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  • javascript 测试工具abut v3

    新版本并没有添加新功能,只是修bug与进行代码重构!详细用法请看abut v2的介绍。

    //abut v3 annotations-based unit testing,基于注释的单元测试工具 by 司徒正美
        var addEvent = (function () {
            if (DOM.addEventListener) {
                return function (el, type, fn) {
                    el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
            } else {
                return function (el, type, fn) {
                    el.attachEvent('on' + type, function () {
                        return fn.call(el, WIN.event);
        var A_slice = Array.prototype.slice;
        var metaOne = {
            '\b': '\\b',
            '\t': '\\t',
            '\n': '\\n',
            '\f': '\\f',
            '\r': '\\r',
            '\\': '\\\\'
        WIN.dom = WIN.dom || {
            mix: function(target, source ,override) {
                var i, ride = (override === void 0) || override;
                for (i in source) {
                    if (ride || !(i in target)) {
                        target[i] = source[i];
                return target;
            // http://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/archive/2010/01/20/1652646.html
            type : (function(){
                var reg = /^(\w)/,
                regFn = function($,$1){
                    return $1.toUpperCase()
                to_s = Object.prototype.toString;
                return function(obj,str){
                    var result = (typeof obj).replace(reg,regFn);
                    if(result === 'Object' || (result === 'Function' && obj.exec) ){//safari chrome中 type /i/ 为function
                        if(obj===null) result = 'Null';//Object,Function,Null,Undefined,Window,Arguments等等都为其构造器名称
                        else if(obj.window==obj) result = 'Window';
                        else if(obj.callee) result = 'Arguments';
                        else if(obj.nodeType === 9) result = 'Document';
                        else if(obj.nodeName) result = (obj.nodeName+'').replace('#',''); //处理元素节点
                        else if(!obj.constructor || !(obj instanceof Object)){
                            if("send" in obj && "setRequestHeader" in obj){//处理IE5-8的宿主对象与节点集合
                                result = "XMLHttpRequest"
                            }else if("length" in obj && "item" in obj){
                                result = "namedItem" in obj ?  'HTMLCollection' :'NodeList';
                                result = 'Unknown';
                        }else result = to_s.call(obj).slice(8,-1);
                    if(result === "Number" && isNaN(obj))  result = "NaN";
                    //safari chrome中 对 HTMLCollection与NodeList的to_s都为 "NodeList",此bug暂时无解
                        return str === result;
                    return result;
            oneObject : function(array,val){
                var result = {},value = val !== void 0 ? val :1;
                for(var i=0,n=array.length;i < n;i++)
                    result[array[i]] = value;
                return result;
            quote : String.quote || function (str) {
                str = str.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function (chr) {
                    var special = metaOne[chr];
                    return special ? special : '\\u' + ('0000'+chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
                return '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
            s = ["XMLHttpRequest",
            if( !-[1,] && w.ScriptEngineMinorVersion() === 7 && location.protocol === "file:"){
            for(var i = 0 ,el;el=s[i++];){
                    if(eval("new "+el)){
                        dom.xhr = new Function( "return new "+el);
        var rcomments = /\/\/([^\r\n]+)|\/\*([\s\S]+?)\*\//g;
        var rltrim = /^\s+/
        var rsign  = /(\$|#){4}(\w*)\(([\s\S]+)\);?/
        if ( rltrim.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
            rltrim = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
        var rstar = /^\*+/;//多行注释中的前置*号
        var rlt4  = /<<<</
        var rgt4  = />>>>/
        var rtest = /try{dom._should/
        var rCRFL = /\r?\n/ //回车符与换行符
        var ropacity = /opacity:\s*(\d?\.\d+)/g;
        var trimCode = function(source){
            var results = [],  flag_mul , flag_push, line, m, num = 0
            while((m = rcomments.exec(source))){//取得所有注释
                var comment =  m[1] || m[2] , lines = comment.split(rCRFL) , result = []
                for(var i=0, n = lines.length; i < n ;i++){
                    line = lines[i].replace(rltrim,'').replace(rstar,' ');
                        line = "try{"
                        flag_mul = flag_push = true;
                    if( flag_mul){//夹具
                        flag_push = true
                    if( rgt4.test(line)){//在使用了夹具的情况,使用>>>>作为左界定符
                        flag_mul = false;
                        line = "}catch(e){};"
                        flag_push = true;
                        flag_push = true
                    if( flag_push ){
                    flag_push = false;
                    results = results.concat(result)
            return  {
        var cleanCode = function (source) {
            var lines = source.split(rCRFL) ,line
            for(var i=0,n = lines.length; i < n ;i++){
                line = lines[i].replace(rltrim, '');
                lines[i] = line.replace(rsign,function(code,$1,$2,$3){
                    if($1 == "####")
                        dom.abut.isModify = true;
                    code = window.uneval && uneval(code) || dom.quote(code)
                    return "try{dom._should("+$3+","+i+","
                    + dom.quote($2 || "ok") +","+ code
                    +')}catch(e){dom.abut.render("dom-abut-error","第'+i+'行测试代码发生错误",'+code+'+"<br/>"+ e)};'
            return lines.join('\n');
                appendTo = appendTo || DOM.body
                if(str.indexOf("url(")=== 0){
                    var url = str.slice(4,-1),
                    xhr = dom.xhr();
                    xhr.open("GET",url+"?"+(new Date-0),false);
                    text = xhr.responseText || "";
                    if (!text) throw "the target file does not exist";
                    var el = DOM.getElementById(str);
                    if (!el) throw "can not find the target element";
                    text = el.text;
                var self = arguments.callee;
                self.isModify = false;
                var purified_code = cleanCode(text);
                var obj = trimCode(purified_code);
                    self._first = true;
                    el = self.componentElement = DOM.createElement("ul");
                    el.className = "dom-abut-result";
                    self.render("dom-abut-title",'<span>一共有'+obj.num+'个测试</span> <span id=dom-abut-pass>0</span>done  <span id=dom-abut-unpass>0</span>errors');
                    dom.addSheet(".dom-abut-result {\
                        border:5px solid #00a7ea;padding:10px;background:#03c9fa;list-style-type:none;\
                   .dom-abut-result li{\
                        padding:5px ;margin-bottom:1px;font-size:14px;\
                    .dom-abut-result li blockquote{\
                    .dom-abut-log blockquote{\
                        font-weight: normal;background:#808080;\
                        e = e || WIN.event;
                        var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
                        var blockquote =  target.getElementsByTagName("blockquote")[0];
                            blockquote.style.display =  !!(blockquote.offsetHeight || blockquote.offestWidth) ? "none": "block";
                try {
                    self.isModify && eval(purified_code);
                } catch (e) {
            addSheet : function(css,appendTo){
                var self = arguments.callee,style ,el = appendTo || dom.insertion || DOM.body
                    var styles = DOM.getElementsByTagName("style"), i = 0, reg = /screen|all/i, media
                    while(style = styles[i++]){
                        media = style.getAttribute("media");
                        if(media === null || reg.test(media)){
                            self.style = style;
                        style = DOM.createElement('style');
                        self.style = style;
                if(!-[1,] && el.filters){//IE6-8
                    css = css.replace(ropacity,function($,$1){
                        $1 = parseFloat($1) * 100;
                        if($1 < 0 || $1 > 100)
                            return "";
                        return "filter:alpha(opacity="+ $1 +");"
                css += "\n";//增加末尾的换行符,方便在firebug下的查看。
                if(style.styleSheet){    //ie
                    style.styleSheet.cssText += css;//添加新的内部样式
                }else if(WIN.Components){
                    style.innerHTML += css;//火狐支持直接innerHTML添加样式表字串
            _should:function(actual, expected, line, method, source){
                var args = Array.apply([],arguments);
                source = args.pop();
                method = args.pop();
                line   = args.pop();
                if(args.length === 1){
                    expected = void 0;
                var bool, context
                    case "ok"://布尔真测试
                        bool = !!actual
                    case "ng"://布尔非测试
                        bool = !!!actual
                    case "eq"://同一性真测试
                        bool = actual == expected;
                    case "not"://同一性非测试
                        bool = actual != expected;
                    case "same":
                        bool = dom.isEqual(actual, expected)
                    case "log":
                        bool = "<pre>"+dom.dump(actual)+"</pre>";
                if(typeof bool === "string"){
                    context = '第' + line+"行日志记录";
                    context =  '第'+ line+'行测试代码: '+(bool ? '通过' :'不通过' ) ;
                    var id = bool ? 'dom-abut-pass' : 'dom-abut-unpass';
                    var el = DOM.getElementById(id);
                    var count = ~~el.innerHTML
                    el.innerHTML = ++count;
                    source = "actual    :   "+actual+"<br/> expected :   "+expected+"<hr/>"+source
            isEqual: function(a, b) {
                if (a === b) {
                    return true;
                } else if (a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined" || dom.type(a) !== dom.type(b)) {
                    return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases
                } else {
                        case "String":
                        case "Boolean":
                        case "Number":
                        case "Null":
                        case "Undefined":
                            //处理简单类型的伪对象与字面值相比较的情况,如1 v new Number(1)
                            if (b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor) {
                                return a == b;
                            return a === b;
                        case "NaN":
                            return isNaN(b);
                        case "Date":
                            return  a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
                        case "Array":
                            var len = a.length;
                            if (len !== b.length)
                                return false;
                            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                                if (!this.isEqual(a[i], b[i])) {
                                    return false;
                            return true;
                            for (var key in b) {
                                if (!this.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) {
                                    return false
                            return true;
            dump : function(obj, indent) {
                indent = indent || "";
                if (obj === null)
                    return indent + "null";
                if (obj === void 0)
                    return indent + "undefined";
                if (obj.nodeType === 9)
                    return indent + "[object Document]";
                if (obj.nodeType)
                    return indent + "[object " + (obj.tagName || "Node") +"]";
                var arr = [],type = dom.type(obj),self = arguments.callee,next = indent +  "\t";
                switch (type) {
                    case "Boolean":
                    case "Number":
                    case "NaN":
                    case "RegExp":
                        return indent + obj;
                    case "String":
                        return indent + dom.quote(obj);
                    case "Function":
                        return (indent + obj).replace(/\n/g, "\n" + indent);
                    case "Date":
                        return indent + '(new Date(' + obj.valueOf() + '))';
                    case "Unknown":
                    case "XMLHttpRequest" :
                    case "Window" :
                        return indent + "[object "+type +"]";
                    case "NodeList":
                    case "HTMLCollection":
                    case "Arguments":
                    case "Array":
                        for (var i = 0, n = obj.length; i < n; ++i)
                            arr.push(self(obj[i], next).replace(/^\s* /g, next));
                        return indent + "[\n" + arr.join(",\n") + "\n" + indent + "]";
                        for (var i in obj) {
                            arr.push(next + self(i) + ": " + self(obj[i], next).replace(/^\s+/g, "") );
                        return indent + "{\n" + arr.join(",\n") + "\n" + indent + "}";
            render : function(className,context,code){
                var li = DOM.createElement("li");
                li.className = className;
                var blockquote = DOM.createElement("blockquote")
                li.innerHTML = context;
                    blockquote.innerHTML = code;


          var Person = function(name,sex){
            this.name = name;
            this.sex = sex;
          var p = new Person("ruby","louvre");


           // dom.abut({selector:"test3", target:document.body });


           // dom.abut({url:"http://aaa.js", target:document.body });



          var h = {
            a : {
              x : 10,
              y : "hoge",
              z : [ { hoge : "fuga"} , { hoge : "foo" }, { hoge : "bar" } ]
            b : {
              x : "piyo"

        var flatten = function(arr) {
            var result = [],self = arguments.callee;
            for(var i=0,n=arr.length,el;i < n;i++){
              el = arr[i];
              if (dom.type(el,"Array")) {
                result = result.concat(self(el));
              } else {
            return result;
           * var a =['frank', ['bob', 'lisa'], ['jill', ['tom', 'sally']]];
           * $$$$same(flatten(a),['frank', 'bob', 'lisa', 'jill', 'tom', 'sally']);
           * >>>>


          PROTO = "prototype",
          CTOR = "constructor",
          hasOwn = Object[PROTO].hasOwnProperty;
          // $$$$(dom.type(1,"Number"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(NaN,"NaN"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(void(0),"Undefined"));
          // $$$$(dom.type("aaa","String"));
          // $$$$(dom.type([1,2,3],"Array"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(/i/,"RegExp"));
          // $$$$(dom.type({},"Object"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(document,"Document"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(document.body,"BODY"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(window,"Window"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(true,"Boolean"));
          // $$$$(dom.type(document.getElementsByTagName('script'),"HTMLCollection"));
          dom.type = (function(){
            var reg = /^(\w)/,
            regFn = function($,$1){
              return $1.toUpperCase()
            to_s = Object[PROTO].toString;
            return function(obj,str){
              var result = (typeof obj).replace(reg,regFn);
              if(result === 'Object' || (result === 'Function' && obj.exec) ){//safari chrome中 type /i/ 为function
                if(obj===null) result = 'Null';
                else if(obj.window==obj) result = 'Window'; //返回Window的构造器名字
                else if(obj.callee) result = 'Arguments';
                else if(obj.nodeType === 9) result = 'Document';
                else if(obj.nodeName) result = (obj.nodeName+'').replace('#',''); //处理元素节点
                else if(!obj.constructor || !(obj instanceof Object)){
                  if("send" in obj && "setRequestHeader" in obj){//处理IE5-8的宿主对象与节点集合
                    result = "XMLHttpRequest"
                  }else if("length" in obj && "item" in obj){
                    result = "namedItem" in obj ?  'HTMLCollection' :'NodeList';
                    result = 'Unknown';
                }else result = to_s.call(obj).slice(8,-1);
              if(result === "Number" && isNaN(obj))  result = "NaN";
              //safari chrome中 对 HTMLCollection与NodeList的to_s都为 "NodeList",此bug暂时无解
                return str === result;
              return result;
          // $$$$same(dom.oneObject(["aa","bb","cc"]),{"aa":1,"bb":1,"cc":1})
          dom.oneObject = function(array,val){
            var result = {},value = val !== void 0 ? val :1;
            for(var i=0,n=array.length;i < n;i++)
              result[array[i]] = value;
            return result;

    //abut v3 annotations-based unit testing,基于注释的单元测试工具 (function(WIN,DOM){ //http://tech.kayac.com/archive/javascript-test-framework-sweets.html var dom = WIN[escape(DOM.URL.split("#")[0])]; dom.declare("abut", ["lang","xhr"],function(){ try{ var reg_comments = /\/\/([^\r\n]+)|\/\*([\s\S]+?)\*\//g; var reg_ltrim = /^\s+/; var reg_sign = /(\$|#){4}(\w*)\(([\s\S]+)\);?/; if ( reg_ltrim.test( "\xA0" ) ) { reg_ltrim = /^[\s\xA0]+/; } var reg_star = /^\*+/;//多行注释中的前置*号 var reg_lt4 = /<<<>>>/; var reg_test = /try{dom._should/; var reg_CRFL = /\r?\n/; //回车符与换行符 var reg_opacity = /opacity:\s*(\d?\.\d+)/g; var trimCode = function(source){ var results = [], flag_mul , flag_push, line, m, num = 0; while((m = reg_comments.exec(source))){//取得所有注释 var comment = m[1] || m[2] , lines = comment.split(reg_CRFL) , result = []; for(var i=0, n = lines.length; i < n ;i++){ line = lines[i].replace(reg_ltrim,'').replace(reg_star,' '); if(reg_lt4.test(line)){//在使用了夹具的情况,使用<<<<作为左界定符 line = "try{"; flag_mul = flag_push = true; } if( flag_mul){//夹具 flag_push = true; } if( reg_gt4.test(line)){//在使用了夹具的情况,使用>>>>作为左界定符 flag_mul = false; line = "}catch(e){dom.log(e)};" flag_push = true; } if(reg_test.test(line)){//用于统计一共有多少个测试样例 num++; flag_push = true; } if( flag_push ){ result.push(line); } flag_push = false; } if(/\S+/.test(result.join(""))){ results = results.concat(result); } } return { code:results.join("\n"), num:num } } //将源码分行并添加上行号 var cleanCode = function (source) { var lines = source.split(reg_CRFL) ,line; for(var i=0,n = lines.length; i < n ;i++){ line = lines[i].replace(reg_ltrim, ''); lines[i] = line.replace(reg_sign,function(code,$1,$2,$3){ if($1 == "####"){ dom.abut.isModify = true; } code = window.uneval && uneval(code) || dom.quote(code); return "try{dom._should("+$3+","+i+"," + dom.quote($2 || "ok") +","+ code +')}catch(e){dom.abut.render("dom-abut-error","第'+i+'行测试代码发生错误",'+code+'+"
    "+ e)};' }); } return lines.join('\n'); }; //使用方法 : dom.abut("url(/dom/lang.js)") dom.mix(dom,{ abut:function(str,appendTo,/*private*/text){ appendTo = appendTo || DOM.body; if(str.indexOf("url(")=== 0){ var url = str.slice(4,-1); var xhr = dom.xhr(); xhr.open("GET",url+"?"+(new Date-0),false); xhr.send(null); text = xhr.responseText || ""; if (!text) throw "the target file does not exist"; }else{ var el = DOM.getElementById(str); if (!el) throw "can not find the target element"; text = el.text; } var self = arguments.callee; self.isModify = false; var purified_code = cleanCode(text); var obj = trimCode(purified_code); if(!self._first){//保证这里的代码只执行一次 self._first = true; el = self.componentElement = DOM.createElement("ul"); el.className = "dom-abut-result"; self.render("dom-abut-title",'一共有'+obj.num+'个测试0done  0errors'); appendTo.appendChild(el); dom.addSheet(".dom-abut-result {\ border:5px solid #00a7ea;padding:10px;background:#03c9fa;list-style-type:none;\ }\ .dom-abut-result li{\ padding:5px ;margin-bottom:1px;font-size:14px;\ }\ .dom-abut-result li blockquote{\ padding:5px;display:none;\ }\ .dom-abut-title{\ background:#008000;\ }\ .dom-abut-pass{\ background:#a9ea00;\ }\ .dom-abut-unpass{\ background:red;color:#fff;\ }\ .dom-abut-error{\ background:#000;color:#fff;\ }\ .dom-abut-log{\ background:#c0c0c0;\ }\ .dom-abut-log blockquote{\ font-weight: normal;background:#808080;\ }"); dom.bind(el,"click",function(e){ e = e || WIN.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; var blockquote = target.getElementsByTagName("blockquote")[0]; if(blockquote){ blockquote.style.display = !!(blockquote.offsetHeight || blockquote.offestWidth) ? "none": "block"; } }); } try { self.isModify && eval(purified_code); eval(obj.code); } catch (e) { self.render("dom-abut-error","解析编译测试代码失败!"); } }, addSheet : function(css,appendTo){ var self = arguments.callee,style ,el = appendTo || dom.insertion || DOM.body; if(!self.style){ var styles = DOM.getElementsByTagName("style"), i = 0, reg = /screen|all/i, media; while(style = styles[i++]){ media = style.getAttribute("media"); if(media === null || reg.test(media)){ self.style = style; break; } } if(!self.style){ style = DOM.createElement('style'); el.parentNode.insertBefore(style,el); self.style = style; } } if(!+"\v1" && el.filters){//IE6-8 css = css.replace(reg_opacity,function($,$1){ $1 = parseFloat($1) * 100; if($1 < 0 || $1 > 100){ return ""; } return "filter:alpha(opacity="+ $1 +");"; }); } css += "\n";//增加末尾的换行符,方便在firebug下的查看。 if(style.styleSheet){ //ie style.styleSheet.cssText += css;//添加新的内部样式 }else if(WIN.Components){ style.innerHTML += css;//火狐支持直接innerHTML添加样式表字串 }else{ style.appendChild(DOM.createTextNode(css)); } }, _should:function(actual, expected, line, method, source){ var args = Array.apply([],arguments); source = args.pop(); method = args.pop(); line = args.pop(); if(args.length === 1){ expected = void 0; } var bool, context; switch(method){ case "ok"://布尔真测试 bool = !!actual; expected = actual; break; case "ng"://布尔非测试 bool = !!!actual; expected = actual; break; case "eq"://同一性真测试 bool = actual == expected; break; case "not"://同一性非测试 bool = actual != expected; break; case "same": bool = dom.isEqual(actual, expected); break case "log": bool = "
    "; break; } if(typeof bool === "string"){ context = '第' + line+"行日志记录"; dom.abut.render("dom-abut-log",context,bool); }else{ context = '第'+ line+'行测试代码: '+(bool ? '通过' :'不通过' ) ; var id = bool ? 'dom-abut-pass' : 'dom-abut-unpass'; var el = DOM.getElementById(id); var count = ~~el.innerHTML; el.innerHTML = ++count; source = "actual : "+actual+"
    expected : "+ expected+"
    "+source; dom.abut.render(id,context,source); } }, //比较对象是否相等或相似 isEqual: function(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } else if (a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" || typeof b === "undefined" || dom.type(a) !== dom.type(b)) { return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases } else { switch(dom.type(a)){ case "String": case "Boolean": case "Number": case "Null": case "Undefined": //处理简单类型的伪对象与字面值相比较的情况,如1 v new Number(1) if (b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor) { return a == b; } return a === b; case "NaN": return isNaN(b); case "Date": return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); case "Array": var len = a.length; if (len !== b.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!this.isEqual(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; default: for (var key in b) { if (!this.isEqual(a[key], b[key])) { return false; } } return true; } } }, dump : function(obj, indent) { indent = indent || ""; if (obj === null) return indent + "null"; if (obj === void 0) return indent + "undefined"; if (obj.nodeType === 9) return indent + "[object Document]"; if (obj.nodeType) return indent + "[object " + (obj.tagName || "Node") +"]"; var arr = [],type = dom.type(obj),self = arguments.callee,next = indent + "\t"; switch (type) { case "Boolean": case "Number": case "NaN": case "RegExp": return indent + obj; case "String": return indent + dom.quote(obj); case "Function": return (indent + obj).replace(/\n/g, "\n" + indent); case "Date": return indent + '(new Date(' + obj.valueOf() + '))'; case "Unknown": case "XMLHttpRequest" : case "Window" : return indent + "[object "+type +"]"; case "NodeList": case "Arguments": case "Array": for (var i = 0, n = obj.length; i < n; ++i) arr.push(self(obj[i], next).replace(/^\s* /g, next)); return indent + "[\n" + arr.join(",\n") + "\n" + indent + "]"; default: for ( i in obj) { arr.push(next + self(i) + ": " + self(obj[i], next).replace(/^\s+/g, "") ); } return indent + "{\n" + arr.join(",\n") + "\n" + indent + "}"; } } }); dom.mix(dom.abut,{ render : function(className,context,code){ var li = DOM.createElement("li"); li.className = className; this.componentElement.appendChild(li); var blockquote = DOM.createElement("blockquote") li.innerHTML = context; if(code){ li.appendChild(blockquote); blockquote.innerHTML = code; } } }); }catch(e){ alert(e+" abut"); } }); })(this,this.document);
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    session 、cookie、token的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rubylouvre/p/1972250.html
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