MIPI - Mobile Industry Processor Interface.
DCS - Display Command Set.
DBI/DPI - Display Bus Interface / Display Pixel Interface.
DBI : Parallel interface to display modules having display controllers and frame buffers.
DPI : Parallel interface to display modules without on-pannel display controllers or frame buffers.
DSI - Display Serial Interface.
CSI - Camera Serial Interface.
DDR clock - Double Data Rate. Half rate clock used for dual-edged data transimission.
Escape Mode - 在此模式下,Data Lane允许在低功耗下低速传输命令或数据。
EoT - End of Transimission.
SoT - Start of Transimission.
HS - High Speed.
LP - Low Power.
ULPS - Ultra Low Power State 超省电状态。
1. one clock Lane + One to Four Data Lanes
2. Operation Mode:
(1) Command Mode (Similar to MPU IF)
Data Lane 0: Bi-directional. For returning data, ACK or error report to host
Additional Data Lanes: Unidirectional.
(2) Video Mode (Similar to RGB IF)
Three format video data (Using HS mode):
a. Non-Burst Mode with sync pluse.
b. Non-Burst Mode with sync Events.
c. Burst Mode.
3. Transimission mode:
(1) High Speed signaling mode, 差分信号 100~300mV
(2) Low Power signaling mode, single-end signal 0~1.2V
Forward/Reverse direction LP transimission shall use Data Lane 0 only.
For return data, DSI-compliant system shall only use Data Lane 0 in LP mode.
4. Packet Types
(1) Short Packet: 4 bytes (fixed length)
Data ID (1 byte) + Data 0 (1 byte) + Data 1 (1 byte) + ECC (1 byte)
(2) Long Packet: 6 ~ 65541 bytes (variable Length)
Packet Header (4 bytes) + Data Payload (0 ~ 65535 bytes) + Packet Footer (2 bytes)