Generate cucumber report by json website
Sample as json file for cucumber report:
[ { "keyword": "Feature", "name": "Hello World Feature", "description": "In order to ensure that my installation works As a Developer I want to run a quick Cucumber test",
"tags": [ { "name": "@test3" } ], "id": "hello-world-feature", "uri": "features/unitest1.feature", "elements": [ { "keyword": "Scenario", "name": "Hello World Scenario", "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@test" } ], "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "The Action is Hello", "doc_string": { "value": "describe "an example" do it "has not yet been implemented" end" }, "output": [ "This is before hook." ], "result": { "status": "failed", "error_message": "Your block takes 1 argument, but the Regexp matched 2 arguments. (Cucumber::ArityMismatchError) features/step_denfinitions/step_steps.rb:3:in `/The Action is ([A-z]*)/' features/unitest1.feature:8:in `Given The Action is Hello'", "duration": 198435 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "The Subject is World", "result": { "status": "skipped" } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "The Greeting is Hello, World", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "output": [ "This is after hook." ] } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario", "name": "Test World Scenario", "description": "", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "The Action is Test", "output": [ "This is before hook." ], "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 24000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "The Subject is World", "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 17540 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "The Greeting is Test, World", "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 20401531 }, "output": [ "This is after hook." ] } ] } ] } ]