Apache Flink: Apache Flink 1.5.1 Released http://flink.apache.org/news/2018/07/12/release-1.5.1.html
- [FLINK-8977] - End-to-end test: Manually resume job after terminal failure
- [FLINK-8982] - End-to-end test: Queryable state
- [FLINK-8989] - End-to-end test: ElasticSearch connector
- [FLINK-8996] - Include an operator with broadcast and union state
- [FLINK-9008] - End-to-end test: Quickstarts
- [FLINK-9320] - Update `test-ha.sh` end-to-end test to use general purpose DataStream job
- [FLINK-9322] - Add exception throwing map function that simulates failures to the general purpose DataStream job
- [FLINK-9394] - Let externalized checkpoint resume e2e also test rescaling