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  • 自己写的一个分页控件类(WinForm)

    1. using System;
    2. using System.Collections.Generic;
    3. using System.ComponentModel;
    4. using System.Drawing;
    5. using System.Data;
    6. using System.Text;
    7. using System.Windows.Forms;
    8. namespace xYuanShian.ControlLibrary
    9. {
    10.         /// <summary>
    11.         /// 翻页控件
    12.         /// </summary>
    13.         public partial class PageControl : UserControl
    14.         {
    15.                 #region 私有成员
    16.                 /// <summary>
    17.                 /// 页长
    18.                 /// </summary>
    19.                 private int _PageSize = 50;
    20.                 /// <summary>
    21.                 /// 总记录数
    22.                 /// </summary>
    23.                 private int _RecordCount = 0;
    24.                 /// <summary>
    25.                 /// 当前页码
    26.                 /// </summary>
    27.                 private int _PageIndex = 1;
    28.                 /// <summary>
    29.                 /// 获取或设置页数量
    30.                 /// </summary>
    31.                 private int PageCount { get; set; }
    32.                 /// <summary>
    33.                 /// 获取或设置跳转页面
    34.                 /// </summary>
    35.                 private int GoIndex { get; set; }
    36.                 #endregion 私有成员
    38.                 #region 公有成员
    39.                 /// <summary>
    40.                 /// 获取或设置页显示数量
    41.                 /// </summary>
    42.                 public int PageSize
    43.                 {
    44.                         get { return _PageSize; }
    45.                         set
    46.                         {
    47.                                 if ( value <= 0 )
    48.                                 {
    49.                                         MessageBox.Show( "页码不正确!", "错误!" );
    50.                                 }
    51.                                 else
    52.                                 {
    53.                                         _PageSize = value;
    54.                                         this.SetPageCountValue();
    55.                                 }
    56.                         }
    57.                 }
    58.                 /// <summary>
    59.                 /// 获取或设置数据总条数
    60.                 /// </summary>
    61.                 public int RecordCount
    62.                 {
    63.                         get { return _RecordCount; }
    64.                         set
    65.                         {
    66.                                 _RecordCount = value;
    67.                                 this.SetPageCountValue();
    68.                         }
    69.                 }
    70.                 /// <summary>
    71.                 /// 获取页码
    72.                 /// </summary>
    73.                 public int CurrentIndex { get { return _PageIndex; } }
    74.                 /// <summary>
    75.                 /// 翻页事件
    76.                 /// </summary>
    77.                 public event PageControlEventHandler PageChange;
    78.                 #endregion 公有成员
    79.                 /// <summary>
    80.                 /// 构造函数
    81.                 /// </summary>
    82.                 public PageControl()
    83.                 {
    84.                         InitializeComponent();
    85.                 }
    86.                 /// <summary>
    87.                 /// 构造函数
    88.                 /// </summary>
    89.                 /// <param name="RecordCount">总记录数</param>
    90.                 public void Init( int RecordCount, int pageSize )
    91.                 {
    92.                         /// 数据条数
    93.                         _RecordCount = RecordCount;
    94.                         /// 页长
    95.                         _PageSize = pageSize;
    96.                         //跳转页码
    97.                         GoIndex = 0;
    98.                         SetPageCountValue();
    99.                         RefreshData();
    100.                 }
    101.                 /// <summary>
    102.                 /// 刷新控件的显示
    103.                 /// </summary>
    104.                 public void RefreshText()
    105.                 {
    106.                         lblCustomInfo.Text = "第 " + CurrentIndex.ToString() + " 页/共 " + PageCount.ToString() + " 页";
    107.                         txtPageSize.Text = _PageSize.ToString();
    109.                         #region 设置按钮状态
    110.                         if ( PageCount == 1 )
    111.                         {
    112.                                 lbllPage.Enabled = false;
    113.                                 lblnPage.Enabled = false;
    114.                                 lblpPage.Enabled = false;
    115.                                 lblfPage.Enabled = false;
    116.                         }
    117.                         else if ( _PageIndex >= PageCount )
    118.                         {
    119.                                 lblnPage.Enabled = false;
    120.                                 lbllPage.Enabled = false;
    121.                                 lblpPage.Enabled = true;
    122.                                 lblfPage.Enabled = true;
    123.                         }
    124.                         else if ( _PageIndex <= 1 )
    125.                         {
    126.                                 lblnPage.Enabled = true;
    127.                                 lbllPage.Enabled = true;
    128.                                 lblpPage.Enabled = false;
    129.                                 lblfPage.Enabled = false;
    130.                         }
    131.                         else
    132.                         {
    133.                                 lbllPage.Enabled = true;
    134.                                 lblnPage.Enabled = true;
    135.                                 lblpPage.Enabled = true;
    136.                                 lblfPage.Enabled = true;
    137.                         }
    138.                         #endregion 设置按钮状态
    139.                 }
    140.                 /// <summary>
    141.                 /// 设置各种值
    142.                 /// </summary>
    143.                 private void SetPageCountValue()
    144.                 {
    145.                         /// 页总数
    146.                         PageCount = ( _RecordCount / _PageSize ) + 1;
    147.                         /// 如果总数刚才被页长整除,则页码减1
    148.                         if ( _RecordCount % _PageSize == 0 ) PageCount--;
    149.                         /// 当改页总数改变后,当前页码比最大的页码还大,则设置为最大页码
    150.                         if ( _PageIndex > PageCount )
    151.                                 _PageIndex = PageCount;
    152.                         else if ( _PageIndex <= 0 )
    153.                                 _PageIndex = 1;
    154.                 }
    155.                 /// <summary>
    156.                 /// 翻到首页
    157.                 /// </summary>
    158.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    159.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    160.                 private void lblfPage_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    161.                 {
    162.                         //第一页
    163.                         this.JumpPage( 1 );
    164.                 }
    165.                 /// <summary>
    166.                 /// 上一页
    167.                 /// </summary>
    168.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    169.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    170.                 private void lblpPage_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    171.                 {
    172.                         //上一页
    173.                         this.JumpPage( _PageIndex - 1 );
    174.                 }
    175.                 /// <summary>
    176.                 /// 下一页
    177.                 /// </summary>
    178.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    179.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    180.                 private void lblnPage_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    181.                 {
    182.                         //下一页
    183.                         this.JumpPage( _PageIndex + 1 );
    184.                 }
    185.                 /// <summary>
    186.                 /// 末页
    187.                 /// </summary>
    188.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    189.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    190.                 private void lbllPage_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    191.                 {
    192.                         //最后页
    193.                         this.JumpPage( PageCount );
    194.                 }
    195.                 /// <summary>
    196.                 /// 跳转
    197.                 /// </summary>
    198.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    199.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    200.                 private void lblGo_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    201.                 {
    202.                         //跳转
    203.                         int gpi = 0;
    204.                         if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( tbxGo.Text ) || !int.TryParse( tbxGo.Text, out gpi ) )
    205.                         {
    206.                                 tbxGo.Text = "";
    207.                                 MessageBox.Show( "目标页码不正确!", "错误" );
    208.                                 return;
    209.                         }
    210.                         this.JumpPage( gpi );
    211.                 }
    212.                 /// <summary>
    213.                 /// 翻页
    214.                 /// </summary>
    215.                 /// <param name="pIndex">目标页码</param>
    216.                 private void JumpPage( int pIndex )
    217.                 {
    218.                         _PageIndex = pIndex;
    219.                         if ( _PageIndex <= 0 )
    220.                                 _PageIndex = 1;
    221.                         else if ( _PageIndex > PageCount )
    222.                                 _PageIndex = PageCount;
    223.                         /// 更新外观,以及调用数据
    224.                         RefreshData();
    225.                 }
    226.                 /// <summary>
    227.                 /// 刷新文本
    228.                 /// </summary>
    229.                 private void RefreshData()
    230.                 {
    231.                         if ( PageChange != null )
    232.                                 PageChange( this, new PageControlEventArgs( PageSize, CurrentIndex ) );
    233.                         this.RefreshText();
    234.                 }
    235.                 /// <summary>
    236.                 /// 页长改变
    237.                 /// </summary>
    238.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    239.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    240.                 private void txtPageSize_TextChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
    241.                 {
    242.                         if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtPageSize.Text ) )
    243.                         {
    244.                                 int ps = 0;
    245.                                 if ( int.TryParse( txtPageSize.Text, out ps ) )
    246.                                 {
    247.                                         PageSize = ps;
    248.                                 }
    249.                         }
    250.                 }
    251.                 /// <summary>
    252.                 /// 改变页长
    253.                 /// </summary>
    254.                 /// <param name="sender"></param>
    255.                 /// <param name="e"></param>
    256.                 private void lblShow_LinkClicked( object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e )
    257.                 {
    258.                         this.RefreshData();
    259.                 }
    260.         }
    261.         /// <summary>
    262.         /// 翻页事件
    263.         /// </summary>
    264.         /// <param name="Sender">事件调用者</param>
    265.         /// <param name="PageSize">页长</param>
    266.         /// <param name="PageIndex">页码</param>
    267.         public delegate void PageControlEventHandler( object Sender, PageControlEventArgs e );
    268.         /// <summary>
    269.         /// 翻页事件参数
    270.         /// </summary>
    271.         public class PageControlEventArgs : EventArgs
    272.         {
    273.                 /// <summary>
    274.                 /// 页长
    275.                 /// </summary>
    276.                 public int PageSize = 0;
    277.                 /// <summary>
    278.                 /// 页码
    279.                 /// </summary>
    280.                 public int CurrentIndex = 0;
    281.                 /// <summary>
    282.                 /// 构造函数
    283.                 /// </summary>
    284.                 /// <param name="PageSize"></param>
    285.                 /// <param name="PageIndex"></param>
    286.                 public PageControlEventArgs( int PageSize, int PageIndex )
    287.                 {
    288.                         this.PageSize = PageSize;
    289.                         this.CurrentIndex = PageIndex;
    290.                 }
    291.         }
    292. }



    1. namespace xYuanShian.ControlLibrary
    2. {
    3.         partial class PageControl
    4.         {
    5.                 /// <summary>
    6.                 /// 必需的设计器变量。
    7.                 /// </summary>
    8.                 private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
    9.                 /// <summary>
    10.                 /// 清理所有正在使用的资源。
    11.                 /// </summary>
    12.                 /// <param name="disposing">如果应释放托管资源,为 true;否则为 false。</param>
    13.                 protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
    14.                 {
    15.                         if ( disposing && ( components != null ) )
    16.                         {
    17.                                 components.Dispose();
    18.                         }
    19.                         base.Dispose( disposing );
    20.                 }
    22.                 #region 组件设计器生成的代码
    23.                 /// <summary>
    24.                 /// 设计器支持所需的方法 - 不要
    25.                 /// 使用代码编辑器修改此方法的内容。
    26.                 /// </summary>
    27.                 private void InitializeComponent()
    28.                 {
    29.                         this.lblfPage = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    30.                         this.lblpPage = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    31.                         this.lblnPage = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    32.                         this.lbllPage = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    33.                         this.tbxGo = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
    34.                         this.lblGo = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    35.                         this.txtPageSize = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
    36.                         this.label6 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
    37.                         this.lblCustomInfo = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
    38.                         this.lblShow = new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel();
    39.                         this.SuspendLayout();
    40.                         // 
    41.                         // lblfPage
    42.                         // 
    43.                         this.lblfPage.AutoSize = true;
    44.                         this.lblfPage.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( "宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ( ( byte )( 134 ) ) );
    45.                         this.lblfPage.LinkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
    46.                         this.lblfPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 6, 10 );
    47.                         this.lblfPage.Name = "lblfPage";
    48.                         this.lblfPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 29, 12 );
    49.                         this.lblfPage.TabIndex = 0;
    50.                         this.lblfPage.TabStop = true;
    51.                         this.lblfPage.Text = "首页";
    52.                         this.lblfPage.LinkClicked += new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler( this.lblfPage_LinkClicked );
    53.                         // 
    54.                         // lblpPage
    55.                         // 
    56.                         this.lblpPage.AutoSize = true;
    57.                         this.lblpPage.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( "宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ( ( byte )( 134 ) ) );
    58.                         this.lblpPage.LinkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
    59.                         this.lblpPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 41, 10 );
    60.                         this.lblpPage.Name = "lblpPage";
    61.                         this.lblpPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 29, 12 );
    62.                         this.lblpPage.TabIndex = 1;
    63.                         this.lblpPage.TabStop = true;
    64.                         this.lblpPage.Text = "上页";
    65.                         this.lblpPage.LinkClicked += new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler( this.lblpPage_LinkClicked );
    66.                         // 
    67.                         // lblnPage
    68.                         // 
    69.                         this.lblnPage.AutoSize = true;
    70.                         this.lblnPage.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( "宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ( ( byte )( 134 ) ) );
    71.                         this.lblnPage.LinkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
    72.                         this.lblnPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 76, 10 );
    73.                         this.lblnPage.Name = "lblnPage";
    74.                         this.lblnPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 29, 12 );
    75.                         this.lblnPage.TabIndex = 2;
    76.                         this.lblnPage.TabStop = true;
    77.                         this.lblnPage.Text = "下页";
    78.                         this.lblnPage.LinkClicked += new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler( this.lblnPage_LinkClicked );
    79.                         // 
    80.                         // lbllPage
    81.                         // 
    82.                         this.lbllPage.AutoSize = true;
    83.                         this.lbllPage.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( "宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ( ( byte )( 134 ) ) );
    84.                         this.lbllPage.LinkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
    85.                         this.lbllPage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 111, 10 );
    86.                         this.lbllPage.Name = "lbllPage";
    87.                         this.lbllPage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 29, 12 );
    88.                         this.lbllPage.TabIndex = 3;
    89.                         this.lbllPage.TabStop = true;
    90.                         this.lbllPage.Text = "末页";
    91.                         this.lbllPage.LinkClicked += new System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler( this.lbllPage_LinkClicked );
    92.                         // 
    93.                         // tbxGo
    94.                         // 
    95.                         this.tbxGo.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 326, 7 );
    96.                         this.tbxGo.Name = "tbxGo";
    97.                         this.tbxGo.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 39, 21 );
    98.                         this.tbxGo.TabIndex = 5;
    99.                         // 
    100.                         // lblGo
    101.                         // 
    102.                         this.lblGo.AutoSize = true;
    103.                         this.lblGo.Font = new System.Drawing.Font( "宋体", 9F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ( ( byte )( 134 ) ) );
    104.                         this.lblGo.LinkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
    105.                         this.lblGo.Location = new System.Drawing.Point( 371, 10 );
    106.                         this.lblGo.Name = "lblGo";
    107.                         this.lblGo.Size = new System.Drawing.Size( 29, 12 );
    108.                         this.lblGo.TabIndex = 6;
    109.                         this.lblGo.TabStop = true;
    110.                         this.lblGo.Text = "跳转";
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    112.                         // 
    113.                         // txtPageSize
    114.                         // 
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    121.                         // label6
    122.                         // 
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    127.                         this.label6.TabIndex = 14;
    128.                         this.label6.Text = "每页显示记录数";
    129.                         // 
    130.                         // lblCustomInfo
    131.                         // 
    132.                         this.lblCustomInfo.AutoSize = true;
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    138.                         // 
    139.                         // lblShow
    140.                         // 
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    147.                         this.lblShow.TabIndex = 17;
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    151.                         // 
    152.                         // PageControl
    153.                         // 
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    172.                 #endregion
    173.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lblfPage;
    174.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lblpPage;
    175.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lblnPage;
    176.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lbllPage;
    177.                 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox tbxGo;
    178.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lblGo;
    179.                 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox txtPageSize;
    180.                 private System.Windows.Forms.Label label6;
    181.                 private System.Windows.Forms.Label lblCustomInfo;
    182.                 private System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel lblShow;
    183.         }
    184. }


    1.                 private void test()
    2.                 {
    3.                         PageControl pageControl1 = new PageControl();
    4.                         pageControl1.Init( 总记录数, 页长 );          // 或者用下面的方式
    5.                         pageControl1.RecordCount = 设置记录数;
    6.                         pageControl1.PageSize = 页长;
    7.                         pageControl1.PageChange += new PageControlEventHandler( myDataBinder );
    8.                 }
    9.                 private void myDataBinder(object Sender, PageControlEventArgs e)
    10.                 {
    11.                         //绑定数据源操作 e.CurrentIndex, e.PageSize
    12.                 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rr163/p/3955938.html
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