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  • How to Customize the Left Navigation Bar of SPPS Home Page [Another Solution]

    There are a few steps to achieving this:

    1. Identify the Category ID for your "Departments" area.
    2. Modify the underlying .ASPX file
    3. Add a NEW instance of the control that renders this heirarchy
    1. To get the "Departments" category ID
    - Open the "Deaprtments" area in your browser
    - Click on the "Change Settings" link
    - Look in the URL for the following:
    - The number (which will be unique to your Department area) is what we want
    for the next step.

    2. To add the correct navigation control
    - Open the following file:
        C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
    This is the underlying template for the SPS Homepage

    3. Add a NEW instance of the control
    - Look for the following:
      <SPSWC:CategoryNavigationWebPart runat="server" id="VerticalNavBar"
    DisplayStyle="VerticalOneLayer" />
    - Replace it with the following
      <SPSWC:CategoryNavigationWebPart runat="server" id="NewVerticalNavBar"
    DisplayStyle="VerticalOneLayer" CurrentCategoryID="<insert from above>"/>
    - Note that I have given it a new ID, you MUST do this for it to work.

    In the default.aspx page (http://server/default.aspx) you
    also need to replace the CategoryNavigationWebPart with
    the new instance: 

    <SPSWC:CategoryNavigationWebPart runat="server" 
    ="NewVerticalNavBar" DisplayStyle="VerticalOneLayer" 
    ="<insert from above>"/>

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rickie/p/19612.html
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