Did you miss the Scotland on Rails conference this year? No need to fret though, as Engine Yard are hosting videos of all the presentationsmade at this popular conference. With 27 presentations covering topics from deployment to testing, there is something here for everyone.
This is an awesome way to "catch up" with the spirit of what's been going on at some of the recent conferences, especially as a few of the talks have been given elsewhere too (such as RailsConf). Enjoy!
Day 1 - Friday Presentations
- Getting Git: Getting Effective Project Management by Scott Chacon
- Implementing Geo-Awareness by Jim Remsik
- Building Blocks of Modularity by Jim Weirich
- Ruby on the Couch Eating Potatoes by Alexander Lang
- Merb and Rails 3.0 by Yehuda Katz
- TDD: It's More Than Just "Testing" by Evan Light
- Cannelloni Beats Spaghetti (Or Structure is Good for You)by Bruce Scharlau
- Working Outside-in with Cucumber and RSpec by Joseph Wilk
- Glasgow Green Map as a Community Project by Kevin McDonagh and Joseph Wright
- Selenium on Rails by Eric Smith
- PIT: Rails in the Enterprise by Abdel A. Saleh
- In Praise of Non-Fixtured Data by Kevin Barnes
- Confessions of a PackRat by Scott Raymond
Day 2 - Saturday Presentations
- Keynote by Michael Feathers
- Using/Abusing/Reusing Ruby and Rails by Aaron Quint
- Security - What rails will and won't do for you by Rory McCune
- Working effectively with legacy Rails code by Pat Maddox
- Advanced Deployment by Jonathan Weiss
- The Ruby Object Model by Dave Thomas
- R-House by Fernand Galiana
- Server to Server Communication Using XMPP and Ruby by George Palmer
- How to make a Successful Rails App by Steven A. Bristol
- The Big Bang - What To Do If Your Rails Codebase Grows Too Big by Hendrik Volkmer
- Who Needs Photoshop? Image Manipulation in Ruby by Cory Forsyth
- Web Applications as Standalone Executables Using Crate by Jeremy Hinegardner
- Edgecase Dialog: Ruby Code Review by Joe O'Brien and Jim Weirich
- Avoiding the Big Rewrite: Developing Maintainable Software by Steven Baker
Post by Matthew Lang - Matthew Lang is an ERP developer with a keen interest in Ruby and Rails programming.