import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class j8merge { public static void main(String[] args) { // java 8 , merge() Map<String,Integer> map=new HashMap<>(); map.put("A", 1000); map.put("B", 2000); map.put("C", 3000); // add new key value ("A",99), if key "A" exist in map then do function "(X,Y) -> (Y+X)" ,the function return value will replace the oldvalue. Integer newValue1 = map.merge("A", 99, (X,Y) -> (Y+X)); Integer newValue2 = map.merge("A", 888, (X,Y) -> Y); // add new key value ("D",666), if key "D" not exist in map then insert the key value to map Integer newValue3 = map.merge("D", 666, (X,Y) -> Y); Integer newValue4 = map.merge(null, 777, (X,Y) -> Y); Integer newValue5 = map.merge(null, 5555, (X,Y) -> Y); for(String s:map.keySet()){ System.out.println(s+" : "+map.get(s)); } } /*
null : 5555
A : 888
B : 2000
C : 3000
D : 666