# 查看集群信息
# kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
KubeDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
systemctl status kube-apiserver
systemctl status kubelet
systemctl status kube-proxy
systemctl status kube-scheduler
systemctl status kube-controller-manager
systemctl status docker
# 查看namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
# 为节点增加lable
kubectl label nodes points=test
# 查看节点和lable
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
# 查看状态
kubectl get componentstatuses
# Node的隔离与恢复
## 隔离
kubectl cordon k8s-node1
## 恢复
kubectl uncordon k8s-node1
# 查看nodes节点
kubectl get nodes
# 通过yaml文件查询
kubectl get -f xxx-yaml/
# 查询资源
kubectl get resourcequota
# endpoints端
kubectl get endpoints
# 查看pods
# 查看指定空间`kube-system`的pods
kubectl get po -n kube-system
# 查看所有空间的
kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces
# 其他的写法
kubectl get pod -o wide --namespace=kube-system
# 获取svc
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
# 其他写法
kubectl get services --all-namespaces
# 通过lable查询
kubectl get pods -l app=nginx -o yaml|grep podIP
# 当我们发现一个pod迟迟无法创建时,描述一个pods
kubectl describe pod xxx
# 查询事件
kubectl get events --all-namespaces
# 删除所有pods
kubectl delete pods --all
# 删除所有包含某个lable的pod和serivce
kubectl delete pods,services -l name=<lable-name>
# 删除ui server,然后重建
kubectl delete deployments kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system
kubectl delete services kubernetes-dashboard --namespace=kube-system
# 强制删除部署
kubectl delete deployment kafka-1
# 删除rc
kubectl delete rs --all && kubectl delete rc --all
## 强制删除Terminating状态的pod
kubectl delete deployment kafka-1 --grace-period=0 --force
# 升级
kubectl apply -f xxx.yaml --record
# 回滚
kubectl rollout undo deployment javademo
# 查看滚动升级记录
kubectl rollout history deployment {名称}
# 查看指定镜像的日志
kubectl logs -f kube-dns-699984412-vz1q6 -n kube-system
kubectl logs --tail=10 nginx
kubectl logs kube-dns-699984412-n5zkz -c kubedns --namespace=kube-system
kubectl logs kube-dns-699984412-vz1q6 -c dnsmasq --namespace=kube-system
kubectl logs kube-dns-699984412-mqb14 -c sidecar --namespace=kube-system
# 看日志
journalctl -f
# 扩展副本
kubectl scale rc xxxx --replicas=3
kubectl scale rc mysql --replicas=1
kubectl scale --replicas=3 -f foo.yaml
# 启动
nohup kubectl proxy --address='' --port=8001 --accept-hosts='^*$' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# 进入镜像
kubectl exec kube-dns-699984412-vz1q6 -n kube-system -c kubedns ifconfig
kubectl exec kube-dns-699984412-vz1q6 -n kube-system -c kubedns ifconfig /bin/bash
# 执行镜像内命令
kubectl exec kube-dns-4140740281-pfjhr -c etcd --namespace=kube-system etcdctl get /skydns/local/cluster/default/redis-master
while true; do sleep 1; done
# 暂停资源更新(资源变更不会生效)
kubectl rollout pause deployment xxx
# 恢复资源更新
kubectl rollout resume deployment xxx
# 设置内存、cpu限制
kubectl set resources deployment xxx -c=xxx --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=1m,memory=1Mi
# 设置storageclass为默认
kubectl patch storageclass <your-class-name> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
# 创建和删除
kubectl create -f dashboard-controller.yaml
kubectl delete -f dashboard-dashboard.yaml
# 查看指定pods的环境变量
kubectl exec xxx env
# 判断dns是否通
kubectl exec busybox -- nslookup kube-dns.kube-system
# kube-proxy状态
systemctl status kube-proxy -l
# token的
kubectl get serviceaccount/kube-dns --namespace=kube-system -o yaml|grep token