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  • vue.js笔记(一)

    001.hello world

     1 <div id="app">
     2     {{msg}}
     3 </div>
     4 <script>
     5     var vue = new Vue({
     6         el: "#app",
     7         data: {
     8             msg: "hello"
     9         }
    10     })
    11 </script>

    002.v-for v-model v-on

     1 <div id="app">
     2     <input v-model="iputVal"/>
     3     <button @click="add">click</button>
     4     <ul>
     5         <li v-for="item of infos">{{item}}</li>
     6     </ul>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9     var vm = new Vue({
    10         el: "#app",
    11         data: {
    12             infos: [],
    13             iputVal: ""
    14         },
    15         methods: {
    16             add: function () {
    17                 this.infos.push(this.iputVal);
    18                 this.iputVal="";
    19             }
    20         }
    21     })
    22 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <input type="text" v-model="iputVal">
     3     <button @click="add">click</button>
     4     <ul>
     5         <todo :content="item" v-for="item of infos"></todo>
     6     </ul>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9     Vue.component("todo", {
    10         props: ["content"],
    11         template: "<li>{{content}}</li>"
    12     });
    13     var vm = new Vue({
    14         el: "#app",
    15         data: {
    16             infos: [],
    17             iputVal:""
    18         },
    19         methods: {
    20             add: function () {
    21                 this.infos.push(this.iputVal);
    22                 this.iputVal = "";
    23             }
    24         }
    25     });
    26 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <input v-model="iputVal"/>
     3     <button @click="add">click</button>
     4     <ul>
     5         <todo :content="item" v-for="item of infos"></todo>
     6     </ul>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9     var todo = {
    10         props: ["content"],
    11         template: "<li>{{content}}</li>"
    12     }
    13     var vm = new Vue({
    14         el: "#app",
    15         components: {
    16             todo: todo
    17         },
    18         data: {
    19             infos: [],
    20             iputVal: ""
    21         },
    22         methods: {
    23             add: function () {
    24                 this.infos.push(this.iputVal);
    25                 this.iputVal = "";
    26             }
    27         }
    28     });
    29 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2   <input v-model="iputVal"/>
     3   <button @click="add">click</button>
     4   <ul>
     5     <todo :content="item" :index="key" v-for="(item,key) of infos" @delete="mdelete"></todo>
     6   </ul>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9   var todo = {
    10     props: ["content", "index"],
    11     template: "<li @click='tdelete'>{{content}}--{{index}}</li>",
    12     methods: {
    13       tdelete: function () {
    14         this.$emit("delete", this.index);
    15       }
    16     }
    17   }
    18   var vm = new Vue({
    19     el: "#app",
    20     components: {
    21       todo: todo
    22     },
    23     data: {
    24       infos: [],
    25       iputVal: ""
    26     },
    27     methods: {
    28       add: function () {
    29         this.infos.push(this.iputVal);
    30         this.iputVal = "";
    31       },
    32       mdelete: function (index) {
    33         this.infos.splice(index, 1);
    34         // this.tableData.splice(this.tableData.findIndex(item => item.id === id), 1);
    35         // console.log(this.tableData);
    36       }
    37     }
    38   });
    39 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <div v-text="txt + ' ronle'"></div>
     3     <input type="text" v-model="txt"/>
     4     <div v-html="html + ' ronle'"></div>
     5 </div>
     6 <script>
     7     var vm = new Vue({
     8         el: "#app",
     9         data: {
    10             txt: "welcome to china",
    11             html: "<h3>welcome to china</h3>"
    12         }
    13     })
    14 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <p>{{fullname}}</p>
     3     <p>{{fullname1()}}</p>
     4 </div>
     5 <script>
     6     var vm = new Vue({
     7         el: "#app",
     8         data: {
     9             one: "welcome",
    10             two: "china",
    11         },
    12         computed: {
    13             fullname: function () {
    14                 return this.one + " " + this.two;
    15             }
    16         },
    17         methods: {
    18             fullname1: function () {
    19                 return this.one + " " + this.two;
    20             }
    21         }
    22     });
    23 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     {{fullname}}
     3 </div>
     4 <script>
     5     var vm = new Vue({
     6         el: "#app",
     7         data: {
     8             one: "welcome",
     9             two: "china",
    10             fullname: "welcome china"
    11         },
    12         watch: {
    13             one: function () {
    14                 console.log("one改变了");
    15                 this.fullname = this.one + " " + this.two;
    16             },
    17             two: function () {
    18                 console.log("two改变了");
    19                 this.fullname = this.one + " " + this.two;
    20             }
    21         }
    22     });
    23 </script>

    009.get set

     1 <div id="app">
     2     {{fullname}}
     3 </div>
     4 <script>
     5     var vm = new Vue({
     6         el: "#app",
     7         data: {
     8             one: "welcome",
     9             two: "china"
    10         },
    11         computed: {
    12             fullname: {
    13                 get: function () {
    14                     return this.one + " " + this.two;
    15                 },
    16                 set: function (value) {
    17                     var arr = value.split(" ")
    18                     this.one = arr[0];
    19                     this.two = arr[1];
    20                 }
    21             }
    22         }
    23     });
    24 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <h3 :class="{red:isred}" @click="change">welcome</h3>
     3     <h3 :class="[blue]" @click="chang2">china</h3>
     5     <h3 :style="fonts">welcome</h3>
     6     <h3 :style="[fonts,{color:'brown'}]">china</h3>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9     var vm = new Vue({
    10         el: "#app",
    11         data: {
    12             isred: true,
    13             blue: "blue",
    14             fonts: {
    15                 fontSize: "36px"
    16             }
    17         },
    18         methods: {
    19             change: function () {
    20                 this.isred = !this.isred;
    21             },
    22             chang2: function () {
    23                 this.blue = this.blue === "blue" ? "red" : "blue";
    24             }
    25         }
    26     });
    27 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <div v-if="isshow=='a'">
     3         welcome
     4     </div>
     5     <div v-else-if="isshow=='b'">
     6         to
     7     </div>
     8     <div v-else>
     9         china
    10     </div>
    12     <div v-show="isvisible">
    13         hello world
    14     </div>
    15     <div v-if="isvisible">
    16         hello world
    17     </div>
    18 </div>
    19 <script>
    20     var vm = new Vue({
    21         el: "#app",
    22         data: {
    23             isvisible: true,
    24             isshow: "a"
    25         }
    26     });
    27 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <p v-for="(item,key) of infos" :key="item.id">
     3         {{item.name}} -- {{item.id}}
     4     </p>
     5     <template v-for="(item,key) of arr">
     6         <div>{{key}} --- {{item}}</div>
     7     </template>
     8 </div>
     9 <script>
    10     var vm = new Vue({
    11         el: "#app",
    12         data: {
    13             infos: [
    14                 {
    15                     id: 9001,
    16                     name: "ronle",
    17                     age: 20
    18                 },
    19                 {
    20                     id: 9002,
    21                     name: "cheng",
    22                     age: 30
    23                 }
    24             ],
    25             arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]
    26         }
    27     });
    28 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <template v-for="(item,key,index) of list">
     3         <div> {{index}} -- {{key}} -- {{item}}</div>
     4     </template>
     5 </div>
     6 <script>
     7     var vm = new Vue({
     8         el: "#app",
     9         data: {
    10             list: {
    11                 id: 90001,
    12                 name: "ronle",
    13                 age: 99
    14             }
    15         }
    16     });
    17 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <p v-for="(item,key,index) of infos">
     3         {{index}} --- {{key}} --- {{item}}
     4     </p>
     5     <p v-for="(item,key) of arr">
     6         {{key}} -- {{item}}
     7     </p>
     8     <button @click="changer">改变对象</button>
     9 </div>
    10 <script>
    11     var vm = new Vue({
    12         el: "#app",
    13         data: {
    14             infos: {
    15                 id: 1,
    16                 name: "ronle"
    17             },
    18             arr: [
    19                 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    20             ]
    21         },
    22         methods: {
    23             changer: function () {
    24                 //改变一项
    25                 Vue.set(this.infos, "id", "100")
    26                 //增加一项
    27                 Vue.set(this.infos, "nick", "beyond")
    29                 vm.$set(this.arr,"1","77")
    30             }
    31         }
    32     });
    33 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <table>
     3         <tr is="row" :content="item" v-for="item of arr"></tr>
     4     </table>
     5 </div>
     6 <script>
     7     var row = {
     8         props: ["content"],
     9         template: "<tr><td>{{content}}</td></tr>"
    10     }
    11     var vm = new Vue({
    12         el: "#app",
    13         components: {
    14             row: row
    15         },
    16         data: {
    17             arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    18         }
    19     });
    20 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <count ref="one" :count="0" @change="inc"></count>
     3     <count ref="two" :count="0" @change="inc"></count>
     4     <div>{{total}}</div>
     5 </div>
     6 <script>
     7     var count = {
     8         props: ["count"],
     9         data: function () {
    10             return {
    11                 number: this.count
    12             }
    13         },
    14         template: "<div @click='add'>{{number}}</div>",
    15         methods: {
    16             add: function () {
    17                 this.number++;
    18                 this.$emit("change", 1);
    19             }
    20         }
    21     }
    22     var vm = new Vue({
    23         el: "#app",
    24         components: {
    25             count: count
    26         },
    27         data: {
    28             total: 0
    29         },
    30         methods: {
    31             inc: function () {
    32                 this.total = this.$refs.one.number + this.$refs.two.number;
    33             }
    34         }
    35     });
    36 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child></child>
     3 </div>
     4 <script>
     5     Vue.component("child", {
     6         props: {
     7             content: {
     8                 //必须传入一个string类型
     9                 type: String,
    10                 //是否必须传入的一项
    11                 required: false,
    12                 //默认值
    13                 default: "hello world",
    14                 //自定义验证规则
    15                 validator: function (value) {
    16                     return value.length > 5;
    17                 }
    18             }
    19         },
    20         template: "<div>{{content}}</div>"
    21     })
    22     var vm = new Vue({
    23         el: "#app",
    24         data: {}
    25     });
    26 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child @click.native="myclick"></child>
     3 </div>
     4 <script>
     5     Vue.component("child", {
     6         template: "<div>hello</div>",
     7     })
     8     var vm = new Vue({
     9         el: "#app",
    10         data: {},
    11         methods: {
    12             myclick: function () {
    13                 alert("click");
    14             }
    15         }
    16     });
    17 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child content="welcome"></child>
     3     <child content="china"></child>
     4 </div>
     5 <script>
     6     Vue.prototype.bus = new Vue();
     7     Vue.component("child", {
     8         data: function () {
     9             return {
    10                 selfContent: this.content
    11             }
    12         },
    13         props: {
    14             content: String
    15         },
    16         template: "<div @click='thisClick'>{{selfContent}}</div>",
    17         methods: {
    18             thisClick: function () {
    19                 this.bus.$emit("change", this.selfContent);
    20             }
    21         },
    22         mounted: function () {
    23             var that = this;
    24             this.bus.$on("change", function (msg) {
    25                 that.selfContent = msg;
    26             })
    27         }
    28     });
    29     var vm = new Vue({
    30         el: "#app"
    31     });
    32 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child>
     3         <div class="header" slot="header">header</div>
     4         <div class="footer" slot="footer">footer</div>
     5     </child>
     6 </div>
     7 <script>
     8     Vue.component("child", {
     9         template: '<div>' +
    10         '<slot name="header"></slot>' +
    11         '<div class="content">content</div>' +
    12         '<slot name="footer"></slot>' +
    13         '</div>'
    14     });
    15     var vm = new Vue({
    16         el: "#app"
    17     });
    18 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child>
     3         <template slot-scope="props">
     4             <li>{{props.item}}</li>
     5         </template>
     6     </child>
     7 </div>
     8 <script>
     9     Vue.component("child", {
    10         data: function () {
    11             return {
    12                 list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    13             }
    14         },
    15         template: "<ul><slot v-for='item of list' :item='item'></slot></ul>"
    16     });
    17     new Vue({
    18         el: "#app"
    19     })
    20 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <child-one v-if="type=='child-one'"></child-one>
     3     <child-two v-if="type=='child-two'"></child-two>
     4     <button @click="click">点击</button>
     5 </div>
     6 <script>
     7     Vue.component("child-one", {
     8         template: "<div v-once>one</div>"
     9     });
    10     Vue.component("child-two", {
    11         template: "<div v-once>two</div>"
    12     });
    13     new Vue({
    14         el: '#app',
    15         data: {
    16             type: "child-one"
    17         },
    18         methods: {
    19             click: function () {
    20                 this.type = this.type === "child-one" ? "child-two" : "child-one";
    21             }
    22         }
    23     });
    24 </script>


     1 <div id="app">
     2     <component :is="type"></component>
     3     <button @click="click">点击</button>
     4 </div>
     5 <script>
     6     Vue.component("child-one", {
     7         template: "<div v-once>one</div>"
     8     });
     9     Vue.component("child-two", {
    10         template: "<div v-once>two</div>"
    11     });
    12     new Vue({
    13         el: "#app",
    14         data:{
    15             type:"child-one"
    16         },
    17         methods: {
    18             click: function () {
    19                 this.type = this.type === "child-one" ? "child-two" : "child-one";
    20             }
    21         }
    22     });
    23 </script>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ronle/p/9439553.html
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