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  • 如何集中注意力(4)


    [ 2008-10-21 10:29 ]

    by Glen Stansberry of LifeDev (feed).


    10. Turn off extra inputs. 屏蔽扰乱你注意力的东西。These are IM and email for me, but we all have our Achilles heel. Completely turn off any distracting piece of technology that you own. Every one of these inputs tries to steal bits of your focus. And they won’t rest until they do.


    11. Set time limits for tasks. 给任务设定时限。There’s no motivation like a deadline. Giving yourself real deadlines is a great way to stay motivated and focused on the task. Given the fact that we human are natural procrastinators, it’s no surprise that we’ll take as long as we’re allowed to finish something. Setting real but attainable limits is a great way to keep the project humming, so to speak.


    12. Keep a journal of what you did throughout the day. 记录每天都做了什么。I like to use a moleskine notebook for my lists just so I can go back and review it every now and again, to see what I’ve done. Knowing how far you’ve come can keep you sharp and motivated to finish.


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