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  • an alternative to symmetric multiprocessing


    17.5 CLUSTERS
    An important and relatively recent development computer system design is clus-
    tering. Clustering is an alternative to symmetric multiprocessing as an approach to
    providing high performance and high availability and is particularly attractive for
    server applications. We can define a cluster as a group of interconnected, whole
    computers working together as a unified computing resource that can create the
    illusion of being one machine. The term whole computer means a system that can
    run on its own, apart from the cluster; in the literature, each computer in a cluster is
    typically referred to as a node.
    [BREW97] lists four benefits that can be achieved with clustering. These can
    also be thought of as objectives or design requirements:

    • Absolute scalability: It is possible to create large clusters that far surpass the
    power of even the largest standalone machines. A cluster can have tens, hun-
    dreds, or even thousands of machines, each of which is a multiprocessor.
    • Incremental scalability: A cluster is configured in such a way that it is possible
    to add new systems to the cluster in small increments. Thus, a user can start
    out with a modest system and expand it as needs grow, without having to go
    through a major upgrade in which an existing small system is replaced with a
    larger system.
    • High availability: Because each node in a cluster is a standalone computer,
    the failure of one node does not mean loss of service. In many products, fault
    tolerance is handled automatically in software.
    • Superior price/performance: By using commodity building blocks, it is pos-
    sible to put together a cluster with equal or greater computing power than a
    single large machine, at much lower cost.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsapaper/p/6240577.html
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