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  • appium基础框架

     1 #-*-ecoding:utf-8 -*-
     2 from appium import webdriver
     3 from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
     4 import unittest
     5 from time import sleep
     6 import time
     7 import HTMLTestRunner
     8 import io
    10 class WebCat_Open(unittest.TestCase):
    11     def setUp(self):
    12         desired_caps={"platformName":"Android",
    13                 "platformVersion":"6.0",
    14                 "deviceName":"ZTEBV0710",
    15                 "appPackage":"com.tencent.mm",
    16                 "appActivity":"com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI ",
    17                 "unicodeKeyboard":"true"}
    18         self.driver=webdriver.Remote("",desired_caps)
    19     def tearDown(self):
    20         self.driver.quit()
    22     def test_open(self):
    23         dr=self.driver
    24         qh=WebDriverWait(dr,10).until(lambda dr:dr.find_element_by_name(u""))
    25         qh.click()
    26         dr.find_element_by_name(u"设置").click()
    27         print(dr.current_context)
    28         print(dr.current_activity)
    29         sleep(10)
    30     def test_xy(self):
    31         pass
    32     def test_wc(self):
    33         pass
    35 unitsuits=unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(start_dir=r"C:Userssyf1225PycharmProjectsappium",
    36                                              pattern="web*.py",
    37                                              top_level_dir=None)
    38 unitsuit=unittest.TestSuite()
    39 for suits in unitsuits:
    40     print(suits)
    41     for suit in suits:
    42         unitsuit.addTests(suit)
    43         print(suit)
    45 if __name__=="__main__":
    46     now = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())
    47     filename = "C:\Users\syf1225\PycharmProjects\appium\htmereport\" + now+"result.html"
    48     file = open(filename, "wb")
    49     runner=HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(stream=file,
    50                                          title=u"微信测试",
    51                                          verbosity=1,
    52                                          description=u"python脚本,安卓6.0,windows10")
    53     runner.run(unitsuit)
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