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  • Silverlight 5 开发者的声音

      现在已经有Silverlight 5的消息,有可能明年就会上线,但是功能是否如开发者的想象,我们也不得而知。下面是一些开发者的声音。



      3.增加报表视图控件(Report Viewer control)。

      4.Cleanup the LocalMessaging API。Currently this is not usable for cross-browser support, at least not reliably.  Need a way to "discover" what other                                     instances are out there.  I have mentioned this in the SL4 wishlist.

      5.更佳的绘图API(Better drawing APIs),Currently there are applications that are doable in HTML5 and Flash that *CANNOT* be done in Silverlight because of the lack of proper drawing APIs.  For example, http://mugtug/sketchpad  This was brought up in another thread.  And, no, WriteableBitmap (without proper region-based invalidation) won't cut it.

      6. Blending mode (like Photoshop, also supported by Flash in a limited way).  I understand that this is somewhat incompatible with the WPF philosophy so this is only a remote wish.

      7.更好的HLSL 支持。 like HLSL(高级着色器语言) 3.0 in WPF 4.0.  Or at least HLSL 2.0a or HLSL 2.0b.

      8.通用图形处理器的支持GPGPU(通用图形处理器)-like support.  C# code can be 5X-10X slower than HLSL-based code but HLSL code is very limiting.  If there is a way to take advantage of GPU or highly data-parallel CPU operations it would be nice.  I remember Miguel de Icaza advocated that in Mono and I hope Microsoft takes a page from him.

      9.Real printing support.  Bitmap-based printing is vastly inferior to vector-based for text rendering in speed, size (of the print job), and quality.  I believe Flash supports this.

      10.支持Android。Need Android support.  Flash is going to support Android.  We need Silverlight to be a *dominating* RIA platform in not just W7PS but also the rest of the mobile landscape san Apple.

       11.Please support use of internal UserControls in public UserControls.xaml: ... ClassModifier="internal" ...
    cs: internal class....
    It's very annoying adding internal UserControls in code behind.






      16.- ria services wizard like it have Entity Framework, where we can join entities, set attributes for fields like DisplayName (Gives from resource file on server side for current localization) / Regexp  - because when the database is changed, all work with ria services model becomes irrelevant and the work goes "down the drain"

    -  Model-View-Controller pattern like it have ASP.NET MVC (with using existing Navigation Framework of SL) that easy integrates with RIA Services / Data Services / WCF - Do not tell me that there are already patterns - this is full bullshit, to which you want to spend much time on the first study, then the implementation, we need a simple solution.

       17. ReportDocument and Reporting Tools.

      18.Type support for DataTemplate

      19.Full Printing Feature , print preview , prin dialog , vector text printing and etc ...


      20.Globalization Data Correction , Persian Calendar Support for "fa-IR" Culture .

      21.Flow and Fix and XPS document support .

      22.Auto Start , and start by service application Support

      23. Builtin  Docking and Status Bar Control

      24.Support notifyIcon in taskbar.



      27. Really would like {x:Type}. There are real issues with properties of type "Type" in Silverlight. You can write TypeConverter, however, VS 2010 seems to have a bug in it where it ignores your converter and complains the string cannot be converted to a type (Works fine at run time), which of course breaks the design time experience. Even more strange, VS 2010 is happy if you use ns:Type syntax, but that won't get you far when it hits your converter!!

      28.Would like to be able to write my own Markup Extensions, this would solve 1. This is also usefull for creating wrappers on existing functionaliy, i.e. {FormBinding Path="Path"} would create a standard binding defaulting the NotifyOnError, etc. properties

      29.Would like to be able to create Styles based on implicit styles, and for this to work at design time, see this thread for a workaround and a full discussion of the issues

      30. The ability to add you own design time only attached properties, d:MyProperty. This would have helped my in 3, as I would have been able to set a default design theme.

      31. Proper VS integration for Unit Testing, where I can hit CTRL+R+T to run just the selected test.

      32.A more complete document model, RichTextBox is a great improvement, but would still like to be able to create richer flow content.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/salam/p/1878526.html
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