) {}
     62     inline bool operator < (const data &p) const {
     63         return t < p.t;
     64     }
     65 } a[N << 1];
     67 int n, m, k;
     68 ll ans;
     70 int main() {
     71     int i, j, A, B, C, x, y, z;
     72     m = read(), n = read();
     73     for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
     74         x = read(), y = read(), z = read();
     75         a[i * 2 - 1] = data(x, z, 1);
     76         a[i * 2] = data(y + 1, z, -1);
     77     }
     78     sort(a + 1, a + m * 2 + 1);
     79     chair[0] = new(0, 0)chair_tree;
     80     chair[0] -> ls = chair[0] -> rs = chair[0];
     82     for (i = j = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
     83         chair[i] = new(chair[i - 1])chair_tree;
     84         for (; j <= m << 1 && a[j].t == i; ++j)
     85             chair[i] -> modify(1, P, a[j].v, a[j].del, a[j].v * a[j].del);
     86     }
     87     for (i = ans = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
     88         x = read(), A = read(), B = read(), C = read();
     89         k = (A * ans + B) % C + 1;
     90         printf("%lld
    ", ans = chair[x] -> kth(1, P, k));
     91     }
     92     return 0;
     93 }
     95 inline int read() {
     96     static int x;
     97     static char ch;
     98     x = 0, ch = getchar();
     99     while (ch < '0' || '9' < ch)
    100         ch = getchar();
    101     while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
    102         x = x * 10 + ch - '0';
    103         ch = getchar();
    104     }
    105     return x;
    106 }
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    By Xs酱~ 转载请说明 博客地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/rausen
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rausen/p/4456954.html
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