#region 导入 /// <summary> /// 导入 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Excel文件(*.xls,*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx"; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string filename = openFileDialog.FileName; string connection = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ; Data Source =" + filename + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"; OleDbConnection thisconnection = new OleDbConnection(connection); thisconnection.Open(); DataTable tb = thisconnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null); string sheetName = tb.Rows[0]["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); string command = "select * from [" + sheetName + "]"; OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command, thisconnection); adapter.Fill(ds, "[" + sheetName + "]"); thisconnection.Close(); DataTable _DataRows = ds.Tables[0]; if (_DataRows.Rows.Count > 0) { //将从Excel读取的数据显示到gd上 ShowItems(_DataRows); } else Commons.ShowMessageEx("所选择文件中没有可导入数据行!", MessageKind.Exclamation); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "外部表不是预期的格式。") { Commons.ShowMessageEx("请将数据文件进行另存后,重试导入!", MessageKind.Error); } else MessageBoxEx.ShowError(ex); } } void ShowItems(DataTable ds) { this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows.Clear(); int err = 0; string Msgs = string.Empty; decimal mJe = 0; //总金额 int dgRows = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Rows.Count; i++) { //检测账户是否存在 DataTable dt = CommonBLL.GetList("*", "V_Finance_EmployeeAccs", "ccode='" + ds.Rows[i]["账户编号"].ToString().Trim() + "' and CNAME='" + ds.Rows[i]["账户名称"].ToString().Trim() + "' and cbank='" + ds.Rows[i]["身份证号"].ToString().Trim() + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows.Add(1); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["账户ID"].Value = dt.Rows[0]["AccID"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["账户编号"].Value = ds.Rows[i]["账户编号"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["账户名称"].Value = dt.Rows[0]["cname"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["身份证号"].Value = dt.Rows[0]["cbank"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["福利金额"].Value = ds.Rows[i]["福利金额"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["福利备注"].Value = ds.Rows[i]["福利备注"].ToString(); this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows[dgRows].Cells["DetailsID"].Value = ""; dgRows++; mJe += Commons.ParseDecimalValue(ds.Rows[i]["福利金额"].ToString()); } else { err++; Msgs += "Excel中第【" + (i + 2).ToString() + "】行," + ds.Rows[i]["账户名称"].ToString().Trim() + "【账户信息有误】,请核查! "; } } labMsgInfo.Text = "总行数:" + this.dg_WelfaresDetails.Rows.Count.ToString() + " " + "总金额:" + mJe.ToString() + " [元]"; if (err == 0) { //允许保存 MessageBoxEx.ShowMessage("浏览Excle中数据成功!", MessageKind.Information); this.btnDeleteRow.Enabled = true; this.btnSave.Enabled = true; } else { //不允许保存 MessageBoxEx.ShowMessage(Msgs, MessageKind.Exclamation); this.btnSave.Enabled = false; } } #endregion