Introducing dbt v0.14.0
Today, we’re releasing dbt v0.14.0. This release lays the foundations for the future that we want to materialize. This release comes equipped with a dbtserver that can run code in the context of a dbt project. The dbt server can run queries which include references to sources, models, and macros. This long-lived server makes it possible to build new interfaces into dbt projects which extend beyond the command line.
To this end, we’re also making dbt Develop generally available to dbt Cloud customers. dbt Develop is a query editor which leverages the brand new dbt server. With dbt Develop, analysts can develop models and macros interactively in the browser. dbt Develop represents a great first step in the direction of helping analysts work with leverage, and we’re excited to continue to invest deeply in it over the months to come. In the future, this editor will support workflows for creating, modifying, and running dbt projects in a version-controlled manner.

The dbt server is open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) and we hope you give it a look! We wanted to put this server out into the world early, but we certainly have more work to do here too. In the future, we will extend this server to run models, tests, and other dbt resources over the network.
Our plans for the future are ambitious, but we’re well suited to make our vision a reality. A fourth full-time engineer is joining our team later this month, and we have plans to continue to grow this team into the future.
Finally, thanks to the 13 of you who made a Pull Request (or three) during the 0.14.0 development cycle! We’ve just updated our contributing guide: if you’re interested in getting involved with the development of dbt, I’d love to hear from you in Slack :)