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  • Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail





    Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM)

    RFC 2313 - PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Version 1.5 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2313

       This document describes a method for encrypting data using the RSA
       public-key cryptosystem. Its intended use is in the construction of
       digital signatures and digital envelopes, as described in PKCS #7:
            o    For digital signatures, the content to be signed
                 is first reduced to a message digest with a
                 message-digest algorithm (such as MD5), and then
                 an octet string containing the message digest is
                 encrypted with the RSA private key of the signer
                 of the content. The content and the encrypted
                 message digest are represented together according
                 to the syntax in PKCS #7 to yield a digital
                 signature. This application is compatible with
                 Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) methods.
            o    For digital envelopes, the content to be enveloped
                 is first encrypted under a content-encryption key
                 with a content-encryption algorithm (such as DES),
                 and then the content-encryption key is encrypted
                 with the RSA public keys of the recipients of the
                 content. The encrypted content and the encrypted
    Kaliski                      Informational                      [Page 1]

    RFC 2313                PKCS #1: RSA Encryption               March 1998
                 content-encryption key are represented together
                 according to the syntax in PKCS #7 to yield a
                 digital envelope. This application is also
                 compatible with PEM methods.

    RFC 1421 - Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I: Message Encryption and Authentication Procedures https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1421

    4.1.1 Types of Keys

       A two-level keying hierarchy is used to support PEM transmission:
            1.  Data Encrypting Keys (DEKs) are used for encryption of
                message text and (with certain choices among a set of
                alternative algorithms) for computation of message integrity
                check (MIC) quantities.  In the asymmetric key management
                environment, DEKs are also used to encrypt the signed
                representations of MICs in PEM messages to which
                confidentiality has been applied. DEKs are generated
                individually for each transmitted message; no
                predistribution of DEKs is needed to support PEM
            2.  Interchange Keys (IKs) are used to encrypt DEKs for
                transmission within messages.  Ordinarily, the same IK will
                be used for all messages sent from a given originator to a
                given recipient over a period of time.  Each transmitted
                message includes a representation of the DEK(s) used for
                message encryption and/or MIC computation, encrypted under
                an individual IK per named recipient.  The representation is
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993
                associated with Originator-ID and Recipient-ID fields
                (defined in different forms so as to distinguish symmetric
                from asymmetric cases), which allow each individual
                recipient to identify the IK used to encrypt DEKs and/or
                MICs for that recipient's use.  Given an appropriate IK, a
                recipient can decrypt the corresponding transmitted DEK
                representation, yielding the DEK required for message text
                decryption and/or MIC validation.  The definition of an IK
                differs depending on whether symmetric or asymmetric
                cryptography is used for DEK encryption:
                     2a. When symmetric cryptography is used for DEK
                         encryption, an IK is a single symmetric key shared
                         between an originator and a recipient.  In this
                         case, the same IK is used to encrypt MICs as well
                         as DEKs for transmission.  Version/expiration
                         information and IA identification associated with
                         the originator and with the recipient must be
                         concatenated in order to fully qualify a symmetric
                     2b. When asymmetric cryptography is used, the IK
                         component used for DEK encryption is the public
                         component [8] of the recipient.  The IK component
                         used for MIC encryption is the private component of
                         the originator, and therefore only one encrypted
                         MIC representation need be included per message,
                         rather than one per recipient.  Each of these IK
                         components can be fully qualified in a Recipient-ID
                         or Originator-ID field, respectively.
                         Alternatively, an originator's IK component may be
                         determined from a certificate carried in an
                         "Originator-Certificate:" field.



    4.3 Privacy Enhancement Message Transformations

    4.3.1 Constraints

       An electronic mail encryption mechanism must be compatible with the
       transparency constraints of its underlying electronic mail
       facilities.  These constraints are generally established based on
       expected user requirements and on the characteristics of anticipated
       endpoint and transport facilities.  An encryption mechanism must also
       be compatible with the local conventions of the computer systems
       which it interconnects.  Our approach uses a canonicalization step to
       abstract out local conventions and a subsequent encoding step to
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993
       conform to the characteristics of the underlying mail transport
       medium (SMTP).  The encoding conforms to SMTP constraints.  Section
       4.5 of RFC 821 [2] details SMTP's transparency constraints.
       To prepare a message for SMTP transmission, the following
       requirements must be met:
            1.  All characters must be members of the 7-bit ASCII character
            2.  Text lines, delimited by the character pair <CR><LF>, must
                be no more than 1000 characters long.
            3.  Since the string <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> indicates the end of a
                message, it must not occur in text prior to the end of a
       Although SMTP specifies a standard representation for line delimiters
       (ASCII <CR><LF>), numerous systems in the Internet use a different
       native representation to delimit lines.  For example, the <CR><LF>
       sequences delimiting lines in mail inbound to UNIX systems are
       transformed to single <LF>s as mail is written into local mailbox
       files.  Lines in mail incoming to record-oriented systems (such as
       VAX VMS) may be converted to appropriate records by the destination
       SMTP server [3].  As a result, if the encryption process generated
       <CR>s or <LF>s, those characters might not be accessible to a
       recipient UA program at a destination which uses different line
       delimiting conventions.  It is also possible that conversion between
       tabs and spaces may be performed in the course of mapping between
       inter-SMTP and local format; this is a matter of local option.  If
       such transformations changed the form of transmitted ciphertext,
       decryption would fail to regenerate the transmitted plaintext, and a
       transmitted MIC would fail to compare with that computed at the
       The conversion performed by an SMTP server at a system with EBCDIC as
       a native character set has even more severe impact, since the
       conversion from EBCDIC into ASCII is an information-losing
       transformation.  In principle, the transformation function mapping
       between inter-SMTP canonical ASCII message representation and local
       format could be moved from the SMTP server up to the UA, given a
       means to direct that the SMTP server should no longer perform that
       transformation.  This approach has a major disadvantage: internal
       file (e.g., mailbox) formats would be incompatible with the native
       forms used on the systems where they reside.  Further, it would
       require modification to SMTP servers, as mail would be passed to SMTP
       in a different representation than it is passed at present.
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993

    4.3.2 Approach

       Our approach to supporting PEM across an environment in which
       intermediate conversions may occur defines an encoding for mail which
       is uniformly representable across the set of PEM UAs regardless of
       their systems' native character sets.  This encoded form is used (for
       specified PEM message types) to represent mail text in transit from
       originator to recipient, but the encoding is not applied to enclosing
       MTS headers or to encapsulated headers inserted to carry control
       information between PEM UAs.  The encoding's characteristics are such
       that the transformations anticipated between originator and recipient
       UAs will not prevent an encoded message from being decoded properly
       at its destination.
       Four transformation steps, described in the following four
       subsections, apply to outbound PEM message processing:
     Step 1: Local Form
       This step is applicable to PEM message types ENCRYPTED, MIC-ONLY, and
       MIC-CLEAR.  The message text is created in the system's native
       character set, with lines delimited in accordance with local
     Step 2: Canonical Form
       This step is applicable to PEM message types ENCRYPTED, MIC-ONLY, and
       MIC-CLEAR.  The message text is converted to a universal canonical
       form, similar to the inter-SMTP representation [4] as defined in RFC
       821 [2] and RFC 822 [5]. The procedures performed in order to
       accomplish this conversion are dependent on the characteristics of
       the local form and so are not specified in this RFC.
       PEM canonicalization assures that the message text is represented
       with the ASCII character set and "<CR><LF>" line delimiters, but does
       not perform the dot-stuffing transformation discussed in RFC 821,
       Section 4.5.2.  Since a message is converted to a standard character
       set and representation before encryption, a transferred PEM message
       can be decrypted and its MIC can be validated at any type of
       destination host computer.  Decryption and MIC validation is
       performed before any conversions which may be necessary to transform
       the message into a destination-specific local form.
     Step 3: Authentication and Encryption
       Authentication processing is applicable to PEM message types
       ENCRYPTED, MIC-ONLY, and MIC-CLEAR.  The canonical form is input to
       the selected MIC computation algorithm in order to compute an
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993
       integrity check quantity for the message.  No padding is added to the
       canonical form before submission to the MIC computation algorithm,
       although certain MIC algorithms will apply their own padding in the
       course of computing a MIC.
       Encryption processing is applicable only to PEM message type
       ENCRYPTED.  RFC 1423 defines the padding technique used to support
       encryption of the canonically-encoded message text.
     Step 4: Printable Encoding
       This printable encoding step is applicable to PEM message types
       ENCRYPTED and MIC-ONLY.  The same processing is also employed in
       representation of certain specifically identified PEM encapsulated
       header field quantities as cited in Section 4.6.  Proceeding from
       left to right, the bit string resulting from step 3 is encoded into
       characters which are universally representable at all sites, though
       not necessarily with the same bit patterns (e.g., although the
       character "E" is represented in an ASCII-based system as hexadecimal
       45 and as hexadecimal C5 in an EBCDIC-based system, the local
       significance of the two representations is equivalent).
       A 64-character subset of International Alphabet IA5 is used, enabling
       6 bits to be represented per printable character.  (The proposed
       subset of characters is represented identically in IA5 and ASCII.)
       The character "=" signifies a special processing function used for
       padding within the printable encoding procedure.
       To represent the encapsulated text of a PEM message, the encoding
       function's output is delimited into text lines (using local
       conventions), with each line except the last containing exactly 64
       printable characters and the final line containing 64 or fewer
       printable characters.  (This line length is easily printable and is
       guaranteed to satisfy SMTP's 1000-character transmitted line length
       limit.) This folding requirement does not apply when the encoding
       procedure is used to represent PEM header field quantities; Section
       4.6 discusses folding of PEM encapsulated header fields.
       The encoding process represents 24-bit groups of input bits as output
       strings of 4 encoded characters. Proceeding from left to right across
       a 24-bit input group extracted from the output of step 3, each 6-bit
       group is used as an index into an array of 64 printable characters.
       The character referenced by the index is placed in the output string.
       These characters, identified in Table 1, are selected so as to be
       universally representable, and the set excludes characters with
       particular significance to SMTP (e.g., ".", "<CR>", "<LF>").
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993
       Special processing is performed if fewer than 24 bits are available
       in an input group at the end of a message.  A full encoding quantum
       is always completed at the end of a message.  When fewer than 24
       input bits are available in an input group, zero bits are added (on
       the right) to form an integral number of 6-bit groups.  Output
       character positions which are not required to represent actual input
       data are set to the character "=".  Since all canonically encoded
       output is an integral number of octets, only the following cases can
       arise: (1) the final quantum of encoding input is an integral
       multiple of 24 bits; here, the final unit of encoded output will be
       an integral multiple of 4 characters with no "=" padding, (2) the
       final quantum of encoding input is exactly 8 bits; here, the final
       unit of encoded output will be two characters followed by two "="
       padding characters, or (3) the final quantum of encoding input is
       exactly 16 bits; here, the final unit of encoded output will be three
       characters followed by one "=" padding character.
       Value Encoding  Value Encoding  Value Encoding  Value Encoding
           0 A            17 R            34 i            51 z
           1 B            18 S            35 j            52 0
           2 C            19 T            36 k            53 1
           3 D            20 U            37 l            54 2
           4 E            21 V            38 m            55 3
           5 F            22 W            39 n            56 4
           6 G            23 X            40 o            57 5
           7 H            24 Y            41 p            58 6
           8 I            25 Z            42 q            59 7
           9 J            26 a            43 r            60 8
          10 K            27 b            44 s            61 9
          11 L            28 c            45 t            62 +
          12 M            29 d            46 u            63 /
          13 N            30 e            47 v
          14 O            31 f            48 w         (pad) =
          15 P            32 g            49 x
          16 Q            33 h            50 y
                      Printable Encoding Characters
                                 Table 1
     Summary of Transformations
       In summary, the outbound message is subjected to the following
       composition of transformations (or, for some PEM message types, a
       subset thereof):
             Transmit_Form = Encode(Encrypt(Canonicalize(Local_Form)))
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    RFC 1421        Privacy Enhancement for Electronic Mail    February 1993
       The inverse transformations are performed, in reverse order, to
       process inbound PEM messages:
           Local_Form = DeCanonicalize(Decipher(Decode(Transmit_Form)))
       Note that the local form and the functions to transform messages to
       and from canonical form may vary between the originator and recipient
       systems without loss of information.
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsapaper/p/10773623.html
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