Computer Science An Overview 11th Edition
Queues are often used as the underlying structure of a buffer, which as intro-duced in Chapter 1, is a storage area for the temporary placement of data being transferred from one location to another. As the items of data arrive at the buffer,they are placed at the tail of the queue. Then, when it comes time to forward items to their final destination, they are forwarded in the order in which they appear at the head of the queue. Thus, items are forwarded in the same order inwhich they arrived.
0-php原函数 来实现 队列, 是 php原函数 去操纵缓冲区 来实现队列吗??? 问题1-电话客服系统,这一个个待接听的号码,是如何进入缓冲区的?是脚本先接收再放入缓冲区再操作,3步吗? 问题2-缓冲区和硬件有关,和os有关,那么一套php代码又是怎么实现兼容不同的硬件和os的??谢谢。