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  • VS2008利用宏自动添加注释


    1. 新建Macro工程

        打开 菜单 -->工具--> 宏 --> 新建宏项目...,根据向导提示建立工程。

    2. 编辑Macro工程

        打开 菜单 -->工具--> 宏 -->宏资源管理器 ,在红资源管理器中选择新建的工程,修改Module名(右键),在Module名上双击,在打开的Macro IDE中进行编辑。

    3. 在Module下,添加要实现的Macro,并实现(内容为下面的代码)。

    4. 保存


    6. 建立快捷键

        打开 菜单 --> 工具-->选项 --> 键盘 ,在列表框中选择刚才添加的Macro,然后在 按快捷键中输入快捷键,点击"分配" 。

    7. 这时候,就可以直接使用快捷键来执行Macro 。


    Imports System
    Imports EnvDTE
    Imports EnvDTE80
    Imports EnvDTE90
    Imports System.Diagnostics

    '* 版权所有(C) tusheng 2009
    '* 文件名称 : MyCodeNote
    '* 当前版本 :
    '* 作    者 : 金朋轩 (jinpengxuan@126.com)
    '* 设计日期 : 2009年7月29日
    '* 内容摘要 : VS2008 Comment Macro
    Public Module MyCodeNote

        Private Function Copyright()
            Copyright = CStr(Date.Today.Year) + "ToSheng.com All right reserved"
        End Function

        Private Function EMailAddress()
            EMailAddress = "jinpengxuan@126.com"
        End Function

        Private Function AuthorName()
            AuthorName = "金朋轩"
        End Function

        Function ProductName()
            ProductName = ""
        End Function

        Private Function GenGUIDString() As String
            Dim sGUID As String
            sGUID = System.Guid.NewGuid.ToString()
            sGUID = UCase(sGUID.Replace("-", "_"))
            GenGUIDString = sGUID
        End Function

        Private Function FileString(ByVal filename As String) As String
            FileString = UCase(filename.Replace(".", "_"))
            UCase(Left(ActiveDocument.Name, Len(ActiveDocument.Name) - 2))
        End Function

        Sub HeaderFileTemplate()
            If ActiveDocument.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsCPP Then ' C++
                If UCase(Right(ActiveDocument.Name, 2)) = ".H" Then  '头文件
                    Dim sGUID = GenGUIDString()
                    Dim sFile = FileString(ActiveDocument.Name)
                    Dim lens = 0
                    Dim strDesc = "/*******************************************************************************" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 版权所有(C) " + Copyright() + vbLf + _
                                  "* 文件名称 : " + ActiveDocument.Name + vbLf + _
                                  "* 当前版本 : " + "" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 作    者 : " + AuthorName() + " (" + EMailAddress() + ")" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 设计日期 : " + FormatDateTime(Date.Today, 1) + vbLf + _
                                  "* 内容摘要 : " + vbLf + _
                                  "* 修改记录 : " + vbLf + _
                                  "* 日    期  版    本  修改人   修改摘要" + vbLf + vbLf + _
                                  "********************************************************************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                                  "/**********************************  头文件 ************************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                                 "/********************************** 常量和宏 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                                  "/********************************** 数据类型 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                                  "/********************************** 函数声明 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                                  "/********************************** 类定义 ***********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                  "" + vbLf + _
                    ActiveDocument.Selection.text() = strDesc
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
        Sub ImplFileTemplate()
            If ActiveDocument.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsCPP Then ' C++
                Dim format1 = UCase(Right(ActiveDocument.Name, 2))
                Dim format2 = UCase(Right(ActiveDocument.Name, 4))
                If format1 = ".C" Or format2 = ".CPP" Or format2 = ".CXX" Then  '实现文件
                    Dim Descr = "/*******************************************************************************" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 版权所有(C) " + Copyright() + vbLf + _
                                  "* 文件名称 : " + ActiveDocument.Name + vbLf + _
                                  "* 当前版本 : " + "" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 作    者 : " + AuthorName() + " (" + EMailAddress() + ")" + vbLf + _
                                  "* 设计日期 : " + FormatDateTime(Date.Today, 1) + vbLf + _
                                  "* 内容摘要 : " + vbLf + _
                                  "* 修改记录 : " + vbLf + _
                                  "* 日    期  版    本  修改人   修改摘要" + vbLf + vbLf + _
                                  "********************************************************************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "/**************************** 条件编译选项和头文件 ****************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf + _
                                "/********************************** 宏、常量 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf + _
                                "/********************************** 数据类型 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf + _
                                "/************************************ 变量 ************************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf + _
                                "/********************************** 函数实现 **********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf + _
                                "/*********************************** 类实现 ***********************************/" + vbLf + _
                                "" + vbLf

                    ActiveDocument.Selection.text = Descr
                End If
            End If
        End Sub

        Dim ParamArr()
        Function StripTabs(ByVal MyStr)
            Do While InStr(MyStr, vbTab) <> 0
                MyStr = Right(MyStr, Len(MyStr) - InStr(MyStr, vbTab))
            StripTabs = Trim(MyStr)
        End Function

        Sub FunctionDesc()
            Dim retTp
            Dim Reti

            If ActiveDocument.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsCPP Then ' C++
                Dim Header = Trim(ActiveDocument.Selection.text)

                'Get the function return type.
                If Header <> "" Then
                    Reti = InStr(Header, " ")
                    Dim Loc = InStr(Header, "(")
                    If Reti < Loc Then
                        retTp = StripTabs(Left(Header, Reti))
                        Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Reti)
                    End If

                    'Get the function name.
                    Loc = InStr(Header, "(") - 1
                    Dim Loc2 = InStr(Header, ")")
                    If Loc > 0 And Loc2 > 0 Then 'make sure there is a '(' and a ')'
                        Dim fcName = Left(Header, Loc)
                        Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - Len(fcName))

                        'Do we have storage type on the return type?
                        If InStr(fcName, " ") <> 0 Then
                            retTp = retTp + Left(fcName, InStr(fcName, " "))
                            fcName = Right(fcName, Len(fcName) - InStr(fcName, " "))
                        End If

                        'Get the function parameters.
                        Dim iPrm = 0
                        Dim iPrmA = 0
                        Dim prms = Header

                        'Count the number of parameters.
                        Do While InStr(prms, ",") <> 0
                            iPrm = iPrm + 1
                            prms = Right(prms, Len(prms) - InStr(prms, ","))

                        'Store the parameter list in the array.
                        If iPrm > 0 Then  ' If multiple params.
                            iPrm = iPrm + 1
                            iPrmA = iPrm
                            ReDim ParamArr(iPrm)
                            Do While InStr(Header, ",") <> 0
                                ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(Header, InStr(Header, ",") - 1)
                                'Remove brace from first parameter.
                                If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), " (") <> 0 Then
                                    ParamArr(iPrm) = Right(ParamArr(iPrm), _
                                      Len(ParamArr(iPrm)) - InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), " ("))
                                End If
                                Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - InStr(Header, ","))
                                iPrm = iPrm - 1
                            ParamArr(iPrm) = Header
                            'Remove trailing brace from last parameter.
                            If InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") <> 0 Then
                                ParamArr(iPrm) = Left(ParamArr(iPrm), _
                                  InStr(ParamArr(iPrm), ")") - 1)
                            End If
                        Else 'Possibly one param.
                            ReDim ParamArr(1)
                            Header = Right(Header, Len(Header) - 1) ' Strip the first brace.
                            ParamArr(1) = StripTabs(Header)
                            If InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") <> 1 Then
                                ParamArr(1) = Left(ParamArr(1), InStr(ParamArr(1), ")") - 1)
                                iPrmA = 1
                            End If
                        End If

                        'Position the cursor one line above the selected text.
                        'ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf

                        Dim Descr = "/*******************************************************************************" + vbLf + _
                                "* 函数名称 : " + fcName + vbLf + _
                          "* 功能描述 : "

                        'Print the parameter list.
                        Dim Last = iPrmA
                        Do While iPrmA <> 0
                            'Remove a line feed from any of the arguments.
                            If InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf) <> 0 Then
                                ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), _
                                  (Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - _
                                  InStr(ParamArr(iPrmA), vbLf)))
                            End If
                            ParamArr(iPrmA) = StripTabs(ParamArr(iPrmA))
                            'If there are 2+ parameters, the first parameter will
                            'have a '(' prepended to it, remove it here:
                            If iPrmA = Last And Last <> 1 Then
                                ParamArr(iPrmA) = Right(ParamArr(iPrmA), _
                                Len(ParamArr(iPrmA)) - 1)
                            End If
                            Descr = Descr + vbLf + "* 参  数 : " + _
                            iPrmA = iPrmA - 1
                        Descr = Descr + vbLf + _
                               "* 返 回 值 : " + retTp + vbLf + _
                            "* 作  者 : " + AuthorName() + vbLf + _
                            "* 设计日期 : " + FormatDateTime(Date.Today, 1) + vbLf + _
                               "* 修改日期     修改人    修改内容" + vbLf + _
                               "*******************************************************************************/" + vbLf
                        ActiveDocument.Selection.text = Descr
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Module

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sail/p/2061920.html
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