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  • 申请休假常用句型




    1. I feel very tired. 我觉得很疲惫。表示精疲力竭,过度劳累时可以说exhausted, fatigued, burnt-out.

    例句:The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just burnt-out. 工程足足进行了两年多,到最后我精疲力竭。

    2. I am sick and tired of it! 工作时发牢骚说“烦透了”,

    例句:I'm sick and tired of junk mail. 表示我对那些垃圾电子邮件真是厌倦透啦!

    3. It's time for me to apply for some leave. 现在该是我申请休假的时候了。

    leave:official permission to be absent from work or duty 请假,休假,假期,准假。

    例句:He had six weeks' leave. 他有六个星期的休假。

    The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff. 人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请。

    5. He is going on holiday tomorrow. 他明天要去度假。

    on holiday等于on vacation,表示度假。

    比如接到一个找正在休假的同事的电话时,就可以做出如下回答:He's on vacation this week. 他本周休假。He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下周三。

    也可以用to be off。比如He is off today. 他今天休假。

    6. I feel a little bit homesick. I want to take a home leave and be with my family for a week. 我有点想家了。我想休息一周与我的家人团聚。

    7. I'm afraid I can't come to work today. I'm not feeling well. 我恐怕今天不能上班了。我觉得不舒服。

    8. I've been really busy for a long time. I need some rest. 我忙了好长一段时间,我需要休息。

    9. I'm asking for a week's leave to prepare for my wedding. 我要请一周假,因为我要为婚礼做准备。



    A:Do you feel tired these days, Billy? 这些天你觉得累吗,比利?

    B:I sure do. Do you think it's because of insomnia? 我确实觉得很累,你认为这是因为失眠吗?

    A:No. I know exactly why we are so tired. 不是,我知道为什么我们这么累的确切原因。

    B:And your answer is? 答案是?

    A:We are very fatigued, burnt-out! 我们非常疲劳,筋疲力尽!

    B:That's because we work so hard every day. 那是因为我们每天工作很辛苦的原因。

    A:It's time for me to apply for some leave. 现在是我申请休假的时候了。

    B:That's a great idea! We can apply together and then go on holiday. 好主意!我们可以一起申请,然后去度假。

    A:But if we both apply for leave on the same day, the company might say no to both of us! 可是如果我们俩在同一天申请休假的话,公司可能会对我们俩说不!


    Employee: I would like to take my vacation next month. 我想下个月休假。

    Boss: How long did you have in mind? 你想休多长时间?

    Employee: I would like to take my two weeks vacation time. 我想休两周的假。

    Boss: Seeing as next month is our slow season, that should not be a problem. 下个月是淡季,应该没有问题。

    Employee: Great. I will make my reservations as necessary. 太好了。我要去做旅行准备了。

    Boss: Just make sure to turn in all the necessary paperwork to ensure there are no problems with the days you want to take off. 一定把必要的文件交上来,这样可以确保你休假的日子里不出问题。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/s021368/p/1392874.html
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