以下是micronaut cli 工具的安装以及一个简单试用
windows 系统环境不太方便
- 安装命令
curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash
- 效果
curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash
Looking for a previous installation of SDKMAN
Looking for unzip
Looking for zip
Looking for curl
Looking for sed
Installing SDKMAN scripts
Create distribution directories
Getting available candidates
Prime the config file
Download script archive
######################################################################## 100.0%
Extract script archive
Install scripts
Set version to 5.7.3+337
touch: /Users/dalong/.bash_profile: Permission denied
Attempt update of login bash profile on OSX
bash: line 272: /Users/dalong/.bash_profile: Permission denied
Added sdkman init snippet to /Users/dalong/.bash_profile
Attempt update of zsh profile
All done!
Please open a new terminal, or run the following in the existing one:
source "/Users/dalong/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
Then issue the following command:
sdk help
sdk 帮助命令
sdk --help
==== BROADCAST =================================================================
* 2019-10-16: Springboot 2.2.0.RELEASE released on SDKMAN! #springboot
* 2019-10-15: Grails 3.3.11 released on SDKMAN! #grailsfw
* 2019-10-14: Micronaut 1.2.4 released on SDKMAN! #micronautfw
Invalid command: --help
Usage: sdk <command> [candidate] [version]
sdk offline <enable|disable>
install or i <candidate> [version]
uninstall or rm <candidate> <version>
list or ls [candidate]
use or u <candidate> [version]
default or d <candidate> [version]
current or c [candidate]
upgrade or ug [candidate]
version or v
broadcast or b
help or h
offline [enable|disable]
selfupdate [force]
flush <broadcast|archives|temp>
candidate : the SDK to install: groovy, scala, grails, gradle, kotlin, etc.
use list command for comprehensive list of candidates
eg: $ sdk list
version : where optional, defaults to latest stable if not provided
eg: $ sdk install groovy
- 安装命令
sdk install micronaut
- 查看帮助命令
mn --help
Resolving dependencies..
| Not all profiles could be resolved remotely. Searching Maven local
Usage: mn [-hnvVx] [COMMAND]
Micronaut CLI command line interface for generating projects and services.
Commonly used commands are:
create-app NAME
create-cli-app NAME
create-federation NAME --services SERVICE_NAME[,SERVICE_NAME]
create-function NAME
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-n, --plain-output Use plain text instead of ANSI colors and styles.
-v, --verbose Create verbose output.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
-x, --stacktrace Show full stack trace when exceptions occur.
create-app Creates an application
create-cli-app Creates a command line application
create-federation Creates a federation of services
create-function Creates a serverless function application
create-profile Creates a profile
help Prints help information for a specific command
list-profiles Lists the available profiles
profile-info Display information about a given profile