晚上看了阮一峰先生的博客:搜索引擎对相似图片搜索识别的原理,感觉挺有趣,就按着算法写写。唉,本来打算写写spring mvc的,这下一晚上又废了。先记录一下:
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * * @author Andy * date:2013/8/18 * 颜色分布法 *将0~255分成四个区: *0~63为第0区,64~127为第1区,128~191为第2区,192~255为第3区。 *这意味着红绿蓝分别有4个区,总共可以构成64种组合(4的3次方)。 *所以一张图片组成了一个64维向量,这个向量可以视为图片的指纹 * */ public class ColorDistribution { private int N=64; public int[] vectorValue=new int[64]; public ColorDistribution(){ } public void vectorCompute(String imagePath){ BufferedImage bufferedImage=null; try { //read the image bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream( imagePath)); int green, red, blue; int imageWidth = bufferedImage.getWidth(); int imageHeight = bufferedImage.getHeight(); //deal every pixel for (int i = bufferedImage.getMinX(); i < imageWidth; i++) { for (int j = bufferedImage.getMinY(); j < imageHeight; j++) { Object data = bufferedImage.getRaster().getDataElements(i, j, null); red = bufferedImage.getColorModel().getRed(data); green = bufferedImage.getColorModel().getGreen(data); blue = bufferedImage.getColorModel().getBlue(data); vectorValue[zone(red) * 16 + zone(green) * 4 + zone(blue)]++; } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //divide to four zones -0,1,2,3 int zone(int colorValue){ if(colorValue>=0 && colorValue<=63){ return 0; }else if(colorValue>=64 && colorValue<=127){ return 1; }else if(colorValue>=128 && colorValue<=191){ return 2; }else{ return 3; } } //test public static void main(String[] args){ ColorDistribution cd=new ColorDistribution(); cd.vectorCompute("C:\Users\red\Desktop\2.jpg"); int[] a=cd.vectorValue; for(int i=0;i<a.length;++i){ System.out.print(a[i]+" "); } } }
/** * 皮尔逊积矩相关系数 * @author Andy * date:2013/8/18 */ public class PPMCC{ private double exVector1;//sample mean private double exVector2;//sample mean private double sxVector1;//sample standard deviation private double sxVector2;//sample standard deviation //mean public double mean(int[] v){ double sum=0; for(int i=0;i<v.length;++i){ sum+=v[i]; } return sum/(v.length); } //standard deviation public double standardDeviation(int[] v,double ex){ double sx=0; for(int i=0;i<v.length;++i){ double temp=v[i]-ex; sx+=temp*temp; } return Math.sqrt(sx/(v.length-1)); } public double execute(int[] v1,int[] v2){ int n=0; double r=0; if(v1.length==v2.length){ n=v1.length; }else{ return r; } exVector1=mean(v1); exVector2=mean(v2); sxVector1=standardDeviation(v1, exVector1); sxVector2=standardDeviation(v2, exVector2); for(int i=0;i<v1.length;++i){ r+=((v1[i]-exVector1)/sxVector1)*((v2[i]-exVector2)/sxVector2); } r/=n-1; return r; } //test public static void main(String[] args){ ColorDistribution cd1=new ColorDistribution(); ColorDistribution cd2=new ColorDistribution(); cd1.vectorCompute("C:\Users\red\Desktop\2.jpg"); cd2.vectorCompute("C:\Users\red\Desktop\1.jpg"); PPMCC ppmcc=new PPMCC(); double r=ppmcc.execute(cd1.vectorValue, cd2.vectorValue); System.out.println(r); } }