centraldogma 支持多种安全配置,而且安全在实际业务使用中是比较重要的,以下是集成shiro 的一个简单配置
- docker-compose 文件
version: "3"
image: line/centraldogma
- "./shiro.ini:/opt/centraldogma/conf/shiro.ini"
- "./dogma.json:/opt/centraldogma/conf/dogma.json"
- "36462:36462"
- dogma.json
"dataDir": "./data",
"ports": [
"localAddress": {
"host": "*",
"port": 36462
"protocols": [
"tls": null,
"trustedProxyAddresses": null,
"clientAddressSources": null,
"numWorkers": null,
"maxNumConnections": null,
"requestTimeoutMillis": null,
"idleTimeoutMillis": null,
"maxFrameLength": null,
"numRepositoryWorkers": 16,
"maxRemovedRepositoryAgeMillis": null,
"repositoryCacheSpec": "maximumWeight=134217728,expireAfterAccess=5m",
"gracefulShutdownTimeout": {
"quietPeriodMillis": 1000,
"timeoutMillis": 10000
"webAppEnabled": true,
"webAppTitle": null,
"mirroringEnabled": null,
"numMirroringThreads": null,
"maxNumFilesPerMirror": null,
"maxNumBytesPerMirror": null,
"replication": {
"method": "NONE"
"csrfTokenRequiredForThrift": null,
"accessLogFormat": "common",
"authentication": {
"factoryClassName": "com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.auth.shiro.ShiroAuthProviderFactory",
"administrators": ["admin"],
"caseSensitiveLoginNames": false,
"sessionCacheSpec": "maximumSize=8192,expireAfterWrite=604800s",
"sessionTimeoutMillis": 604800000,
"sessionValidationSchedule": "0 30 */4 ? * *",
"properties": "./conf/shiro.ini"
- shiro.ini
# =======================
# Shiro INI configuration
# This configuration file is used by Central Dogma for configuring its authentication and authorization subsystem.
# Note that you have to set the 'securityEnabled' configuration property in 'dogma.json' to 'true' first.
# Please visit https://shiro.apache.org/configuration.html for more information.
# =======================
# Objects and their properties are defined here, such as the SecurityManager, Realms, etc.
# The 'users' section is for simple deployments when you only need a small number of statically-defined
# set of user accounts.
# You may configure statically-defined user accounts as follows:
# The following line makes 'admin' account with 'secret' password.
admin = demo
dalong = demo
test = demo
appdemo =demo
# The 'roles' section is for simple deployments when you only need a small number of statically-defined roles.
# The 'urls' section is used for url-based security in web applications. We'll discuss this section in the
# web documentation.
- 说明
默认admin demo 是管理员的密码
- 配置访问控制
创建一个项目同时添加一个repo,appdemo 为成员
- 访问效果
appdemo 可以访问demoapp 配置