The Xen ProjectTM is the leading open source virtualization platform that is powering some of the largest clouds in production today. Amazon Web Services, Aliyun, Rackspace Public Cloud, Verizon Cloud and many hosting services use Xen Project software. Plus, it is integrated into multiple cloud orchestration projects like OpenStack.
Xen Project: Open Source Hypervisor, High Performance Clouds, Free Software, Open SourceVirtualization, Open Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Desktop Virtualization ...
The Xen Project serves as the basis for many commercial server virtualization, desktop and embedded products as well as hardware appliances and cloud solutions like OpenStack. Examples of server products include Huawei UVP, Oracle VM and XenServer. Examples of client solutions, appliances and embedded products include QubesOS, XenClient, Netscaler and GlobalLogic’s Nautilus Platform. Xen Project is also delivered with most Linux distributions, FreeBSD and NetBSD.
Xen Project (pronounced as /ˈzɛn/ /prˈɒdʒɛkt/) is a hypervisor using a microkernel design, providing services that allow multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer hardware concurrently. It was developed by the University of Cambridge and is now being developed by the Linux Foundation with support from Intel.