# coding:utf-8 import xlrd import xlwt import sys from IPy import IP import re reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") class IpTable(): def getIp(self,xls,txt): aworkbook = xlrd.open_workbook(xls) sheet1 = aworkbook.sheet_by_index(0) # col3 = sheet1.col_values(7) col3 = sheet1.col_values(7) len1 = len(col3) s = ','.join(col3) s.decode('utf-8') list1 = [] list2 = [] list3 = [] for i in range(1, len1): emp = sheet1.row_values(i) name = emp[7] list1.append(name) for mm in list1: num = re.sub(r':', "", mm) num = re.sub(r'[a-z]', "", num) num = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', "", num) num = re.findall(r'd+.d+.d+.d+/+d+', num) list2.append(num) print list2 for j in list2: if j: list3.append(j) # print list3 # # print j # for kk in j: # print kk # print list1 # list2 = [] # list3 = [] # for t in list1: # if t.strip() != '': # k = t.split(':') # list2.append(k[-1:]) # for w in list2: # l = ''.join(w) # list3.append(l) # for m in range(len(list3)): # list3[m] = list3[m].replace(' ', '') # list3[m] = list3[m].replace(' ', '') # print list3 # with open('d.txt', 'w') as f: # for j in list2: # f.write(j + ' ') src = open(txt, 'r+') ips = src.read().split(' ') print (ips) # def get_ipduan(file): # list4 = [] # list5 = [] # connects=[] # with open(file, 'r') as f: # connects = f.readlines() # tmp = [] # # print connects # for g in range(len(connects)): # if connects[g] == ' ': # list4.append(tmp) # tmp = [] # else: # tmp.append(connects[g].split(' ')[0]) # for g in list4: # if g != []: # list5.append(g) # return list5 list_tmp = [] for ip in ips: for qq in list3: for aa in qq: if int(''.join(aa.split('/')[-1:])) >= 20: try: tmp = IP(aa)# except: tmp = '' if ip in tmp: # list_tmp.setdefault(ip, []).append(qq) # print tmp if qq in list_tmp: continue list_tmp.append(qq) # list_tmp1=list(set(list_tmp)) global str,str1 str1=[] print list_tmp for yo in list_tmp: pp= ';'.join(yo) str1.append(pp) # if str =="": # print "none" str=';'.join(str1) return str if __name__=="__main__": a = IpTable() result = a.getIp("","") print 'yo ',result
# coding:utf-8 from Main import Main from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename import tkMessageBox as tkMB from iptables import IpTable import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") class FirewallIptable(Main): def __init__(self): Main.__init__(self) self.func = IpTable() def OpenIptablesFile(self): file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(("xls files", ("*.xls", "*.xlsx")), ("All files", "*.*"))) print type(file_path) if not file_path: self.return_msg["text"] = '没有导入文件' elif file_path[len(file_path) - 3:] != 'xls' and file_path[len(file_path) - 4:] != 'xlsx': print file_path[len(file_path) - 3:] self.return_msg["text"] = '不是xls或者xlsx文件' else: # flag, msg = self.func.comple(file_path) print file_path self.LB1["text"] = str(file_path) def OpenIPtableFile(self): file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(("txt files", ("*.txt")), ("All files", "*.*"))) if not file_path: self.return_msg["text"] = '没有导入文件' else: # flag, msg = self.func.comple(file_path) self.LB2["text"] = str(file_path) def getResult(self): Lb2 = self.LB2["text"] Lb1 = self.LB1["text"] if Lb1 != '' and (Lb1[len(Lb1) - 3:] == 'xls' or Lb1[len(Lb1) - 4] == 'xlsx'): print "|", Lb2[len(Lb2) - 4], "|" result = self.func.getIp(Lb1, Lb2) self.ScrolledText1.delete(0.0,'end') self.ScrolledText1.insert(0.0,result) else: tkMB.askokcancel("温馨提示", "IP地址数据不是xls或者xlsx文件") if __name__ == "__main__": dingding = FirewallIptable() dingding.mainloop()