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  • XML配置文件读取类[DELPHI]




      1 unit XMLConfig;
      2 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
      3 { 这个单元用来处理XML配置文件,对配置文件格式有默认要求                             }
      4 { 格式为,只允许有一个root,然后root下对应配置文件,                               }
      5 { 所有配置,均使用xml属性存取配置,属性中必须存在Name属性,                         }
      6 { 不得单独使用下级Node                                                         }
      7 { PS: 使用NativeXML库作为XML取数基本集,NativeXML请自行获取                      }
      8 { By Raymond.Zhang @ 2012.07.12 Mail: Acni.ray@gmail.com                     }
      9 { Tebs Work Group                                                            }
     10 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
     11 interface
     12 uses
     13   NativeXml, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, CommLib,
     14   System.Generics.Collections;
     16 type
     18   //为了自动释放的特性,使用接口
     19   {$REGION 'Interface'}
     20   IConfigNode = interface
     21     ['{67323F7D-9E6C-420B-BF1C-92457D829380}']
     22     function EnmuConfigNames: TStringList;
     23     function EnmuConfigValues: TStringList;
     24     function GetName: string;
     25     function GetValueByConfig(AConfig: string): string;
     26     function ValueWithDefault(AConfig: string; ADefualt: string):string;
     27     procedure DeleteConfig(const AConfig: string);
     28     procedure SetValueByConfig(AConfig: string; const Value: string);
     29     property Value[AConfig: string]: string read GetValueByConfig write SetValueByConfig; default;
     30     property Name: string read GetName;
     31   end;
     33   IConfigNodes = interface
     34     ['{56DBB6F5-BD64-4F07-A949-300877B1B787}']
     35     function AddConfigNode(AName: string): IConfigNode;
     36     function EnmuConfigNodes: TStringList;
     37     function GetConfigNodeByIndex(AIndex: Integer): IConfigNode;
     38     function GetConfigNodeByName(AName: string): IConfigNode;
     39     function GetConfigNodeCount: Integer;
     40     procedure DeleteConfig(AName: string);
     41     property ConfigNode[AName: string]: IConfigNode read GetConfigNodeByName; default;
     42     property Count: Integer read GetConfigNodeCount;
     43     property Nodes[AIndex: Integer]: IConfigNode read GetConfigNodeByIndex;
     44   end;
     46   IRootNode = interface
     47     ['{65213F85-0804-4FE1-A726-CFC0F082AC93}']
     48     function GetConfigsByType(AType: string): IConfigNodes;
     49     property Configs[AType: string]: IConfigNodes read GetConfigsByType; default;
     50   end;
     51   {$ENDREGION}
     53   TConfigNode = class(TInterfacedObject, IConfigNode)
     54   private
     55     FXMLNode: TXmlNode;
     56     function GetName: string;
     57   protected
     58     function GetValueByConfig(AConfig: string): string;
     59     procedure SetValueByConfig(AConfig: string; const Value: string);
     60   public
     61     constructor Create(AXmlNode: TXmlNode);
     62     destructor Destroy; override;
     63     function EnmuConfigNames: TStringList;
     64     function EnmuConfigValues: TStringList;
     65     function ValueWithDefault(AConfig: string; ADefualt: string):string;
     66     procedure DeleteConfig(const AConfig: string);
     67     property Value[AConfig: string]: string read GetValueByConfig write SetValueByConfig; default;
     68     property Name: string read GetName;
     69   end;
     71   TConfigNodes = class(TInterfacedObject, IConfigNodes)
     72   private
     73     FType: string;
     74     FRootNode: TXmlNode;
     75     FXmlNodes: TList<TXmlNode>;
     76   protected
     77     function GetConfigNodeByIndex(AIndex: Integer): IConfigNode;
     78     function GetConfigNodeByName(AName: string): IConfigNode;
     79     function GetConfigNodeCount: Integer;
     80   public
     81     constructor Create(const ARootNode: TXmlNode; const AType: string);
     82     destructor Destroy; override;
     83     function AddConfigNode(AName: string): IConfigNode;
     84     function EnmuConfigNodes: TStringList;
     85     procedure DeleteConfig(AName: string);
     86     property ConfigNode[AName: string]: IConfigNode read GetConfigNodeByName; default;
     87     property Count: Integer read GetConfigNodeCount;
     88     property Nodes[AIndex: Integer]: IConfigNode read GetConfigNodeByIndex;
     89   end;
     91   TRootNode = class(TInterfacedObject, IRootNode)
     92   private
     93     FRootNode: TXmlNode;
     94   public
     95     constructor Create(AXmlNode: TXmlNode);
     96     destructor Destroy; override;
     97     function GetConfigsByType(AType: string): IConfigNodes;
     98   end;
    100   TXMLConfig = class(TObject)
    101   private
    102     FAutoSave: Boolean;
    103     FConfig: TNativeXml;
    104     FConfigName: string;
    105     FConfigPath: string;
    106   protected
    107     function GetRoot:IRootNode;
    108   public
    109     class function RegisterFileInfo(AFileInfo: IFileInfo): Boolean;
    110     constructor Create(ConfigName: string);
    111     destructor Destroy; override;
    112     procedure Save;
    113     property Root: IRootNode read GetRoot;
    114     property AutoSave: Boolean read FAutoSave write FAutoSave;
    115   end;
    117 implementation
    118 var
    119   AppFileInfo: IFileInfo = nil;
    120 const
    121   ConfigExt: string = '.config';
    122   UnRegFileInfo: string = '文件接口未注册,无法获取配置文件路径!';
    124 { TXMLConfig }
    126 constructor TXMLConfig.Create(ConfigName: string);
    127 begin
    128   if Assigned(AppFileInfo) then
    129   begin
    130     inherited Create;
    131     FConfigName := ConfigName;
    132     FConfigPath := AppFileInfo.ConfigPath + ConfigName + ConfigExt;
    133     FConfig := TNativeXml.Create(nil);
    134     FConfig.Charset := 'utf-8';
    135     FConfig.XmlFormat := xfReadable;
    136     FAutoSave := True;
    137     if FileExists(FConfigPath) then
    138       FConfig.LoadFromFile(FConfigPath)
    139     else begin
    140       FConfig.VersionString := '1.0';
    141       FConfig.Root.Name := 'ConfigData';
    142       Save;
    143     end;
    144   end else
    145     raise ERayException.Create(UnRegFileInfo);
    146 end;
    148 destructor TXMLConfig.Destroy;
    149 begin
    150   if FAutoSave then Save;
    151   FreeAndNil(FConfig);
    152   inherited;
    153 end;
    155 function TXMLConfig.GetRoot: IRootNode;
    156 begin
    157   Result := TRootNode.Create(FConfig.Root);
    158 end;
    160 class function TXMLConfig.RegisterFileInfo(AFileInfo: IFileInfo): Boolean;
    161 begin
    162   Result := Supports(AFileInfo, IFileInfo, AppFileInfo);
    163 end;
    165 procedure TXMLConfig.Save;
    166 begin
    167   FConfig.SaveToFile(FConfigPath);
    168 end;
    170 { TConfigNode }
    172 constructor TConfigNode.Create(AXmlNode: TXmlNode);
    173 begin
    174   inherited Create();
    175   FXMLNode := AXmlNode;
    176 end;
    178 procedure TConfigNode.DeleteConfig(const AConfig: string);
    179 begin
    180   FXMLNode.AttributeByName[UTF8Encode(AConfig)].Delete;
    181 end;
    183 destructor TConfigNode.Destroy;
    184 begin
    185   //这里不能释放Node,需要配合整个XML一起释放,若单独释放,会有意想不到的问题
    186   FXMLNode := nil;
    187   inherited;
    188 end;
    190 function TConfigNode.EnmuConfigNames: TStringList;
    191 var
    192   I: Integer;
    193 begin
    194   Result := TStringList.Create;
    195   for I := 0 to FXMLNode.AttributeCount - 1 do
    196   begin
    197     Result.Add(FXMLNode.Attributes[i].NameUnicode);
    198   end;
    199 end;
    201 function TConfigNode.EnmuConfigValues: TStringList;
    202 var
    203   I: Integer;
    204 begin
    205   Result := TStringList.Create;
    206   for I := 0 to FXMLNode.AttributeCount - 1 do
    207   begin
    208     Result.Add(FXMLNode.Attributes[i].ValueUnicode);
    209   end;
    210 end;
    212 function TConfigNode.GetName: string;
    213 begin
    214   Result := FXMLNode.AttributeValueByNameWide['Name'];
    215 end;
    217 function TConfigNode.GetValueByConfig(AConfig: string): string;
    218 begin
    219   Result := FXMLNode.AttributeValueByNameWide[UTF8Encode(AConfig)];
    220 end;
    222 procedure TConfigNode.SetValueByConfig(AConfig: string; const Value: string);
    223 var
    224   AAttribute: TsdAttribute;
    225 begin
    226   AAttribute := FXMLNode.AttributeByName[UTF8Encode(AConfig)];
    227   if Assigned(AAttribute) then
    228   begin
    229     AAttribute.ValueUnicode := Value;
    230   end else
    231   begin
    232     FXMLNode.AttributeAdd(UTF8Encode(AConfig), UTF8Encode(Value));
    233   end;
    234   AAttribute := nil;
    235 end;
    237 function TConfigNode.ValueWithDefault(AConfig, ADefualt: string): string;
    238 begin
    239   Result := Value[AConfig];
    240   if Result = EmptyStr then
    241   begin
    242     Value[AConfig] := ADefualt;
    243     Result := ADefualt;
    244   end;
    245 end;
    247 { TConfigNodes }
    249 function TConfigNodes.AddConfigNode(AName: string): IConfigNode;
    250 var
    251   AXmlNode: TXmlNode;
    252 begin
    253   Result := GetConfigNodeByName(AName);
    254   if Result = nil then
    255   begin
    256     AXmlNode := FRootNode.NodeNew(UTF8Encode(FType));
    257     AXmlNode.AttributeAdd('Name',UTF8Encode(AName));
    258     FXmlNodes.Add(AXmlNode);
    259     Result := TConfigNode.Create(AXmlNode);
    260   end;
    261   AXmlNode := nil;
    262 end;
    264 constructor TConfigNodes.Create(const ARootNode: TXmlNode; const AType: string);
    265 var
    266   I: Integer;
    267 begin
    268   inherited Create();
    269   FRootNode := ARootNode;
    270   FXmlNodes := TList<TXmlNode>.Create;
    271   FType := AType;
    272   for I := 0 to ARootNode.ElementCount - 1 do
    273   begin
    274     if ARootNode.Elements[i].NameUnicode = AType then
    275     begin
    276       FXmlNodes.Add(ARootNode.Elements[i]);
    277     end;
    278   end;
    279 end;
    281 procedure TConfigNodes.DeleteConfig(AName: string);
    282 var
    283   I: Integer;
    284 begin
    285   for I := 0 to FXmlNodes.Count - 1 do
    286   begin
    287     if FXmlNodes[i].AttributeValueByNameWide['Name'] = AName then
    288     begin
    289       FXmlNodes[i].Delete;
    290       FXmlNodes.Delete(i);
    291       Exit;
    292     end;
    293   end;
    294 end;
    296 destructor TConfigNodes.Destroy;
    297 begin
    298   FreeAndNil(FXmlNodes);
    299   inherited;
    300 end;
    302 function TConfigNodes.EnmuConfigNodes: TStringList;
    303 var
    304   I: Integer;
    305 begin
    306   Result := TStringList.Create;
    307   for I := 0 to FXmlNodes.Count - 1 do
    308   begin
    309     Result.Add(FXmlNodes[i].AttributeValueByNameWide['Name']);
    310   end;
    311 end;
    313 function TConfigNodes.GetConfigNodeByIndex(AIndex: Integer): IConfigNode;
    314 begin
    315   Result := TConfigNode.Create(FXmlNodes[AIndex]);
    316 end;
    318 function TConfigNodes.GetConfigNodeByName(AName: string): IConfigNode;
    319 var
    320   I: Integer;
    321 begin
    322   Result := nil;
    323   for I := 0 to FXmlNodes.Count - 1 do
    324   begin
    325     if FXmlNodes[i].AttributeValueByNameWide['Name'] = AName then
    326     begin
    327       Result := TConfigNode.Create(FXmlNodes[i]);
    328       Exit;
    329     end;
    330   end;
    331 end;
    333 function TConfigNodes.GetConfigNodeCount: Integer;
    334 begin
    335   Result := FXmlNodes.Count;
    336 end;
    338 { TRootNode }
    340 constructor TRootNode.Create(AXmlNode: TXmlNode);
    341 begin
    342   inherited Create();
    343   FRootNode := AXmlNode;
    344 end;
    346 destructor TRootNode.Destroy;
    347 begin
    348   // 不能释放,等待随主类释放
    349   FRootNode := nil;
    350   inherited;
    351 end;
    353 function TRootNode.GetConfigsByType(AType: string): IConfigNodes;
    354 begin
    355   Result := TConfigNodes.Create(FRootNode, AType);
    356 end;
    358 end.



     1 procedure TFrm1.Btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
     2 var
     3   AServerList : TStrings ;
     4   ILoginInfo: IConfigNode;
     5 begin
     6   //获取服务器列表
     7   AServerList := AppServerConfig.Root['AppServer'].EnmuConfigNodes;
     8   CbxServer.Properties.Items.AddStrings(AServerList);
     9   FreeAndNil(AServerList);
    10   ILoginInfo := UserConfig.Root['LoginInfo'].AddConfigNode('Default');
    11   //读取上次登录的用户名
    12   TxtUserName.Text := ILoginInfo['LastUser'];
    13   //读取上次登录的服务器名
    14   CbxServer.Text := ILoginInfo['LastServer'];
    15   ILoginInfo := nil;
    16 end;


    1 <?xml encoding="utf-8" version="1.0"?>
    2 <ConfigData>
    3     <LoginInfo Name="Default" LastUser="Test" LastServer="Test" LastRole=""/>
    4     <ReportDlgCfg Name="Default" ShowPrintDlg="0" ShowExportDlg="0" AutoCreateDir="0" OpenFile="0" LastPrinter="Microsoft XPS Document Writer"/>
    5 </ConfigData>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rayz/p/2651291.html
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