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  • 扫雷4Android(附源码)

      最近由于项目需要学习了一下Android ,感觉汗不错。做了一个Android版的扫雷游戏。






    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <TextView android:id="@+id/timer" android:layout_column="0"
       android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="48px"
       android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:padding="5dip"
       android:textColor="#FFFFFF" android:textSize="35sp"
          android:text=" 0" />
      <ImageButton android:id="@+id/smiley"
       android:layout_column="1" android:scaleType="center" android:padding="5dip"
       android:layout_width="48px" android:background="@drawable/smiley_button_states"
       android:layout_height="48px" />
      <TextView android:id="@+id/minecount" android:layout_column="2"
       android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="48px"
       android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:padding="5dip"
       android:textColor="#FFFFFF" android:textSize="35sp" android:text="000" />
      <TextView android:layout_column="0" android:layout_height="50px"
       android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_span="3"
       android:padding="10dip" />
      <TableLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
       android:id="@+id/minefield" android:layout_width="260px"
       android:layout_height="260px" android:gravity="bottom"
       android:stretchColumns="*" android:layout_span="3" android:padding="5dip">



     * 地雷的块,继承自Button
     * @author 记忆的永恒
    public class Block extends Button {
     private boolean isCovered; // 块是否覆盖
     private boolean isMined; // 下个块
     private boolean isFlagged; // 是否将该块标记为一个潜在的地雷
     private boolean isQuestionMarked; // 是否是块的问题标记
     private boolean isClickable; // 是否可以单击
     private int numberOfMinesInSurrounding; // 在附近的地雷数量块

     public Block(Context context) {
      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

     public Block(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
      super(context, attrs);
      // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
     public Block(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle)
          super(context, attrs, defStyle);

      * 设置默认参数
     public void setDefaults() {
      isCovered = true;
      isMined = false;
      isFlagged = false;
      isQuestionMarked = false;
      isClickable = true;
      numberOfMinesInSurrounding = 0;

     public void setNumberOfSurroundingMines(int number) {

     public void setMineIcon(boolean enabled) {
      if (!enabled) {

      else {

     public void setFlagIcon(boolean enabled) {
      if (!enabled) {

      else {

     public void setQuestionMarkIcon(boolean enabled) {
      if (!enabled) {

      else {

     public void setBlockAsDisabled(boolean enabled) {
      if (!enabled) {

      else {

     public void clearAllIcons() {

     private void setBoldFont() {
      this.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);

     public void OpenBlock() {
      if (!isCovered) {

      isCovered = false;

      if (hasMine()) {

      else {

     public void updateNumber(int text) {
      if (text != 0) {
       switch (text) {
       case 1:
       case 2:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(0, 100, 0));
       case 3:
       case 4:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(85, 26, 139));
       case 5:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(139, 28, 98));
       case 6:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(238, 173, 14));
       case 7:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(47, 79, 79));
       case 8:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(71, 71, 71));
       case 9:
        this.setTextColor(Color.rgb(205, 205, 0));


     public void plantMine() {
      isMined = true;

     public void triggerMine() {

     public boolean isCovered() {
      return isCovered;

     public boolean hasMine() {
      return isMined;

     public void setNumberOfMinesInSurrounding(int number) {
      numberOfMinesInSurrounding = number;

     public int getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() {
      return numberOfMinesInSurrounding;

     public boolean isFlagged() {
      return isFlagged;

     public void setFlagged(boolean flagged) {
      isFlagged = flagged;

     public boolean isQuestionMarked() {
      return isQuestionMarked;

     public void setQuestionMarked(boolean questionMarked) {
      isQuestionMarked = questionMarked;

     public boolean isClickable() {
      return isClickable;

     public void setClickable(boolean clickable) {
      isClickable = clickable;




     mineField = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.MineField);

    private void showMineField()
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++)
        TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(this); 
        tableRow.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams((blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding) *
            numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding));

        for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++)
          blocks[row][column].setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams( 
              blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding, 
              blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding));
          blocks[row][column].setPadding(blockPadding, blockPadding, blockPadding, blockPadding);
        mineField.addView(tableRow,new TableLayout.LayoutParams( 
            (blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding) * numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)); 


    private Handler timer = new Handler();
    private int secondsPassed = 0;

    public void startTimer(){ if (secondsPassed == 0)
        // tell timer to run call back after 1 second
        timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000);


    public void stopTimer()
      // disable call backs


    // timer call back when timer is ticked
    private Runnable updateTimeElasped = new Runnable()

      public void run()
        long currentMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // add notification
        timer.postAtTime(this, currentMilliseconds);

        // notify to call back after 1 seconds
        // basically to remain in the timer loop
        timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000);



    private boolean isTimerStarted; // check if timer already started or not
    blocks[row][column].setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()

      public void onClick(View view)
        // start timer on first click
        if (!isTimerStarted)

          isTimerStarted = true;


    private boolean areMinesSet; // check if mines are planted in blocks

    blocks[row][column].setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
      public void onClick(View view)
        // set mines on first click
        if (!areMinesSet)

          areMinesSet = true;
          setMines(currentRow, currentColumn);

    private void setMines(int currentRow, int currentColumn)
      // set mines excluding the location where user clicked
      Random rand = new Random();

      int mineRow, mineColumn;

      for (int row = 0; row < totalNumberOfMines; row++)
        mineRow = rand.nextInt(numberOfColumnsInMineField);
        mineColumn = rand.nextInt(numberOfRowsInMineField);
        if ((mineRow + 1 != currentColumn) || (mineColumn + 1 != currentRow))
          if (blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].hasMine())
            row--; // mine is already there, don't repeat for same block

          // plant mine at this location
          blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].plantMine();

        // exclude the user clicked location


      int nearByMineCount;

      // count number of mines in surrounding blocks



    private void rippleUncover(int rowClicked, int columnClicked)
      // don't open flagged or mined rows
      if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].hasMine() || blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].isFlagged())


      // open clicked block

      // if clicked block have nearby mines then don't open further
      if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() != 0 )


      // open next 3 rows and 3 columns recursively
      for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++)

        for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++)
          // check all the above checked conditions
          // if met then open subsequent blocks
          if (blocks[rowClicked + row - 1][columnClicked + column - 1].isCovered()

              && (rowClicked + row - 1 > 0) && (columnClicked + column - 1 > 0)
              && (rowClicked + row - 1 < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1)
              && (columnClicked + column - 1 < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1))
            rippleUncover(rowClicked + row - 1, columnClicked + column - 1 );


    blocks[row][column].setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener()
      public boolean onLongClick(View view)
        // simulate a left-right (middle) click
        // if it is a long click on an opened mine then
        // open all surrounding blocks

        // if clicked block is enabled, clickable or flagged
        if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isClickable() &&

            (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isEnabled() || blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged()))

          // for long clicks set:
          // 1. empty blocks to flagged
          // 2. flagged to question mark
          // 3. question mark to blank

          // case 1. set blank block to flagged
          if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged() && !blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isQuestionMarked())

            minesToFind--; //reduce mine count

          // case 2. set flagged to question mark
          else if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isQuestionMarked())

            minesToFind++; // increase mine count

          // case 3. change to blank square

            // if it is flagged then increment mine count
            if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged())

              minesToFind++; // increase mine count

            // remove flagged status

          updateMineCountDisplay(); // update mine display

        return true;


    // check status of the game at each step
    if (blocks[currentRow + previousRow][currentColumn + previousColumn].hasMine())

      // oops game over
      finishGame(currentRow + previousRow, currentColumn + previousColumn);


    // did we win the game
    if (checkGameWin())

      // mark game as win


    private boolean checkGameWin()
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++)
        for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++)
          if (!blocks[row][column].hasMine() && blocks[row][column].isCovered())
            return false;
      return true;



    package com.VertexVerveInc.Games;

    import java.util.Random;

    import android.app.Activity;
    import android.os.Bundle;
    import android.os.Handler;
    import android.util.Log;
    import android.view.Gravity;
    import android.view.View;
    import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
    import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener;
    import android.widget.ImageButton;
    import android.widget.ImageView;
    import android.widget.LinearLayout;
    import android.widget.TableLayout;
    import android.widget.TableRow;
    import android.widget.TextView;
    import android.widget.Toast;
    import android.widget.TableRow.LayoutParams;

    public class MinesweeperGame extends Activity {
     private TextView txtMineCount;
     private TextView txtTimer;
     private ImageButton btnSmile;
     private TableLayout mineField;

     private Block blocks[][]; // blocks for mine field
     private int blockDimension = 24; // width of each block
     private int blockPadding = 2; // padding between blocks

     private int numberOfRowsInMineField = 9;
     private int numberOfColumnsInMineField = 9;
     private int totalNumberOfMines = 10;

     // timer to keep track of time elapsed
     private Handler timer = new Handler();
     private int secondsPassed = 0;

     private boolean isTimerStarted; // check if timer already started or not
     private boolean areMinesSet; // check if mines are planted in blocks
     private boolean isGameOver;
     private int minesToFind; // number of mines yet to be discovered

     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      txtMineCount = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.minecount);
           txtTimer = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.timer);
           btnSmile = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.smiley);
           btnSmile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
            public void onClick(View view)
           mineField = (TableLayout)findViewById(R.id.minefield);
           showDialog("Click smiley to start New Game", 2000, true, false);

     private void startNewGame() {
      // display all blocks in UI

      minesToFind = totalNumberOfMines;
      isGameOver = false;
      secondsPassed = 0;


     private void createMineField() {
      // we take one row extra row for each side
      // overall two extra rows and two extra columns
      // first and last row/column are used for calculations purposes only
      // x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x
      // ------------------
      // x| |x
      // x| |x
      // ------------------
      // x|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx|x
      // the row and columns marked as x are just used to keep counts of near
      // by mines

      blocks = new Block[numberOfRowsInMineField + 2][numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2];

      for (int row = 0; row < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2; row++) {
       for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2; column++) {
        blocks[row][column] = new Block(this);

        // pass current row and column number as final int's to event
        // listeners
        // this way we can ensure that each event listener is associated
        // to
        // particular instance of block only
        final int currentRow = row;
        final int currentColumn = column;

        blocks[row][column].setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

         public void onClick(View v) {
          // start timer on first click
          if (!isTimerStarted) {
           isTimerStarted = true;

          // set mines on first click
          if (!areMinesSet) {
           areMinesSet = true;
           setMines(currentRow, currentColumn);

          // this is not first click
          // check if current block is flagged
          // if flagged the don't do anything
          // as that operation is handled by LongClick
          // if block is not flagged then uncover nearby blocks
          // till we get numbered mines
          if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].isFlagged()) {
           // open nearby blocks till we get numbered blocks
           rippleUncover(currentRow, currentColumn);

           // did we clicked a mine
           if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn].hasMine()) {
            // Oops, game over
            finishGame(currentRow, currentColumn);

           // check if we win the game
           if (checkGameWin()) {
            // mark game as win


        // add Long Click listener
        // this is treated as right mouse click listener
          .setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() {
           public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
            // simulate a left-right (middle) click
            // if it is a long click on an opened mine then
            // open all surrounding blocks
            if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
              && (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
                .getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() > 0)
              && !isGameOver) {
             int nearbyFlaggedBlocks = 0;
             for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) {
              for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) {
               if (blocks[currentRow + previousRow][currentColumn
                 + previousColumn]
                 .isFlagged()) {

             // if flagged block count is equal to nearby
             // mine count
             // then open nearby blocks
             if (nearbyFlaggedBlocks == blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
               .getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding()) {
              for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) {
               for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) {
                // don't open flagged blocks
                if (!blocks[currentRow
                  + previousRow][currentColumn
                  + previousColumn]
                  .isFlagged()) {
                 // open blocks till we get
                 // numbered block
                     + previousRow,
                     + previousColumn);

                 // did we clicked a mine
                 if (blocks[currentRow
                   + previousRow][currentColumn
                   + previousColumn]
                   .hasMine()) {
                  // oops game over
                      + previousRow,
                      + previousColumn);

                 // did we win the game
                 if (checkGameWin()) {
                  // mark game as win

             // as we no longer want to judge this
             // gesture so return
             // not returning from here will actually
             // trigger other action
             // which can be marking as a flag or
             // question mark or blank
             return true;

            // if clicked block is enabled, clickable or
            // flagged
            if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
              && (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
                .isEnabled() || blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
                .isFlagged())) {

             // for long clicks set:
             // 1. empty blocks to flagged
             // 2. flagged to question mark
             // 3. question mark to blank

             // case 1. set blank block to flagged
             if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
               && !blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
                 .isQuestionMarked()) {
              minesToFind--; // reduce mine count
             // case 2. set flagged to question mark
             else if (!blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
               .isQuestionMarked()) {
              minesToFind++; // increase mine count
             // case 3. change to blank square
             else {
              // if it is flagged then increment mine
              // count
              if (blocks[currentRow][currentColumn]
                .isFlagged()) {
               minesToFind++; // increase mine
               // count
              // remove flagged status

             // update mine
             // display

            return true;

     private void showMineField() {
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) {
       TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(this);
       tableRow.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(
         (blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)
           * numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2
           * blockPadding));
       for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) {
        blocks[row][column].setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(
          blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding, blockDimension + 2
            * blockPadding));
        blocks[row][column].setPadding(blockPadding, blockPadding,
          blockPadding, blockPadding);
       mineField.addView(tableRow, new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
         (blockDimension + 2 * blockPadding)
           * numberOfColumnsInMineField, blockDimension + 2
           * blockPadding));

     private void endExistingGame() {
      stopTimer(); // stop if timer is running
      txtTimer.setText("000"); // revert all text
      txtMineCount.setText("000"); // revert mines count

      // remove all rows from mineField TableLayout

      // set all variables to support end of game
      isTimerStarted = false;
      areMinesSet = false;
      isGameOver = false;
      minesToFind = 0;


     private boolean checkGameWin() {
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) {
       for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) {
        if (!blocks[row][column].hasMine()
          && blocks[row][column].isCovered()) {
         return false;
      return true;

     private void updateMineCountDisplay() {
      if (minesToFind < 0) {
      } else if (minesToFind < 10) {
       txtMineCount.setText("00" + Integer.toString(minesToFind));
      } else if (minesToFind < 100) {
       txtMineCount.setText("0" + Integer.toString(minesToFind));
      } else {

     private void winGame() {
      isTimerStarted = false;
      isGameOver = true;
      minesToFind = 0; // set mine count to 0

      // set icon to cool dude

      updateMineCountDisplay(); // update mine count

      // disable all buttons
      // set flagged all un-flagged blocks
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) {
       for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) {
        if (blocks[row][column].hasMine()) {

      // show message
      showDialog("You won in " + Integer.toString(secondsPassed)
        + " seconds!", 1000, false, true);

     private void finishGame(int currentRow, int currentColumn) {
      isGameOver = true; // mark game as over
      stopTimer(); // stop timer
      isTimerStarted = false;

      // show all mines
      // disable all blocks
      for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1; row++) {
       for (int column = 1; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1; column++) {
        // disable block

        // block has mine and is not flagged
        if (blocks[row][column].hasMine()
          && !blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) {
         // set mine icon

        // block is flagged and doesn't not have mine
        if (!blocks[row][column].hasMine()
          && blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) {
         // set flag icon

        // block is flagged
        if (blocks[row][column].isFlagged()) {
         // disable the block

      // trigger mine

      // show message
      showDialog("You tried for " + Integer.toString(secondsPassed)
        + " seconds!", 1000, false, false);

     private void setMines(int currentRow, int currentColumn) {
      // set mines excluding the location where user clicked
      Random rand = new Random();
      int mineRow, mineColumn;

      for (int row = 0; row < totalNumberOfMines; row++) {
       mineRow = rand.nextInt(numberOfColumnsInMineField);
       mineColumn = rand.nextInt(numberOfRowsInMineField);
       if ((mineRow + 1 != currentColumn)
         || (mineColumn + 1 != currentRow)) {
        if (blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].hasMine()) {
         row--; // mine is already there, don't repeat for same block
        // plant mine at this location
        blocks[mineColumn + 1][mineRow + 1].plantMine();
       // exclude the user clicked location
       else {

      int nearByMineCount;

      for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRowsInMineField + 2; row++) {
       for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 2; column++) {
        // for each block find nearby mine count
        nearByMineCount = 0;
        if ((row != 0) && (row != (numberOfRowsInMineField + 1))
          && (column != 0)
          && (column != (numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1))) {
         // check in all nearby blocks
         for (int previousRow = -1; previousRow < 2; previousRow++) {
          for (int previousColumn = -1; previousColumn < 2; previousColumn++) {
           if (blocks[row + previousRow][column
             + previousColumn].hasMine()) {
            // a mine was found so increment the counter

        // for side rows (0th and last row/column)
        // set count as 9 and mark it as opened
        else {

     private void rippleUncover(int rowClicked, int columnClicked) {
      // don't open flagged or mined rows
      if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].hasMine()
        || blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].isFlagged()) {

      // open clicked block

      // if clicked block have nearby mines then don't open further
      if (blocks[rowClicked][columnClicked].getNumberOfMinesInSorrounding() != 0) {

      // open next 3 rows and 3 columns recursively
      for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
       for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
        // check all the above checked conditions
        // if met then open subsequent blocks
        if (blocks[rowClicked + row - 1][columnClicked + column - 1]
          && (rowClicked + row - 1 > 0)
          && (columnClicked + column - 1 > 0)
          && (rowClicked + row - 1 < numberOfRowsInMineField + 1)
          && (columnClicked + column - 1 < numberOfColumnsInMineField + 1)) {
         rippleUncover(rowClicked + row - 1, columnClicked + column
           - 1);

     public void startTimer() {
      if (secondsPassed == 0) {
       // tell timer to run call back after 1 second
       timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000);
       Log.i("tag",String.valueOf((timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000))) );

     public void stopTimer() {
      // disable call backs

     // timer call back when timer is ticked
     private Runnable updateTimeElasped = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
       long currentMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis();

       // add notification
       timer.postAtTime(this, currentMilliseconds);
       // notify to call back after 1 seconds
       // basically to remain in the timer loop
       timer.postDelayed(updateTimeElasped, 1000);

     private void showDialog(String message, int milliseconds,
       boolean useSmileImage, boolean useCoolImage) {
      // show message
      Toast dialog = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message,

      dialog.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);
      LinearLayout dialogView = (LinearLayout) dialog.getView();
      ImageView coolImage = new ImageView(getApplicationContext());
      if (useSmileImage) {
      } else if (useCoolImage) {
      } else {
      dialogView.addView(coolImage, 0);
      Log.i("tag", "showDialog()");



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