//========================================= // 事件系统 v7 //========================================== define("event", top.dispatchEvent ? ["$node"] : ["$node","$event_fix"],function(){ $.log("已加载event模块v7") var facade = $.event = $.event || {}; $.Object.merge(facade,{ eventAdapter:{ } //添加或增强二级属性eventAdapter }); var adapter = $.event.eventAdapter, rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/ var bindTop = !adapter.input;//如果没有加载event_fix模块,也就没有input分支,也就说明其是支持dispatchEvent API $.eventSupport = function( eventName, el ) { el = el || document.createElement("div"); eventName = "on" + eventName; var ret = eventName in el; if ( el.setAttribute && !ret ) { el.setAttribute( eventName, "" ); ret = typeof el[ eventName ] === "function"; el.removeAttribute(eventName); } el = null; return ret; }; /** * 从事件类型中分解出有用的信息 * @param {String} event 事件类型 * @param {String|Boolean|Undefined} live 用于判定是否使用代理 */ var Event = function(event, live){ var parts = event.split('.'); var ns = parts.slice(1).sort().join(' '); var type = parts[0], hack, tmp;//input -> change -> propertychange while( (hack = adapter[ type ]) ){ tmp = hack[ live ? "delegateType" : "bindType" ]; if( tmp ){ type = tmp }else{ break } } this.type = type; //事件类型 this.origType = parts[0] //原事件类型 this.live = live; //是否使用了事件代理,可以是正则,字符串,布尔或空值 this.ns = ns, //命名空间 this.rns = ns ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + ns.replace(' ', ' .* ?') + "(\\.|$)") : null } //events为要过滤的集合,后面个参数为过滤条件 function findHandlers( events, hash, fn, live ) { return events.filter(function(quark) { return quark && (!hash.rns || hash.rns.test(quark.ns)) //通过事件类型进行过滤 && (!hash.origType || hash.origType === quark.origType) //通过命名空间进行进行过滤 && (!fn || fn.uniqueNumber === quark.uuid) //通过uuid进行过滤 && (!live || live === quark.live || live === "**" && quark.live )//通过选择器进行过滤 }) } Event.prototype = { toString: function(){ return "[object Event]" }, preventDefault: function() { this.isDefaultPrevented = true; var e = this.originalEvent || {}; if (e && e.preventDefault ) { e.preventDefault(); }// 如果存在returnValue 那么就将它设为false e.returnValue = false; return this; }, stopPropagation: function() { var e = this.originalEvent || {}; if (e && e.stopPropagation ) { e.stopPropagation(); } // 如果存在returnValue 那么就将它设为true e.cancelBubble = this.isPropagationStopped = true; return this; }, stopImmediatePropagation: function() { this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = true; this.stopPropagation(); return this; } } $.Event = Event; $.mix(facade,{ //addEventListner API的支持情况:chrome 1+ FF1.6+ IE9+ opera 7+ safari 1+; //http://functionsource.com/post/addeventlistener-all-the-way-back-to-ie-6 bind: function( target, hash ){//事件系统三大核心方法之一,绑定事件 var bindTarget = $[ "@bind" ] in target,//是否能直接绑定到目标对象上 events = $._data( target ), //是否能绑定事件 types = hash.type, //原有的事件类型,可能是复数个 live = hash.live; //是否使用事件代理 if( !events ){ return } if( bindTarget ){ //处理DOM的hover事件 types = types.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseover$1 mouseout$1" ); } events = events.events || (events.events = []); hash.uuid = $.getUid( hash.fn ); //确保hash.uuid与fn.uuid一致 types.replace( $.rword, function( t ){ var forged = new $.Event( t, live), type = forged.origType; $.mix(forged, { currentTarget: target, //this,用于绑定数据的 index: events.length //记录其在列表的位置,在卸载事件时用 }, hash, false); events.push( forged ); //用于事件拷贝 var count = events[ type+"_count" ] = ( events[ type+"_count" ] | 0 )+ 1; var hack = adapter[ forged.type ] || {}; if( count == 1 ){ forged.handle = facade.curry( forged ); // 一个curry $._data( target, "first_" + type, forged); //用于事件派发:$.event.dispatch if( !hack.setup || hack.setup( forged ) === false ) { if( bindTop && !bindTarget ){//如果不能绑到当前对象上,尝试绑到window上 target = window; } //此元素在此事件类型只绑定一个回调 $.bind(target, forged.type, facade.curry( forged ), live); } } //mass Framework早期的事件系统与jQuery都脱胎于 Dean Edwards' addEvent library //对于每个元素的某一种事件只绑定一个代理回调,通过它执行用户的所有回调, //藉此解决this指向,event存无与标准化,回调顺序这三大问题 //jquery的创新在于使用多投事件API取代DOM 0事件绑定,解决对DOMMouseScroll, //DOMContentLoaded,DOMAttrModified的绑定,并引入命名空间与实现事件冒充,事件代理, //以及让无论是自定义事件与原生事件都能沿着DOM树人为地冒泡 }); }, _dispatch: function( list, event, type ){//level2 API 用于事件冒充 event.more = event.more ||{} event.more.type = type for(var i in list){ if( list.hasOwnProperty(i)){ facade.dispatch( list[ i ], event, type ); } } }, dispatch: function( target, event, type ){// level2 API 用于旧式的$.event.fire中 var quark = $._data(target, "first_" + (type || event.type) );//取得此元素此类型的第一个quark quark && quark.handle.call( target, event ) }, curry: function( hash ){// 这是元信息,不要污染这个对象 var fn = function( event){//真正的事件对象 var type = hash.origType; var ctarget = hash.currentTarget//原来绑定事件的对象 var more = event.more || {}; //防止在fire mouseover时,把用于冒充mouseenter用的mouseover也触发了 if( more.origType && more.origType !== type ){ return } var queue = ( $._data( ctarget, "events") || [] ).concat(); //如果是自定义事件, 或者旧式IE678, 或者需要事件冒充 if( !event.originalEvent || !bindTop || hash.type !== type ){ var win = bindTop || ( ctarget.ownerDocument || ctarget.document || ctarget ).parentWindow || window; event = facade.fix( hash, (event || win.event), type ); } var args = [ event ].concat( event.args || [] ), result; for ( var i = 0, quark; quark = queue[i++]; ) { if ( !event.target.disabled && !(event.button && event.type === "click")//非左键不能冒泡(e.button 左键为0) && ( event.type == quark.origType )//确保事件类型一致 && (!event.rns || event.rns.test( quark.ns ) )//如果存在命名空间,则检测是否一致 && ( quark.live ? facade.match( event.target, ctarget, quark ) : event.currentTarget == quark.currentTarget ) //如果是事件代理,则检测元素是否匹配给定选择器,否则检测此元素是否是绑定事件的元素 ) { //谁绑定了事件,谁就是事件回调中的this result = quark.fn.apply( quark._target || ctarget, args); delete quark._target; quark.times--; if(quark.times === 0){//如果有次数限制并到用光所有次数,则移除它 facade.unbind( this, quark) } if ( result !== void 0 ) { event.result = result; if ( result === false ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } if ( event.isImmediatePropagationStopped ) { break; } } } } fn.uuid = hash.uuid; return fn; }, //将真事件对象的成员赋给伪事件对象,抹平浏览器差异 fix: function( event, real, type){ if( !event.originalEvent ){ var hash = event, toString = hash.toString;//IE无法遍历出toString; event = $.Object.merge({}, hash);//这里event只是一个伪事件对象 for( var p in real ){ if( !(p in hash) ){ event[p] = real[p] } } for( var p in real.more ){ if( !(p in hash) ){ event[p] = real.more[p] } } event.toString = toString; event.originalEvent = real; event.timeStamp = Date.now(); //如果不存在target属性,为它添加一个 if ( !event.target ) { event.target = event.srcElement || document; } //safari的事件源对象可能为文本节点,应代入其父节点 if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) { event.target = event.target.parentNode; } event.metaKey = !!event.ctrlKey; // 处理IE678的组合键 if( /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/.test( type ) ){ if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) { // 处理鼠标事件 var doc = event.target.ownerDocument || document, html = doc.documentElement, body = doc.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (html && html.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (html && html.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (html && html.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (html && html.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } //如果不存在relatedTarget属性,为它添加一个 if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement ) { event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement === event.target ? event.toElement : event.fromElement; } //标准浏览判定按下鼠标哪个键,左1中2右3 var button = event.button //IE event.button的意义 0:没有键被按下 1:按下左键 2:按下右键 3:左键与右键同时被按下 4:按下中键 5:左键与中键同时被按下 6:中键与右键同时被按下 7:三个键同时被按下 if ( !event.which && isFinite(button) ) { event.which = [0,1,3,0,2,0,0,0][button];//0现在代表没有意义 } if( type === "mousewheel" ){ //处理滚轮事件 if ("wheelDelta" in real){//统一为±120,其中正数表示为向上滚动,负数表示向下滚动 // http://www.w3help.org/zh-cn/causes/SD9015 var delta = real.wheelDelta //opera 9x系列的滚动方向与IE保持一致,10后修正 if( window.opera && opera.version() < 10 ) delta = -delta; event.wheelDelta = Math.round(delta); //修正safari的浮点 bug }else if( "detail" in real ){ event.wheelDelta = -real.detail * 40;//修正FF的detail 为更大众化的wheelDelta } } }else if ( event.which == null ) {//处理键盘事件 event.which = event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; }else if( window.Touch && event.touches && event.touches[0] ){ event.pageX = event.touches[0].pageX//处理触摸事件 event.pageY = event.touches[0].pageY } } if( type ){ event.type = type } return event; }, //外部的API已经确保typesr至少为空字符串 unbind: function( target, hash ) {//事件系统三大核心方法之一,卸载事件 var events = $._data( target, "events"); if( !events ) return; var types = hash.type || "", live = hash.live, bindTarget = $["@bind"] in target; if( bindTarget ){ //处理DOM的hover事件 types = types.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseover$1 mouseout$1" ); } types.replace( $.rword, function( t ){ var quark = new $.Event( t, live ), type = quark.origType, hack = adapter[ type ] || {}; findHandlers( events, quark , hash.fn, live ).forEach( function(quark){ if( --events[type+"_count"] == 0 ){ if( !hack.teardown || hack.teardown( quark ) === false ) { if( bindTarget === false && bindTop ){//如果不能绑到当前对象上,尝试绑到window上 target = window; } $.unbind( target, quark.type, quark.handle, live ); } $.removeData( target, "first_" + type, true ); delete events[ type+"_count"]; } events[ quark.index ] = null; }) }); for ( var i = events.length; i >= 0; i-- ) { if (events[i] == null){ events.splice(i, 1); } } if( !events.length ){ $.removeData( target, "events") ; } }, match: function( cur, parent, quark ){//用于判定此元素是否为绑定回调的那个元素或其孩子,并且匹配给定表达式 if(quark._target) return true var expr = quark.live; var matcher = expr.input ? quickIs : $.match; for ( ; cur != parent; cur = cur.parentNode || parent ) { if(matcher(cur, expr)){ quark._target = cur return true } } return false; } }) var rquickIs = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/; var rmapper = /(\w+)_(\w+)/g; function quickParse( selector ) { var quick = rquickIs.exec( selector ); if ( quick ) { // 0 1 2 3 // [ _, tag, id, class ] quick[1] = ( quick[1] || "" ).toLowerCase(); quick[3] = quick[3] && new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s)" + quick[3] + "(?:\\s|$)" ); } return quick || selector;//如果为null ,或许这是个复杂的表达式,交由选择器引擎去处理 } function quickIs( elem, m ) { var attrs = elem.attributes || {}; return ( (!m[1] || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m[1]) && (!m[2] || (attrs.id || {}).value === m[2]) && (!m[3] || m[3].test( (attrs[ "class" ] || {}).value )) ); } //以下是用户使用的API $.implement({ toggle: function(/*fn1,fn2,fn3*/){ var fns = Array.apply([],arguments), i = 0; return this.click(function(e){ var fn = fns[i++] || fns[i = 0, i++]; fn.call( this, e ); }) }, hover: function( fnIn, fnOut ) { return this.mouseenter( fnIn ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnIn ); }, delegate: function( selector, types, fn, times ) { return this.on( types, selector, fn, times); }, live: function( types, fn, times ) { $( this.ownerDocument ).on( types, this.selector, fn, times ); return this; }, one: function( types, fn ) { return this.on( types, fn, 1 ); }, undelegate: function(selector, types, fn ) {/*顺序不能乱*/ return arguments.length == 1 ? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, fn, selector ); }, die: function( types, fn ) { $( this.ownerDocument ).off( types, fn, this.selector || "**", fn ); return this; }, fire: function() { var args = arguments; return this.each(function() { $.event.fire.apply(this, args ); }); } }); if( bindTop ){//事件系统三大核心方法之一,触发事件 facade.fire = function( init ){ var bindTarget = $["@bind"] in this, more = {} var target = bindTarget ? this : window; var type, transfer; if( typeof init == "string"){ type = init; init = false; } if( init && init.preventDefault ){//如果是一个真事件对象或伪事件对象 if( init instanceof $.Event ){//如果是伪的 type = init.origType; more = init; }else{ transfer = init;//如果是真的 } } if(type){ type = new Event( type ); type = type.origType; var doc = target.ownerDocument || target.document || target || document; transfer = doc.createEvent(eventMap[type] || "CustomEvent");// if(/^(focus|blur|select|submit|reset)$/.test(type)){ target[type] && target[type]() } transfer.initEvent( type, true,true);//, doc.defaultView } transfer.args = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ; transfer.more = more; target.dispatchEvent(transfer); } } //这个迭代器产生四个重要的事件绑定API on off bind unbind var rtypes = /^[a-z0-9_\-\.\s\,]+$/i "on_bind,off_unbind".replace( rmapper, function(_,method, mapper){ $.fn[ method ] = function(types, selector, fn ){ if ( typeof types === "object" ) { for ( var type in types ) { $.fn[ method ](this, type, selector, types[ type ], fn ); } return this; } var hash = {}; for(var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length; i++ ){ var el = arguments[i]; if(typeof el == "number"){ hash.times = el; }else if(typeof el == "function"){ hash.fn = el } if(typeof el === "string"){ if(hash.type != null){ hash.live = el.trim(); }else{ hash.type = el.trim();//只能为字母数字-_.空格 if(!rtypes.test(hash.type)){ throw "hash.type should be a combination of this event type and the namespace!" } } } } if(method === "on"){ if( !hash.type || !hash.fn ){ $.log("$.fn."+ method + " occur error: type and callback must be specified!"); return this; } hash.times = hash.times > 0 ? hash.times : Infinity; hash.live = hash.live ? quickParse( hash.live ) : false } return this.each(function() { facade[ mapper ]( this, hash ); }); } $.fn[ mapper ] = function(){// $.fn.bind $.fn.unbind return $.fn[ method ].apply(this, arguments ); } }); var mouseEvents = "contextmenu,click,dblclick,mouseout,mouseover,mouseenter,mouseleave,mousemove,mousedown,mouseup,mousewheel," var eventMap = $.oneObject(mouseEvents, "MouseEvents"); var types = mouseEvents +",keypress,keydown,keyup," + "blur,focus,focusin,focusout,"+ "abort,error,load,unload,resize,scroll,change,input,select,reset,submit,input" types.replace( $.rword, function( type ){//这里产生以事件名命名的快捷方法 eventMap[type] = eventMap[type] || (/key/.test(type) ? "UIEvents" : "HTMLEvents") $.fn[ type ] = function( callback ){ return callback? this.bind( type, callback ) : this.fire( type ); } }); /** mouseenter/mouseleave/focusin/focusout已为标准事件,经测试IE5+,opera11,FF10都支持它们 详见http://www.filehippo.com/pl/download_opera/changelog/9476/ */ if( !+"\v1" || !$.eventSupport("mouseenter")){//IE6789不能实现捕获与safari chrome不支持 "mouseenter_mouseover,mouseleave_mouseout".replace(rmapper, function(_, type, mapper){ adapter[ type ] = { setup: function( quark ){//使用事件冒充 quark[type+"_handle"]= $.bind( quark.currentTarget, mapper, function( event ){ var target = quark.currentTarget var related = event.relatedTarget; if(quark.live || !related || (related !== target && !$.contains( target, related )) ){ facade._dispatch( [ target ], event, type ); } }) }, teardown: function( quark ){ $.unbind( quark.currentTarget, mapper, quark[ type+"_handle" ] ); } }; }); } //现在只有firefox不支持focusin,focus事件,并且它也不支持DOMFocusIn,DOMFocusOut,不能像DOMMouseScroll那样简单冒充 if( !$.support.focusin ){ "focusin_focus,focusout_blur".replace(rmapper, function(_,type, mapper){ var notice = 0, handler = function (event) { var src = event.target; do{//模拟冒泡 if( $._data(src, "events") ) { facade._dispatch( [ src ], event, type ); } } while (src = src.parentNode ); } adapter[ type ] = { setup: function( ) { if ( notice++ === 0 ) { document.addEventListener( mapper, handler, true ); } }, teardown: function() { if ( --notice === 0 ) { document.removeEventListener( mapper, handler, true ); } } }; }); } try{ //FF需要用DOMMouseScroll事件模拟mousewheel事件 document.createEvent("MouseScrollEvents"); adapter.mousewheel = { bindType : "DOMMouseScroll", delegateType: "DOMMouseScroll" } try{ //可能末来FF会支持标准的mousewheel事件,则需要删除此分支 document.createEvent("WheelEvent"); delete adapter.mousewheel; }catch(e){ }; }catch(e){}; }) /** 2011.8.14 更改隐藏namespace,让自定义对象的回调函数也有事件对象 2011.9.17 事件发送器增加一个uniqueID属性 2011.9.21 重构bind与unbind方法 支持命名空间与多事件处理 2011.9.27 uniqueID改为uniqueNumber 使用$._data存取数据 2011.9.29 简化bind与unbind 2011.10.13 emit模块更名dispatcher 模块 升级为v2 2011.10.23 简化facade.handle与fire 2011.10.14 强化delegate 让快捷方法等支持fire 修复delegate BUG 2011.10.21 修复focusin focsuout的事件代理 增加fixAndDispatch处理事件冒充 2011.11.23 简化rquickIs 2011.12.20 修正在当前窗口为子窗口元素绑定错误时,在IE678下,事件对象错误的问题 2011.12.20 修正rhoverHack正则,现在hover可以作为命名空间了 2012.1.13 dispatcher模块更名target模块 升级为v3 2012.2.7 重构change,允许change事件可以通过fireEvent("onchange")触发 2012.2.8 添加mouseenter的分支判定,增强eventSupport 2012.2.9 完美支持valuechange事件 2012.4.1 target模块与event模块合并, 并分割出event_fix模块,升级为v4 2012.4.12 修正触摸屏下的pageX pageY 2012.5.1 让$.fn.fire支持自定义事件 2012.5.24 利用customEvent,initCustomEvent, dispatchEvent大大提高性能,升级到v5 2012.5.26 修正自定义事件target与this的指向 2012.5.28 Fix quickParse BUG 2012.5.29 利用Object.defineProperty打破事件对象的封装 2012.6.6 addEventListenter也能绑定自定义事件, 一些兼容逻辑移到event_fix中去 升级到v6 2012.8.17 $.EventTarget不再自带uniqueNumber,此属性会在用户第一次调用bind,unbind方法时再为原对象添加此属性 2012.8.31 移除$.EventTarget,以后所有自定义事件由操作流代劳,升级到v7
define("event_fix", !!document.dispatchEvent, function(){ $.log("已加载event_fix模块",7) //模拟IE678的reset,submit,change的事件代理 var rform = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i , changeType = { "select-one": "selectedIndex", "select-multiple": "selectedIndex", "radio": "checked", "checkbox": "checked" } function changeNotify( event, type ){ if( event.propertyName === ( changeType[ this.type ] || "value") ){ //$._data( this, "_just_changed", true ); $.event._dispatch( $._data( this, "publisher" ), event, type ); } } function delegate( fn ){ return function( item ){ var adapter = $.event.eventAdapter, src = item.currentTarget, type = item.type, fix = adapter[ type ] && adapter[ type ].check && adapter[ type ].check( src, item ); return (fix || item.live ) ? fn( src, item ) : false; } } var facade = $.event = { fire: function( init ){ //这里的代码仅用于IE678 var transfer; if( typeof init == "string"){ transfer = new $.Event(init); init = false; } if( init && typeof init == "object"){ if( init instanceof $.Event ){//如果是伪的 transfer = init; }else if( "cancelBubble" in init){ transfer = new $.Event(init.type); transfer.originalEvent = init } } if(!transfer){ throw "ie $.event.fire arguments error" } transfer.target = this; transfer.args = [].slice.call(arguments,1) ; var type = transfer.origType || transfer.type; if( $["@bind"] in this ){ var cur = this, ontype = "on" + type; do{//模拟事件冒泡与执行内联事件 facade.dispatch( cur, transfer ); if (cur[ ontype ] && cur[ ontype ].call(cur) === false) { transfer.preventDefault(); } cur = cur.parentNode || cur.ownerDocument || cur === cur.ownerDocument && window; //在opera 中节点与window都有document属性 } while ( cur && !transfer.isPropagationStopped ); if ( !transfer.isDefaultPrevented ) {//如果用户没有阻止普通行为,defaultPrevented if( !(type === "click" && this.nodeName === "A") ) { //并且事件源不为window,并且是原生事件 if ( ontype && this[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || this.offsetWidth !== 0) && !this.eval ) { var inline = this[ ontype ]; // var disabled = this.disabled;//当我们直接调用元素的click,submit,reset,focus,blur // this.disabled = true;//会触发其默认行为与内联事件,但IE下会再次触发内联事件与多投事件 this[ ontype ] = null; if(type == "click" && /checkbox|radio/.test(this.type)){ this.checked = !this.checked } this[ type ](); // this.disabled = disabled this[ ontype ] = inline; } } } }else{//普通对象的自定义事件 facade.dispatch(this, transfer); } }, eventAdapter: {//input事件的支持情况:IE9+,chrome+, gecko2+, opera10+,safari+ input: { bindType: "change", delegateType: "change" }, focus: { delegateType: "focusin" }, blur: { delegateType: "focusout" }, change: {//change事件的冒泡情况 IE6-9全灭 check: function(){//详见这里https://github.com/RubyLouvre/mass-Framework/issues/13 return true; }, setup: delegate(function( node, quark ){ var subscriber = quark.subscriber || ( quark.subscriber = {}) //用于保存订阅者的UUID quark.change_beforeactive = $.bind( node, "beforeactivate", function() { //防止出现跨文档调用的情况,找错event var doc = node.ownerDocument || node.document || node; var target = doc.parentWindow.event.srcElement, tid = $.getUid( target ) //如果发现孩子是表单元素并且没有注册propertychange事件,则为其注册一个,那么它们在变化时就会发过来通知顶层元素 if ( rform.test( target.tagName) && !subscriber[ tid ] ) { subscriber[ tid ] = target;//将select, checkbox, radio, text, textarea等表单元素注册其上 var publisher = $._data( target,"publisher") || $._data( target,"publisher",{} ); publisher[ $.getUid( node ) ] = node;//此孩子可能同时要向N个顶层元素报告变化 quark.change_propertychange = $.bind( target, "propertychange", changeNotify.bind(target, event, quark.origType)) } });//如果是事件绑定 node.fireEvent("onbeforeactivate") }), teardown: delegate(function( node, quark ){ $.unbind( node, "beforeactive", quark.change_beforeactive ); var els = quark.subscriber || {}; for(var i in els){ $.unbind( els[i], "propertychange", quark.change_propertychange) ; var publisher = $._data( els[i], "publisher"); if( publisher ){ delete publisher[ node.uniqueNumber ]; } } }) } } } var adapter = facade.eventAdapter; // adapter.input = adapter.change; //submit事件的冒泡情况----IE6-9 :form ;FF: document; chrome: window;safari:window;opera:window //reset事件的冒泡情况----FF与opera能冒泡到document,其他浏览器只能到form "submit,reset".replace( $.rword, function( type ){ adapter[ type ] = { setup: delegate(function( node ){ $(node).bind( "click._"+type+" keypress._"+type, function( event ) { var el = event.target; if( el.form && (adapter[ type ].keyCode[ event.which ] || adapter[ type ].kind[ el.type ] ) ){ facade._dispatch( [ node ], event, type ); } }); }), keyCode: $.oneObject(type == "submit" ? "13,108" : "27"), kind: $.oneObject(type == "submit" ? "submit,image" : "reset"), teardown: delegate(function( node ){ $( node ).unbind( "._"+type ); }) }; }); }); //2012.5.1 fix delegate BUG将submit与reset这两个适配器合而为一