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  • the major advances since the birth of the computer


    • The family concept: Introduced by IBM with its System/360 in 1964, followed
    shortly thereafter by DEC, with its PDP-8. The family concept decouples the
    architecture of a machine from its implementation. A set of computers is offered,
    with different price/performance characteristics, that presents the same architec-
    ture to the user. The differences in price and performance are due to different
    implementations of the same architecture.
    • Microprogrammed control unit: Suggested by Wilkes in 1951 and introduced
    by IBM on the S/360 line in 1964. Microprogramming eases the task of design-
    ing and implementing the control unit and provides support for the family
    • Cache memory: First introduced commercially on IBM S/360 Model 85 in
    1968. The insertion of this element into the memory hierarchy dramatically
    improves performance.
    • Pipelining: A means of introducing parallelism into the essentially sequential
    nature of a machine-instruction program. Examples are instruction pipelining
    and vector processing.
    • Multiple processors: This category covers a number of different organizations
    and objectives.
    • Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture: This is the focus of
    this chapter.
    When it appeared, RISC architecture was a dramatic departure from the
    historical trend in processor architecture. An analysis of the RISC architecture
    brings into focus many of the important issues in computer organization and

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsapaper/p/6238482.html
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