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  • Apache Tomcat Manager 1.0

    Apache Tomcat Manager 1.0

    Abbr. atm

    Suitable for:
        Apache Tomcat 7.0.47

    89676A512AD625916857EE981AA506E8  atm
    FB340E537105341CFACDDD700F02FA7B  atm.ini

    atm -m 2; atm -m 3; atm -m 1


    1 # PRG_HOME_DIRS - program home directories, separated by ":"
    2 PRG_HOME_DIRS=/opt/data/devel/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/p54321:/opt/data/devel/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/p6666:/opt/data/devel/apache-tomcat-7.0.47/p80
    3 #EOF


      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # program home directories
      4 phd_arr=()
      6 echo_n(){
      7     echo -e "33[30;32m$*33[0m"
      8 }
     10 echo_e(){
     11     echo -e "33[30;35m$*33[0m"
     12 }
     14 show_usage(){
     15     echo
     16     echo_n "Apache Tomcat Manager 1.0"
     17     echo_n "Report bugs to <614616185@qq.com>."
     18     echo
     19     echo "Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION]..."
     20     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-g" "Generate optimal 'PRG_HOME_DIRS'."
     21     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-l" "List program home directories."
     22     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-s" "Query program state."
     23     printf "		%-8s%s
    " "-h" "State is 'Halted'."
     24     printf "		%-8s%s
    " "-r" "State is 'Running'."
     25     printf "		%-8s%s
    " "-a" "State is 'Abnormal'."
     26     printf "		%-8s%s
    " "-ra" "State is 'Running' or 'Abnormal'."
     27     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-d" "Diagnosing program state."
     28     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-r" "Run program."
     29     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-h" "Halt program."
     30     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-k" "Kill program."
     31     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-fk" "Force kill program."
     32     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-m" "Monitoring log (Ctrl+)."
     33     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-c" "Clean up the cache and garbage."
     34     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-R" "Rerun program."
     35     printf "	%-8s%s
    " "-D" "Deploy web application archive."
     36     echo
     37 }
     39 init_prg_col_width(){
     40     chk_widest "${phd_arr[*]}"
     41     PHD_COL_W=$WIDEST
     42 }
     44 chk_widest(){
     45     local i= max=0 arr=($1)
     46     for((i=0;i<${#arr[*]};i++)); do
     47         if [ ${#arr[$i]} -gt $max ]; then
     48             max=${#arr[$i]}
     49         fi
     50     done
     51     WIDEST=$max
     52 }
     54 is_prg_id(){
     55     if (( ${#phd_arr[*]} > 0 )) && (( $1 >= 0 )) && (( $1 < ${#phd_arr[*]} )); then
     56         echo true
     57     else
     58         echo false
     59     fi
     60 }
     62 chk_process(){
     63     unset PID_ARR
     64     PID_ARR=()
     65     PID_SIZE=0
     66     local proc_part=${phd_arr[$1]}
     67     if [ ! -z "$proc_part" ]; then
     68         local search_result=`ps -ef | grep "$proc_part" | grep -v "grep $proc_part"`
     69         PID_ARR=(`echo "$search_result" | awk '{ print $2 }'`)
     70         PID_SIZE=${#PID_ARR[*]}
     71         return 1
     72     fi
     73 }
     75 chk_status(){
     76     local rtn=0 arr=("Not running" "OK" "Abnormal")
     77     chk_process $1
     78     rtn=$PID_SIZE
     79     if [ $PID_SIZE -gt 1 ]; then
     80         rtn=2
     81     fi
     82     STATE_LABEL=${arr[$rtn]}
     83     return $rtn
     84 }
     86 print_header(){
     87     printf "%4s	%11s	%${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "ID" "State" "Program Home Directory"
     88 }
     90 show_status(){
     91     if [ -z "$1" ]||`is_contains "$1" "-h -r -a -ra"`; then
     92         local i= t_body=
     93         for((i=0;i<${#phd_arr[*]};i++)); do
     94             chk_status $i
     95             local rtn=$?
     96             if [ -z "$1" ] || [[ "$1" = "-h" && (( $rtn == 0 )) ]] || [[ "$1" = "-r" && (( $rtn == 1 )) ]] || [[ "$1" = "-a" && (( $rtn == 2 )) ]] || [[ "$1" = "-ra" && (( $rtn != 0 )) ]]; then
     97                 local t_tr=`printf "%4s	%11s	%-${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "$(expr $i + 1)" "$STATE_LABEL" "${phd_arr[$i]}"`
     98                 if [ -z "$t_body" ]; then
     99                     t_body="$t_tr
    100                 else
    101                     t_body="$t_body$t_tr
    102                 fi
    103             fi
    104         done
    105         if [ -z "$t_body" ]; then
    106             echo_e No data.
    107         else
    108             print_header
    109             echo -e "$t_body"
    110         fi
    111     else
    112         show_usage
    113         exit
    114     fi
    115 }
    117 exec_prg(){
    118     #for p in "$@"; do
    119     #    echo [$p]
    120     #done
    121     local state_filter=
    122     if `is_contains "$1" "-r -c"`; then
    123         state_filter="-h"
    124     elif `is_contains "$1" "-h -m"`; then
    125         state_filter="-r"
    126     elif `is_contains "$1" "-d -k -fk"`; then
    127         state_filter="-ra"
    128     fi
    129     if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
    130         local result="`show_status $state_filter`"
    131         echo "$result"
    132         if [ `echo "$result" | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
    133             echo -e "Examples:
    	${0##*/} $1 8 4 2 1..."
    134         fi
    135     else
    136         local opt1=$1 tmp_str=
    137         while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
    138             local tpi=`to_positive_integer "$2"`
    139             if [ ! -z "$tpi" ]&&[ $tpi -le ${#phd_arr[*]} ]; then
    140                 if [ -z "$tmp_str" ]; then
    141                     tmp_str=$tpi
    142                 else
    143                     tmp_str="$tmp_str $tpi"
    144                 fi
    145             fi
    146             shift
    147         done
    148         local id= idx= executed_idxs= diagnose_header=true
    149         for id in `echo -e "${tmp_str// /\n}" | sort -nu`; do
    150             idx=$(expr $id - 1)
    151             if `is_prg_id $idx`; then
    152                 chk_status $idx
    153                 local rtn=$?
    154                 if [ "$opt1" = "-R" ] || ( `is_contains "$opt1" "-c -r"` && (( $rtn == 0 )) ) || ( `is_contains "$opt1" "-h -m"` && (( $rtn == 1 )) ) || ( `is_contains "$opt1" "-d -k -fk"` && (( $rtn != 0 )) ); then
    155                     local cmd=
    156                     local phd=${phd_arr[$idx]}
    157                     if [ "$opt1" = "-r" ]; then
    158                         echo_n "Run ($id) '$phd'."
    159                         cmd="$phd/bin/startup.sh"
    160                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-h" ]; then
    161                         echo_n "Halt ($id) '$phd'."
    162                         cmd="$phd/bin/shutdown.sh"
    163                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-m" ]; then
    164                         echo_n "Monitoring ($id) '$phd'."
    165                         pushd $phd/logs >/dev/null 2>&1
    166                         tail -f catalina.out
    167                         popd >/dev/null 2>&1
    168                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-c" ]; then
    169                         echo_n "Clean up ($id) '$phd'."
    170                         echo -e "	--> logs"
    171                         pushd $phd/logs >/dev/null 2>&1
    172                         rm -rfv *
    173                         popd >/dev/null 2>&1
    174                         echo -e "	--> work"
    175                         pushd $phd/work >/dev/null 2>&1
    176                         rm -rfv *
    177                         popd >/dev/null 2>&1
    178                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-R" ]; then
    179                         echo_n "Rerun ($id) '$phd'."
    180                         if [ $rtn -eq 1 ]; then
    181                             echo_n "Shutting down..."
    182                             "$phd/bin/shutdown.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1
    183                             sleep 1
    184                         fi
    185                         chk_status $idx
    186                         if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    187                             echo_n "Kill..."
    188                             kill ${PID_ARR[*]} >/dev/null 2>&1
    189                             sleep 1
    190                         fi
    191                         chk_status $idx
    192                         if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    193                             echo_n "Force kill..."
    194                             kill -9 ${PID_ARR[*]} >/dev/null 2>&1
    195                             sleep 1
    196                         fi
    197                         chk_status $idx
    198                         if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    199                             echo_n "Starting..."
    200                             cmd="$phd/bin/startup.sh"
    201                         else
    202                             echo_e "Unable to end process."
    203                         fi
    204                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-d" ]; then
    205                         if $diagnose_header; then
    206                             printf "%4s	%5s	%11s	%${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "ID" "PID" "State" "Program Home Directory"
    207                             diagnose_header=false
    208                         fi
    209                         local d_pid=
    210                         for d_pid in ${PID_ARR[*]}; do
    211                             printf "%4s	%5s	%11s	%-${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "$id" "$d_pid" "$STATE_LABEL" "$phd"
    212                         done
    213                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-k" ]; then
    214                         echo_n "Kill ($id) '$phd'."
    215                         cmd="kill ${PID_ARR[*]}"
    216                     elif [ "$opt1" = "-fk" ]; then
    217                         echo_n "Force kill ($id) '$phd'."
    218                         cmd="kill -9 ${PID_ARR[*]}"
    219                     fi
    220                     if [ ! -z "$cmd" ]; then
    221                         `$cmd >/dev/null 2>&1`
    222                     fi
    223                     if [ -z "$executed_idxs" ]; then
    224                         executed_idxs=$idx
    225                     else
    226                         executed_idxs="$executed_idxs $idx"
    227                     fi
    228                 fi
    229             fi
    230         done
    231         if [ ! -z "$executed_idxs" ]; then
    232             if `is_contains "$opt1" "-r -h -k -fk -R"`; then
    233                 print_header
    234                 local idx=
    235                 for idx in $executed_idxs; do
    236                     chk_status $idx
    237                     printf "%4s	%11s	%-${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "$(expr $idx + 1)" "$STATE_LABEL" "${phd_arr[$idx]}"
    238                 done
    239                 echo_n "The command completed successfully."
    240             fi
    241         else
    242             echo_e Nothing to do.
    243         fi
    244     fi
    245 }
    247 is_contains(){
    248     local ps=
    249     for ps in $2; do
    250         if [ "$ps" = "$1" ]; then
    251             echo true
    252             return 1
    253         fi
    254     done
    255     echo false
    256 }
    258 chk_positive_integer(){
    259     POS_INT=
    260     local nstr=`trim "$1"`
    261     echo "$nstr" | grep "[^0-9]" >/dev/null 2>&1
    262     if [ $? -eq 1 ]&&[ ! -z "$nstr" ]; then
    263         local t=$(expr $nstr + 0)
    264         if (( $t > 0 )); then
    265             POS_INT=$t
    266             return 1
    267         fi
    268     fi
    269 }
    271 to_positive_integer(){
    272     chk_positive_integer "$1"
    273     echo $POS_INT
    274 }
    276 trim(){
    277     echo $1
    278 }
    280 one_slash(){
    281     local src="$1"
    282     while [[ "$src" == *//* ]]; do
    283         local slash1="/" slash2="//"
    284         src="${src//$slash2/$slash1}"
    285     done
    286     echo $src
    287 }
    289 to_canonical_path(){
    290     local path=`trim "$1"`
    291     if [ ! -z "$path" ]&&[ -e "$path" ]; then
    292         local result=
    293         if [ -d "$path" ]; then
    294             result=`cd "$path"; pwd`
    295         elif [ -f "$path" ]; then
    296             local directory=`dirname "$path"`
    297             directory=`cd "$directory"; pwd`
    298             local filename=`basename "$path"`
    299             result="$directory/$filename"
    300         fi
    301         result=`one_slash "$result"`
    302         echo $result
    303     fi
    304 }
    306 main(){
    307     # Show usage
    308     if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    309         show_usage
    310         exit
    311     fi
    313     # Read configuration file
    314     local line=
    315     while read line; do
    316         eval "$line"
    317     done < ${0%%.*}.ini
    319     # Filling phd_arr
    320     local phd= index=0
    321     for phd in `echo -e "${PRG_HOME_DIRS//:/\n}" | sort -u`; do
    322         phd=`to_canonical_path "$phd"`
    323         if [ ! -z "$phd" ]&&[ -x "$phd/bin/startup.sh" ]&&[ -x "$phd/bin/shutdown.sh" ]&&[ -d "$phd/webapps" ]&&[ -d "$phd/work" ]&&[ -d "$phd/logs" ]; then
    324             phd_arr[$index]="$phd"
    325             let "index+=1"
    326         fi
    327     done
    328     local tmp_str="${phd_arr[*]}"
    329     tmp_str=`echo -e "${tmp_str// /\n}" | sort -u`
    330     unset phd_arr
    331     phd_arr=($tmp_str)
    333     # Check the quantity
    334     local max_phds=99
    335     if [ ${#phd_arr[*]} -gt $max_phds ]; then
    336         echo_e "Error: 'PRG_HOME_DIRS' exceeds $max_phds."
    337         exit
    338     fi
    340     # Initialize the maximum width of the column
    341     init_prg_col_width
    343     # Parameter matching
    344     if [ "$1" == "-g" ]; then
    345         local tmp_str="${phd_arr[*]}"
    346         echo -e "PRG_HOME_DIRS=${tmp_str// /:}"
    347     elif [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then
    348         if [ ${#phd_arr[*]} -gt 0 ]; then
    349             printf "%4s	%${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "ID" "Program Home Directory"
    350             local i=
    351             for((i=0;i<${#phd_arr[*]};i++)); do
    352                 printf "%4d	%-${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "$(expr $i + 1)" "${phd_arr[$i]}"
    353             done
    354         else
    355             echo_e No data.
    356         fi
    357     elif [ "$1" == "-s" ]; then
    358         show_status $2
    359     elif `is_contains "$1" "-d -r -h -k -fk -m -c -R"`; then
    360         exec_prg "$@"
    361     elif [ "$1" = "-D" ]; then
    362         local id=`to_positive_integer "$2"`
    363         if [ ! -z "$id" ]&&[ $id -le ${#phd_arr[*]} ]; then
    364             local idx=$(expr $id - 1)
    365             local tmp_str=
    366             local phd=${phd_arr[$idx]}
    367             while [ $# -gt 2 ]; do
    368                 echo "Checking WAR file. '$3'"
    369                 local war_file=`trim "$3"`
    370                 local is_ok=false
    371                 if [ -z "$war_file" ]; then
    372                     echo "Cause: Empty string."
    373                 elif [[ "$war_file" == *" "* ]]; then
    374                     echo "Cause: Path contains spaces."
    375                 elif [ ! -f "$war_file" ]; then
    376                     echo "Cause: No such file."
    377                 else
    378                     local suffix="${war_file##*.}"
    379                     if [ "$suffix" != "war" ]; then
    380                         echo "Cause: File suffix is not '.war'."
    381                     else
    382                         local name=`basename "$war_file" .war`
    383                         if [ "$name" = "$war_file" ]; then
    384                             echo "Cause: Named 'war/.war'."
    385                         elif `is_contains "$war_file" "..war ...war"`; then
    386                             echo "Cause: Named '..war/...war'."
    387                         else
    388                             local filepath=`to_canonical_path "$war_file"`
    389                             unzip -t "$filepath" >/dev/null 2>&1
    390                             if [ $? != 0 ]; then
    391                                 echo "Cause: Invalid WAR file."
    392                             else
    393                                 is_ok=true
    394                                 if [ -z "$tmp_str" ]; then
    395                                     tmp_str="$filepath"
    396                                 else
    397                                     tmp_str="$tmp_str $filepath"
    398                                 fi
    399                             fi
    400                         fi
    401                     fi
    402                 fi
    403                 if $is_ok; then
    404                     echo_n Passed.
    405                 else
    406                     echo_e Failed.
    407                 fi
    408                 shift
    409             done
    410             if [ ! -z "$tmp_str" ]; then
    411                 local deployed=false dp_count=0
    412                 echo_n "Deploying ($id) '$phd'."
    413                 chk_status $idx
    414                 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    415                     echo_n "Shutting down..."
    416                     "$phd/bin/shutdown.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1
    417                     sleep 1
    418                 fi
    419                 chk_status $idx
    420                 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
    421                     echo_n "Kill..."
    422                     kill ${PID_ARR[*]} >/dev/null 2>&1
    423                     sleep 1
    424                 fi
    425                 chk_status $idx
    426                 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    427                     echo_n "Force kill..."
    428                     kill -9 ${PID_ARR[*]} >/dev/null 2>&1
    429                     sleep 1
    430                 fi
    431                 chk_status $idx
    432                 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    433                     local wfp=
    434                     for wfp in `echo -e "${tmp_str// /\n}" | sort -u`; do
    435                         local prj_name=`basename "$wfp" .war`
    436                         echo_n "Removing file..."
    437                         rm -rfv "$phd/webapps/$prj_name"
    438                         # cp: ... are the same file
    439                         echo_n "Copying file..."
    440                         cp -v "$wfp" "$phd/webapps"
    441                         let "dp_count+=1"
    442                     done
    443                     if [ $dp_count != 0 ]; then
    444                         echo_n "Starting..."
    445                         "$phd/bin/startup.sh" >/dev/null 2>&1
    446                         deployed=true
    447                     fi
    448                 else
    449                     echo_e "Unable to end process."
    450                 fi
    451                 if $deployed; then
    452                     echo Deployed projects: $dp_count
    453                     print_header
    454                     chk_status $idx
    455                     printf "%4s	%11s	%-${PHD_COL_W}s
    " "$(expr $idx + 1)" "$STATE_LABEL" "${phd_arr[$idx]}"
    456                     echo_n "Project deployment has been completed."
    457                 else
    458                     echo_e "Project deployment is not completed."
    459                 fi
    460             else
    461                 echo_e No files available.
    462             fi
    463         else
    464             local result="`show_status`"
    465             echo "$result"
    466             if [ `echo "$result" | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
    467                 echo -e "Examples:
    	${0##*/} $1 1 mywebapp1.war mywebapp2.war..."
    468             fi
    469         fi
    470     else
    471         show_usage
    472     fi
    473 }
    475 phd_arr=()
    476 main "$@"
    477 unset phd_arr
    478 #declare
    480 :<<EOF
    481 TODO: 
    482 is_positive_number()
    483 is_positive_integer()
    484 is_negative_integer()
    485 is_negative_number()
    486 is_numeric()
    487 is_integer()
    488 # greater than 0
    489 is_gt0()
    490 to_numeric()
    491 to_integer()
    492 EOF


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rms365/p/11219863.html
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